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Ryder to Montreal - Printable Version

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- Hallsy - 02-26-2013

For Cole

- Dion - 02-26-2013

SN 590 The FAN ‏@FAN590
The Montreal #Canadiens have traded forward Erik Cole to the Dallas #Stars for forward Micheal Ryder #NHL

Gagne back to his former team now Ryder.

- Harry - 02-26-2013

I like it. Cole is in early retirement and Ryder has been playing solid so far this season.

- Buster - 02-26-2013

I can't like Ryder now :(

- xDParK - 02-26-2013

I like it for the stars

- Hallsy - 02-26-2013

Quote:Originally posted by Harr1son56@Feb 26 2013, 04:20 PM
I like it. Cole is in early retirement and Ryder has been playing solid so far this season.
Fuck, I forgot that Cole is retiring. What is Dallas going to do when, Whitney, Jagr and Cole retire

- ORIGINSZ - 02-26-2013

Quote:Originally posted by xDParK@Feb 26 2013, 06:21 PM
I like it for the stars

See I'm the opposite you got a guy in Ryder who turned his career around in Dallas and a guy in Cole whose hit and cold every season game in game out

- Hallsy - 02-26-2013

What could Ryder , price and a 2nd Get?

- GroupMeIsKindOfOkay - 02-26-2013

Sweet, i can go back to hating Ryder

- ORIGINSZ - 02-26-2013

Quote:Originally posted by Hallsyhasballsy@Feb 26 2013, 06:28 PM

Fuck, I forgot that Cole is retiring. What is Dallas going to do when, Whitney, Jagr and Cole retire

I don't think he's retiring this season Whitney either(he signed a 2 year deal with the intention on playing next year

- xDParK - 02-26-2013

Cole will do well with Dallas IMO

- jkrever - 02-26-2013

this doesn't make a lot of sense to me for Dallas

- Phil.B - 02-26-2013

I like it, plus we're getting the pick? Good deal for Habs imo

- Harry - 02-26-2013

Habs get a 3rd round pick too.

- Dion - 02-26-2013

I like it for the Habs