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Smith Whaled into Vancouver - Printable Version

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- BigTittySmitty - 09-24-2012

[Image: NWJHLBarWhalers.png]

Today Dave Smith was drafted by the Vancouver Whalers with the 6th overall pick in the NWJHL entry draft. As much of an honour that was for me to be drafted by Vancouver,

I was surprised they wanted me in the first round. I have gotten to achieve one of my childhood dreams and that is being a 1st round pick. Just like good friend and countryman Brandon Donini who went 2nd overall to the Detroit Falcons. I would like to wish you the best of luck in Detroit... but not too much when we play you!

[Image: Smith-draft.png]
Smith taking photos with Whalers Management and NWJHL Commishoners

I am joined here (by management) today to tell you all that I have inked a contract with the Vancouver Whalers for 1 year worth 2 million. I was surprised that I was offered this contract and thought my General Manager forgot to check his numbers or was maybe sipping a little celebratory champagne for completing the draft. So, I wanted to make sure that this was not a joke because I wanted to make sure my General Manager was thinking straight. The negotiation was quite easy to complete and after some questions from me were answered it was the easiest decision I could have made to sign.

[Image: Smith-Whalers.png]
Smith meets with the press to discuss draft and signing

I was so perplexed that I wanted to contact my GM Phil asking if he had enough money in the cap to take care of the team and whatever decisions he would want to make moving forward with the club especially considering some of the deals that were signed today. I did not want to do more harm than good in my young career. I was met with the most interesting response and that was “I think that giving you the maximum contract is a priority, I think you really deserve it...” There was more to it but that is something between my team of legal experts and the Vancouver Whalers to keep behind closed doors.

I am quite honoured to be a first round selection in this year’s NWJHL draft and I look forward to playing alongside Simo Häyhä and many of the others that were drafted which I am not neglecting to mention but it would take forever to mention and someone would complain Tongue. I am really looking forward to putting on the skates again since its been way to long since I have played (Team Italy in Olympics). I hope to make the City of Vancouver proud, my team mates and management and everyone else that has supported me on my journey to the NWJHL.


WORD: 434 (449 if I get the credit for quoting someone else) / Pictures: 2

- Phil.B - 09-24-2012

Ilike Welcome to the Whalers and keep up the good work Smile

- Schultzy - 09-24-2012

Congrats and good luck Dave.

- BigTittySmitty - 09-24-2012

Quote:Originally posted by malcontentcapsfan@Sep 24 2012, 09:41 PM
Congrats and good luck Dave.

Thanks Schultz... good luck in Montreal... then again you don't need it... I would have included you but you already get enough coverage as it is Wink

- Bayley - 09-24-2012

LOL at the jersey change. Good work here bud

- BigTittySmitty - 09-24-2012

Quote:Originally posted by KCCO@Sep 24 2012, 09:44 PM
LOL at the jersey change. Good work here bud

Hey I'm no graphic artist Smile At least I covered up the Canucks logo... That's all that matters... :D

- JNH - 09-24-2012


Word Count: 434
Professionalism: 8/10
Interest: 9/10
Form: 8.5/10

Payment: 200k

Comments: Good read. Glad to see your hard work pay off tonight. Good luck with the Whalers Cheers

- Donini13 - 09-25-2012

nice write up dave....thanks for the mention

good luck in vancouver