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I am a GM Worse Than Leafs. AMA PT2 - Printable Version

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- BasedMinkus - 06-05-2015

Did this last season to less success than leafs ask a gm (go figure). But ya I will answer questions as honestly as possible.

- Kel - 06-05-2015

You're well underway with running the Chiefs. This is your team now, so with that being said is there anything you would change?

- easymoneysniper - 06-05-2015

Why are you so ass in 2K?????

- Ferdy - 06-05-2015

So you're like 90% of GMs in league history?

- xDParK - 06-05-2015

Thoughts on Salmon lottery?

- BasedMinkus - 06-05-2015

Quote:Originally posted by Kel@Jun 5 2015, 07:41 PM
You're well underway with running the Chiefs. This is your team now, so with that being said is there anything you would change?

Hindsight being 20/20 I would have probably kept Nicholas Pedersen. The trade had to be done because I don't think he beleived in what we were trying to do. But the trade lead to headaches while Pedersen became a top notch player.

I also probably would have thought a bit harder about trading away pick #1 to LAP. Now I got a good piece in Jackson Hauke and LA did draft a bust in Kwik, but it is just a what could have been. I had planned on taking Harter but thought maybe I could grab a roster player and take Harter afterwards and then get Bananov.

- BasedMinkus - 06-05-2015

Quote:Originally posted by easymoneysniper@Jun 5 2015, 07:43 PM
Why are you so ass in 2K?????

White Man cannot jump.

- BasedMinkus - 06-05-2015

Quote:Originally posted by xDParK@Jun 5 2015, 07:48 PM
Thoughts on Salmon lottery?

You will just re-sign in Texas so I am not holding my breath.

- Schultzy - 06-06-2015

What's the hardest part of being a GM?
What advice can you give to new members hoping to become an SHL GM?
What's the most important position/player type in the SHL today?
Do you think the number of franchise players in the SHL exceeds the number of franchises?
Name the next 5 biggest stars of the SHL that nobody is talking about today. Who's flying under the radar?

- BasedMinkus - 06-06-2015

Quote:Originally posted by Schultzy@Jun 5 2015, 08:00 PM
What's the hardest part of being a GM?
What advice can you give to new members hoping to become an SHL GM?
What's the most important position/player type in the SHL today?
Do you think the number of franchise players in the SHL exceeds the number of franchises?
Name the next 5 biggest stars of the SHL that nobody is talking about today. Who's flying under the radar?

1. The hardest part about being a GM is honestly working with other GMs given there different ways about GMing. Some GMs way over value their assets or undervalue your assets. I understand there are times where you want the best deal possible, but there are some GMs that just send you offers that are pitiful and I just won't respond. There is lowballing and then there is being down right disrespectful.

2. Just stay active and stay vocal. Apply apply apply and don't get upset everytime you don't get a gig. There are over a hundred active members of this site and some of them have been around for 5+ years now that haven't gotten a chance at GMing. Also don't slander someone else getting a GM job over you. You might think you deserve it, but don't bring that to the public because it makes you look petty.

3. Defense is easily the most important. You cannnot win in this league with a sub-par defense. Too many teams, my own included lack a truly great top 4.

4. I personally don't think so. I think there are maybe 5 or 6 guys who are constantly at the top. Those are franchise guys in my opinion. The rest are superstars.

Pedro Sarantez - Minnesota
Jhonas Skaarsgarrd - LA
Terry Bullis - Winnipeg
Arthur Grosberg - Hamilton
Tom Sawyer - Toronto

- easymoneysniper - 06-06-2015

Quote:Originally posted by Josh@Jun 5 2015, 10:56 PM

White Man cannot jump.

I should quote this tbfh