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S9 NWJHL Re-Draft - Printable Version

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- Smirnov Light - 09-26-2012

The ninth Season of the North West Junior Hockey league was a legendary one, the Detroit Falcons won the championship against the Whalers who set a record for most wins in a season in the North West Junior Hockey League. The Detroit Falcons had many steals during the draft and that is what helped them win the ultimate goal. But what if History was changed? What if everyone picked correctly and accordingly? That is what TSN will Do! You have entered the S9 NWJHL Re draft. Expect a lot of Surprises during the draft along with many picks that you would have known would happen. Who would be the 1st overall pick? Will everyone still be as dominating as how they were originally? Would the Falcons still win the cup with these picks they had? Will anyone pick the same people again? Would a steal get drafted too early for what they should have been comparatively? Will you enjoy this? Those are all questions that will arise during this journey… LETS BEGIN!

[Image: tsn.png]


With the Last Pick in the re draft, The 20th Overall pick, The Montreal Impact would select, Markus Dahl!
[Image: impact10.png]
Clearly the best player left right now, the Impact need a bit of scoring right now considering there send downs are one forward and one top notch goalie who does not need too much support. Why would they take a forward though? he tore up the NWJHL and did not get as much love as the other Whalers like Ivo Willems, John langabeer, and others. He would be kind of like the steal of the re-draft.

Originally Picked: Null
Ranked: 20
Difference: null

With the 19th overall Pick, The Vancouver Whalers Select, Jareth Sto Helit!
[Image: nwjhlb10.png]
Jareth Sto helit, was amazing with ivo willems! But she is also a great defenseman. He would be a great 2nd line defenseman for the Whalers again but that is what they need, they do not need much scoring if they could shutout the other team every time. He is one of the more skilled players from the NWJHL last year, and was able to carry her team on the back with Ivo. But remember, He is a steady piece to a team and not a corner stone and that is why He is here, but she would be valuable for the Whalers.

Originally Picked: Null
Difference: Null

With the 18th overall Pick, The Detroit Falcons Select Jason Michaels!
[Image: nwjhlb11.png]
They would re-draft yet another one of their late rounds steals in Jason michaels. Jason michaels is a great scoerer and was one of the key's for the Falcons to have been able to win the championship. THey would like to get Smirnov Light and Jason Michaels back, with also a great defenseman on the back end, with Meb. Michaels was able to use his speed, and size and also a lot of skill to be able to tear up the NWJHL last season, especially with Rachel belmont who was a send down from the Manhattan Rage.

Originally Picked: 18
ranked: 18
Difference: 0

With the 17th Overall Pick, The Prince George Firebirds Select, Benoit Charlebois!
[Image: pgf10.png]
The Firebirds were now able to get a solid 1st line offensively and also defensively. Prince George Firebirds also have a leader, Benoit is a great Locker Room presence and also a great leader, he was able to help out other team mates in time of need last year and looks to do the same thing in the re draft and maybe even do it better, which could be really hard for almost anyone to be able to accomplish.

Originally Picked: 17
Ranked: 17
Difference: 0

With the 16th Overall Pick, The Kelowna Knights Will selects, Corey Tripp!
[Image: knight10.png]
Corey Tripp is being sent down to the Impact this year, but does he really need it? He was an elite player last year in the NWJHL and looks like he could have made an impact to the Knights! He could have been the difference for this team after re-drafting the first few defensively. Would he be enough to spark the offense though? We do not think so, but the Knights look to finally have the defense set up and now have some offense to back it up and be able to shutdown teams and not just out score them.

Orignally Drafted: 15
Ranked: 16
Difference: -1

With the 15th Overall Pick, The Prince George Firebirds will Select, Logan Valentine!
[Image: pgf10.png]
Logan Valentine was part of the best defensive Duo's last year and we wonder if he could be able to produce like last year without Chris Partlow. He could make the big difference for the Firebirds since now they have their 1st line forwards set in stone right now. The problem for the Firebirds last year was definiatly not the offense, it was more over the defense and this year they solidify that Defense of theirs.

Originally Picked: Null
Ranked: 15
Difference: Null

With the 14th Overall Pick, the Prince George Firebirds are proud to select, Dickie Adua
[Image: pgf10.png]
Another late steal by the Detroit Falcons have left the draft already, Playing next to Smirnov Light during most of the year on the 2nd line, they were able to produce a lot fo points, until he got moved up to the 1st line. We believe he would be a good fit with "AA" and would make a duo that might have been able to beat other teams great defenses. Dickie Adua is a great playermaker and "AA" would be able to put it away, a great duo would have waited.

Originally Picked: 31
Ranked: 14
Difference: +17

With the 13th overall Pick, The Kelowna Knight select, Joel Westbrook
[Image: knight10.png]
Joel is another great leaader, he would make the difference for the Knights and would make an awesome combo with the great Michael haan, yet another great defensive pairing would arrise and it would have made a big difference in the rest of the league, in the re draft many teams are getting a good 1st pairing to shut down stars like Ivo Willems and this team would have succeeded with Joel westbrook on the back end protecting their Goalies.

