Simulation Hockey League
Wrestlemania - Printable Version

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- Duey - 04-02-2012

hard to believe we didn't have a thread for wrestlemania

Bryan/Sheamus match sucked...went for a record of shorted match and was off by 10 seconds, lol

Orton/Kane: Meh, they did as well as can be expected for still being hurt (from what I keep reading/hearing.

Big Show/Rhodes: Congrats to Big Show for now holding every single major title, match was decent

Diva's match: Who cares tbh imo

Team Johnny/Team Long: lol Otunga still doesn't get to wrestle, and for good reason. Santino is so freaking funny. Standard tag type match, with predictable brawl at the end.

Punk/Jericho: Great match, back and forth, Jericho hilarious trying to get Punk to DQ himself. Jericho still has it, just a shame he keeps leaving. Punk is excellent as usual.

Rock/Cena: Several botches early, but they came back to have a decent match. Not either one's best effort for a "Once in a Lifetime" match. I did think Cena would win for the fact that Cena's staying and Rock is gone again. Personally glad Rock won though, can't stand Cena whatsoever.