Simulation Hockey League
Urijah Winnfield retires - Printable Version

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- 701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 06-29-2014

Lost coGM over night, don't have a team that wants me, and I lost in 3 finals without getting a cup. Oh well, my time in this league was fun.

- Carl - 06-29-2014


- Harry - 06-29-2014


- Spangle - 06-29-2014

This is a great way to show how reliable of a GM you would be.

- xDParK - 06-29-2014

I can understand retiring , but you're quitting the league too?

- Molholt - 06-29-2014

Damn that's crazy

- ByrdeMan - 06-29-2014

Gud Bye! :(

- Riggsy - 06-29-2014

pls recreate, we have lots of 1sts here

what just happened to Chiefs

- Toast - 06-29-2014

rip in pieces

- 701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 06-29-2014

Quote:Originally posted by Spangle@Jun 29 2014, 09:30 PM
This is a great way to show how reliable of a GM you would be.
Don't really care. Missed out on likely my own chance then I get demoted from being coGM. I was planning on retiring but Minnesota said they would compete until season 21(or more) so I signed my extension. This league doesn't need goalies right now, and I feel it's best I just walk away for now.

Not only that but my life has hit me very hard.

- Schultzy - 06-29-2014

Good luck with your new player Cheers

- 701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 06-29-2014

Quote:Originally posted by xDParK@Jun 29 2014, 09:31 PM
I can understand retiring , but you're quitting the league too?
For right now, I may recreate once I get my computer over to where I am living now.

- Kesler17 - 06-29-2014


- 701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 06-29-2014

Quote:Originally posted by MÉTIS@Jun 29 2014, 09:36 PM
Any time :">

- Seventy-Four - 06-29-2014

This is too bad to hear. Trust me when I say both Banjo and I were hoping you'd get the job. I wish you the best of luck in life's great adventure and if you need advice or feel the need to rant, private message me.