Originally Picked: 14
ranked: 13
Difference: +1

With the 12th overall Pick, The Vancouver Whalers Select, Dean Clarke!
[Image: nwjhlb10.png]
Dean Clarke and Chris Partlow could have had the Whalers win the Championship, but we will never know considering that the Whalers would have missed out on a lot of their offensive fire power. The reason for this pick is that they would have the best pairing in the league since Valentine and Partlow. This also makes the most sense considering that Dean Clarke is now a Top prospect in the SHL and could have been making a difference to the Whalers.

Originally Drafted: Null
Ranked: 12
Difference: Null

With the 11th Overall Pick, The Chicago Hitmen would Select, Jordan Nugent Hall!
[Image: hitmen10.png]
Wow! Would this pick be amazing, the Hitmen would have had the deadliest line in the NWJHL history, Jordan Nugent Hall, Chad Levassuer and Ivo Willems could have been the best line in NWJHL history which could have been done because they are all being picked after they were originally? Jordan Nugent Hall is a great sniper coming after a year in a great organization of the Montreal Impact, but he was not played correctly or to his potential which really went against Him. This could be a bit of a dream Re-draft but this fits every need and this could have helped the Hitmen not be in last after a lot of terrible picks.

[Image: 584-nugenthopkins-ryan.jpg]

Originally Drafted: 21
Ranked: 11
Difference: +10

With the 10th overall Pick, The Detroit Falcons will Select, Smirnov Light!
[Image: nwjhlb11.png]
Smirnov Light showed he belonged last year when he was picked late by the Falcons; we would feel the Falcons would have wanted to draft him again. He is a great Locker room guy and leader and is a team first player. He has great speed and very good passing ability. He played well for the Falcons last year on the 2nd line having to adjust to different wingers more than once during the season and showed he could make magic with almost any player in which he connects with and that he would be worth re-drafting.

[Image: Sean-Couturier.png]

Originally Picked: 34
Ranked: 10
Difference: +24

With the 9th Overall Pick, The Vancouver Whalers Select, Chris Partlow
[Image: nwjhlb10.png]
Chris Partlow played amazing with Defensive partner, Logan Valentine and looked like the most dominating defenseman in the league other than Drizzy Drake, we had him drop here in the re draft due to the Whaler effect which happened during that current season, we do believe he is one of the best players from this re draft and feel he would make a huge difference in the re-drafted Vancouver Whalers.

Originally Drafted: 9
ranked: 9
Difference: 0

With the 8th overall Pick, The Montreal Impact Select, Caleb Raey
[Image: impact10.png]
With the back to back picks they have the two most important spots cleaned up. Caleb Raey was the heart and soul of the Impact when he was there, and he was the heart and soul of the Knights when he got traded there and showed how much he was worth, he was worth more the the 1st overall pick from the most recent years NWJHL draft.
Caleb is a Solid Defense first type of guy but can still help out his team offensively and is a very good leader and locker room guy, in the re draft, it seems as though the Impact have the upper hand right now.

Originally Drafted At: 7
Ranked: 8
Difference: -1

With the 7th Overall Pick, The Montreal Impact select, John langabeer
[Image: impact10.png]
There connection would not exist in this re-draft; in fact it did not happen in the first NWJHL draft. Langabeer was great on a 2nd line in the Whalers organization that could have been boosted stat wise, but overall they were a great team. John langabeer is a very balanced player who is good physically, mentally, and very much on the Ice. He would have been a key player for the Montreal Impact. He has such a good shot and has good speed he could have really made a difference for the Impact and it could have been a fully different league.

Originally Picked: 12
Ranked: 7
Difference: +5

With the 6th Overall Pick, The Prince George Firebird Select, Alexander Andrezjeck!
[Image: pgf10.png]
They would pick this man again; he is a great presence in the locker room and made a big difference on their team. He was one of the better players on their team last year and I would not have changed a team if we had a re-draft, but there other picks... They needed a lot of changing. This team would be happy with such a good player in the AA.

Original Spot: 6
Ranked: 6
Difference: 0

With the 5th Overall pick, The Detroit Falcons Select, Meb Keflezighi!
[Image: nwjhlb11.png]
This might have been one of the head Scratchers here, but it is true, He did play well in the NWJHL but on a bad team overall and he could not do much. We believe that if he played in a great organization like the Detroit Falcons that could affect how he would have played and his future. Meb has a big body and knows how to use it and would make a big impact for the Falcons.

Original Draft Spot: 4
Ranked: 5
Difference: -1

With the 4th overall Pick, The Chicago Hitmen Select, Chad Levassuer
[Image: hitmen10.png]
After seeing how the SHL draft went down, not too many would have expected this, but this is more based on how they do in the NWJHL and how they would do if they were drafted again and maybe in a different spot. Levassuer showed everyone that you do not need to be the most covered player during the season you just have to perform and show everyone that you are worth something to your team. The Whalers had a big steal during the draft in this guy and so will the panthers from this years draft.

