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- Ragnar - 10-10-2014

Congrats you fucks.





To those who applied and were not hired: Sorry I didn't hire you. These guys either don't have jobs, or have applied in the past and that shows they want to do this job. Keep bugging me about it when I make posts. I notice, I promise.

You four please PM me your email addresses so I can give you access to the spreadsheets and give you some introductory information.

We now have 8 full time bankers, so things should run very smooth. Each player will either have three teams they are responsible for, or they will do juniors. Mac is solely in charge of Twitter deposits from now on.

- Mook - 10-10-2014


Thanks Ragnar! Cheers

- Lunaro - 10-10-2014

Huh. I guess you did notice me applying the first time :D

- fgh - 10-10-2014

Oh well... I'll try to be an updater or something else, thanks for the shot!

- Leo Senpai - 10-10-2014

Faack al of u lol Tongue

I wish I did so earlier but anyways congrats

- Jala - 10-10-2014

Congrats guys

- Mook - 10-10-2014

Quote:Originally posted by CaptainLeonidas@Oct 10 2014, 10:42 PM
Faack al of u lol Tongue

I wish I did so earlier but anyways congrats

Banging us wouldn't get you the job Wink Just make for an awkward skype chat :">

Thanks Jala Cheers

- .bojo - 10-10-2014

May god have mercy on your souls. Smile

- CM Syckez - 10-10-2014

Why would you hire rice? He obviously doesn't deserve it Tongue

- Mook - 10-10-2014

Quote:Originally posted by Dj RaY@Oct 10 2014, 10:53 PM
May god have mercy on your souls. Smile

How'd Bojo lose all his money?

Boss I think I fucked up Wink

Thanks for the support Bojo Cheers

- prettyburn - 10-10-2014

Yay! Congrats guys, now we actually have to live up to all of this responsibility...

- .bojo - 10-10-2014

mook I'll put you on the corner to get back my money if I lose a single dime!

:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

- Jala - 10-10-2014

Quote:Originally posted by Dj RaY@Oct 10 2014, 07:00 PM
mook I'll put you on the corner to get back my money if I lose a single dime!

:ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

lol but if you pay him for sexual favours, aren't you really just stuck in a cyclical money loop?

- r1c3bowl22 - 10-10-2014

Quote:Originally posted by Syckez@Oct 10 2014, 09:54 PM
Why would you hire rice? He obviously doesn't deserve it Tongue
LOL obviously he didn't listen to that draft day, I was soooo lost that night LOL

*The case of the disappearing money*

- gorlab - 10-10-2014

kudos 2 all the new hires