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Minnesota Chiefs/Leafs4ever Punishment - Printable Version

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- Leafs4ever - 12-07-2015

During this season, S26, it was brought to our attention that the Minnesota Chiefs had 2 ineligible players on their roster, goalies Ryan Winters and Martins Petersons. Both goalies had been retired so they were not eligible to play anymore. While Petersons did not play in any games, he was still signed, but with Winters, he was used as the starting goalie for the Chiefs this season.

$5.0mil fine towards the S27 cap/budget (drops Minnesota's cap from $65.0mil to $60.0mil)
Forfeiture of their 3rd Round Picks in the S27 SHL Entry Draft (S27 MIN 3rd and S27 TOR 3rd)


In connection with this, we have decided to fine Leafs4ever $10.0mil from his bank account. Roster audits should be the job of the commissioner and missing the signings of 2 retired players is unacceptable. In one of the cases, the signing was brought up, but nothing came of it. Incompetence cannot be tolerated by such a high ranking head office member.

$10.0mil fine against Leafs4ever (to be removed from bank account)

- Caillean - 12-07-2015

gat damn

- TheNextGreatOne - 12-07-2015


I think the punishment for Leafs is too high.

Also I find it funny Leafs is the one to post this.

- Chris-McZehrl - 12-07-2015

Leafs do your Job! and not punish yourself :ph34r:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

- NUCK - 12-07-2015

Quote:Originally posted by TheNextGreatOne@Dec 7 2015, 12:34 AM

I think the punishment for Leafs is too high.

Also I find it funny Leafs is the one to post this.

I agree thats more then the offender got.

I do respect that Leafs stepped up to the plate and took some of the blame himself!

Classy man.

- Ragnar - 12-07-2015

Everyone in the head office said it was too harsh but he wouldn't take no for an answer. Then I tried to get fined too but he wouldn't let me :(

- Chris-McZehrl - 12-07-2015

Quote:Originally posted by Ragnar#sweg( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)@Dec 7 2015, 12:28 PM
Everyone in the head office said it was too harsh but he wouldn't take no for an answer. Then I tried to get fined too but he wouldn't let me :(

I will do that for you if you want it and give me the permission for doing that! how much you want to pay in your fine?

- NUCK - 12-07-2015

Quote:Originally posted by Chris-McZehrl@Dec 7 2015, 03:39 AM

I will do that for you if you want it and give me the permission for doing that! how much you want to pay in your fine?


- SethTrollins - 12-07-2015

Fines should be the other way around or the very least equal if it's to be done. Although I don't agree with L4E being fined for a team's mistake.

- NUCK - 12-07-2015

Quote:Originally posted by SethTrollins@Dec 7 2015, 03:54 AM
Fines should be the other way around or the very least equal if it's to be done. Although I don't agree with L4E being fined for a team's mistake.

- Maxy - 12-07-2015

Bout damn time someone stepped up to that Leafs SOB. Never thought I'd see the day :ph34r: but in all honesty I'm guessing just an honest mistake by all parties involved and no real intent to harm.

- Buster - 12-07-2015

Leafs wanna do a podcast this week to talk about your transgressions?

- HabsFanFromOntario - 12-07-2015

So the unpaid commissioner gets fined 10 million for making two tiny mistakes in his unpaid job.

- GroupMeIsKindOfOkay - 12-07-2015

Punishment for Leafs way too lenient.
HO taking care of one of their own smfh

- .bojo - 12-07-2015

Everybody said no to leaf's punishment but he insisted.