Originally Drafted: 24
Ranked: 4
Difference: +20

With the 3rd Overall pick, the Vancouver Whalers Select, Drizzy Drake!
[Image: nwjhlb10.png]
Drizzy Drake fell on the NWJHL draft night, but it showed that it was the wrong thing for the other teams. Drizzy had a lot of points during the season and made a huge impact on the Falcons. He is an offensive defenseman with a big body and can move the puck really quickly and can help his team get it to the other end that way they just need to get in a lane to shoot and he can dish it. He was the best Option at this spot.

[Image: 4dfd8ff54fad8a79a52a25c97bda.jpg]
Original Draft Spot: 5
Ranked: 3
Difference: +2

With the 2nd Overall Pick, The Kelowna Knights Take, Michael Haan!
[Image: knight10.png]
Michael Haan was a highly touted prospect out of the Dutch land and is also a very hard worker just like Ivo Willems. Both Dutch men have a great Resume coming out of the Nedtherlands and also coming out of the NWJHL. Haan is a very good two way defenseman who is also very strong defensively. Haan could put the puck in the back of the net once in a while but not too often. Expect him to be a star in the SHL.

Original Draft Spot: 1
Ranked: 2
Difference: -1

Last But not least, the Number 1 overall pick in the Re Draft, Ivo WILLEMS!
[Image: hitmen10.png]
Ivo Willems, is by far the best player from last year's NWJHL season, he led the league in points and helped the Whalers become one of the best teams in the league. His special Skating and Scoring ability was what set him apart from all other players and what made him really great. He can also dish the puck out to his team mates but Ivo is by far the most proliffic scorer and hardest worker from the NWJHL S9 Draft. He will become a force in the SHL and could become one of the all time greats.

[Image: mjohansson.jpg]

Original Draft Spot: 3
Rank: 1
Difference: +2


Our top 3 Bust's of the Draft!

3. Montreal Impact :impact: Select, Roddy Lee-Wright
He was at first a great option at 8th Overall, but since then he did not believe in working hard, towards the end of the season the team noticed he was not a key to winning and that Roddy Lee-Wright was someone that the team did not think was important and that they wasted a Pick. Though he did have a bit of an impact, it was definiatly not deserving of an 8th overall Pick.

Drafted: 8th

2. The Chicago Hitmen :hitmen: select, Danae Morris!
One of the bigger busts of the draft, after seeing what could have been drafted in the spot a wasted goalie was taken there and the Hitmen should be upset about how bad that pick was. Morris had absolutely no impact and did not do anything since they were drafted.

Drafted: 11th

1st. The Kelowna Knights Knights Select, Shanye Steele!
The biggest Bust of draft history, he showed no work ethic and did not show up to any training sessions, he was never around and missed every single training camp and looked un prepared for the games that were going on during the season, may we let the 2nd Overall Pick R.I.P in the Knights Organization hearts.

Drafted: 2nd

2612 Words
5 Pics (no banners)

- 12jmoritz - 09-26-2012

I'd be interested to see a S8 version of this.

- Smirnov Light - 09-26-2012

Quote:Originally posted by 12jmoritz@Sep 26 2012, 01:05 PM
I'd be interested to see a S8 version of this.
idk too much botu S8.. Other then you being a total steal

- Kel - 09-26-2012

Quote:Originally posted by 12jmoritz@Sep 26 2012, 01:05 PM
I'd be interested to see a S8 version of this.

I`m doing one actually. .

- Ask - 09-26-2012

Where am I? Crybaby

- 12jmoritz - 09-26-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Storm@Sep 26 2012, 01:06 PM

I`m doing one actually. .

- 12jmoritz - 09-26-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Taron47@Sep 26 2012, 01:05 PM

idk too much botu S8.. Other then you being a total steal
Ilike too

- Bayley - 09-26-2012

Ivo has nothing on me Tongue

- OrbitingDeath - 09-26-2012

Meb too high, Sto Helit too low. Ended with more tpe than alot of people despite playing only a half season.

So underrated and not saying that because she's my gf Wink

- Smirnov Light - 09-26-2012

Tried my best guys Tongue

- OrbitingDeath - 09-26-2012

Quote:Originally posted by KCCO@Sep 26 2012, 07:27 PM
Ivo has nothing on me Tongue

I'm the king of Virtual #1 spot

- OrbitingDeath - 09-26-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Taron47@Sep 26 2012, 07:30 PM
Tried my best guys Tongue

Its nice to discus opinions Wink

- Smirnov Light - 09-26-2012

And ASk! I forgot to put in goalies.. Since they are hard to judge.And Did this when Iw as fasting

- Ask - 09-26-2012

Yeah I know it's different, no problem. And I was a FA anyway!

- kovy17 - 09-26-2012

good write up man!