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Portland Announces First Co-GM - Printable Version

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- JumpierPegasus - 09-23-2015

<div align="center">Portland's Co-GM Announcement

Portland, OR -- On Wednesday morning, Portland General Manager Zach Miller called an impromptu press conference. Walking into the press room, it was decked out in Portland colors and a backdrop that screamed an important announcement coming from the team. A large desk was in the middle of the room surrounded by 2 chairs and mics on the desk in front of each chair. At 9AM General Manager Zach Miller walked in the room and sat in the left chair, folded his hands, and addressed the media.

"Portland has a special announcement today. We finished our first season with a lackluster record, but something to look forward to. We had a young, dedicated team here, and we were only going to get better every season. But I cannot do this alone, it is a daunting task, and running an SHL franchise is no joke. That's why I want to bring in someone I really trust and has helped so much without even being a part of the management team. Today I am hiring the first Co-GM in Portland history, and that Co-GM is Buster Killington (GCool)"

[Image: therrien.jpg]
Killington looks across at Miller as he addresses the reporters at the end of their press conference

The reporters in the room let out a round of applause as Killington entered the room and took a seat next to Zach Miller. He addressed the audience and announced his pleasure to be joining the front office, and how it was something that he had dreamed of doing since he was young. Now becoming a player/manager, he stated that it wasn't going to be easy, but he was going to make sure he was involved in every discussion he could be with General Manager Miller.

And as quickly as it started, Miller shut down the press conference stating that they "won't be taking any questions today about the team or it's future" and left the room with Killington. Despite a short conference we now know what the management team is going to look like in Portland for many seasons to come, and with that concrete, and the teams vision concrete, this team will start to take the form that Miller absolutely wants it to. It's going to be an interesting and rocky few years with Portland, but the fans who stick through it, will have a light at the end of the tunnel.</div>

- Pandar - 09-23-2015


Congrats, dude!

- Deenerys Targa-rene - 09-23-2015

Couldnt've gone to a nicer guy.

Congrats, GCool

- Alucard - 09-23-2015

Congratulations, Buzz!

- Eggy216 - 09-23-2015

Oooh shiny.

Congrats, Killington!

- Allen - 09-23-2015

Congrats GCool!

- JHS - 09-23-2015

IM suprised but i cant say it was undeserved. Congrats GCool!

Looks like NABA reboot is out the window now :'(

- karlssens - 09-23-2015

Kickass! Way to go GCool.

- p_9ers - 09-23-2015

Great job mate! Early offseason at least brings good news!

- GCool - 09-23-2015

Thanks, everybody. And thanks especially to JP, who's honored me by giving me this position.

I've very much enjoyed this past season in spite of our terrible record. One of the highlights was the LR. It was kind of funny to see our half dozen actives going back and forth occasionally. It was as active as a virtually empty locker room could be, in my mind.

Moving forward I know JP has a lot of ideas about how to improve the reputation of a struggling expansion team, and I'm now going to be part of that process every step of the way. Between this draft and free agency we're hoping to make even more noise in S26.

We're both calculated individuals who understand the importance of solid foundations, and we plan on using that to our advantage.

Glad to be a part of the SHL management family! Cheers

- Mac - 09-23-2015

Wow, congrats to you. Best of luck and know when you do make it to the top, it was you and JP who did the building from the bottom.

Good luck.

- Ballerstorm - 09-23-2015

Fucking awesome! Congrats buddy! Well deserved, a great choice by JP

- TML99 - 09-23-2015

Congrats Gcool! well deserved

- Cuffy - 09-23-2015

Gratis JP is a great gm to learn from

- kit - 09-23-2015

:( couldn't wait till I was a free agent?

Jk congrats gcool!!