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Wolfpack S17 Video - Printable Version

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- JNH - 02-20-2014

First time making a video, I know it's bad quality for the vids but it took me a couple horus to edit and I'm happy with how it came out.

<object width="460" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="460" height="315"></embed></object>

- Cyanide - 02-20-2014

*hours Wink

- The_Real_BK - 02-20-2014

For a first timer making a video, it's not too bad. It may be my editor side that sees a bunch of errors, but I had to remember that it wasn't made by me.

My main gripe about this was that the video never seemed to try to match along with the music, and the one thing that makes a video better is the way it either cuts or is sequenced to the beat of the song. That's what makes it look a little better.

Also, I would have loved to see in the first part about the last couple seasons of the Wolfpack, back to when they lost to the Challenge Cup, to last season, where they get ousted by West Kendall.

Overall, it's a pretty decent go at it for your first time.

- O4L - 02-20-2014


I tried doing one of these for the start of our season, but im so shit at it, gonna need some more practice before I get one good enough to post.

Cezar used to do amazing ones for the Dragons back from season one and two, they're still on youtube.

- Schultzy - 02-20-2014


- Dion - 02-20-2014

Wolfpack Ilike

- JNH - 02-20-2014

Quote:Originally posted by Gamingexpertzcom@Feb 20 2014, 07:24 PM
*hours&nbsp; Wink

Nope I was talking about the Egyptian god.

- Seventy-Four - 02-20-2014

Quote:Originally posted by #WEAREWINTER@Feb 20 2014, 07:55 PM

Nope I was talking about the Egyptian god.

Good thing it only took a couple!

- JNH - 02-20-2014

Quote:Originally posted by TJ "Sochi" Oshie@Feb 20 2014, 07:59 PM

Good thing it only took a couple!

We were running out pretty quickly so I had to get it done Aggrieved

- The_Real_BK - 02-20-2014

What's the song called again?

- LVShark - 02-20-2014

Nice video! Cheers

- JNH - 02-20-2014

Quote:Originally posted by The_Real_BK@Feb 20 2014, 08:33 PM
What's the song called again?

Band of Horses - The Funeral

Thanks LV Smile