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Dymo Ranjan retires - Printable Version

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- Smirnov Light - 01-21-2016

I retire. Feel bad going inactive on deener. Pair that up with I won't be active for the future.


- JPL - 01-21-2016

But....... You're coming back right? :(

- Ferdy - 01-21-2016

Sad to see ye go, hope all is fine, though. Smile

- Jorec - 01-21-2016

Well. Shit.

good luck out there.

- .bojo - 01-21-2016

damn. tough blow for MAN. Undecided

- Chris-McZehrl - 01-21-2016


- Toast - 01-21-2016

Good dude, just ALWAYS went inactive. Smile)

Best of luck with your career, pal

- Underoath10 - 01-21-2016

Good luck with hockey and your future endeavors Taron. It was fun playing with you in LA way back. Comeback sometime. I personally looked forward to hearing about you and James making it somewhere. Smile

- Kinsler - 01-21-2016

Quote:Originally posted by Smirnov Light@Jan 21 2016, 08:41 AM
I retire. Feel bad going inactive on deener. Pair that up with I won't be active for the future.


you're not bailing on us... we traded you Smile)

- Buster - 01-21-2016

Quote:Originally posted by Bojo@Jan 21 2016, 10:30 AM
damn. tough blow for MAN. Undecided

It's really not honestly. Bauer will be a better goalie come next season

- Jorec - 01-21-2016

Quote:Originally posted by Buster@Jan 21 2016, 01:26 PM

It's really not honestly. Bauer will be a better goalie come next season

^ - Really glad I went with my gut during the draft.


Dymo Ranjan is a solid goalie and we're thankful for the service he's given to the Rage. Like Edge, we hope that we'll be able to make his last season in the SHL and with the Rage a successful one.

- vbottas17 - 01-21-2016

You should re-create, Halifax needs a long term backup goalie!

Joking, congrats on a solid run.


- JNH - 01-21-2016

Wouldn't be upset if you never recreated after that tirefire of a goalie Smile) bye tarebear

- Elyk - 01-22-2016

Sad to see you go, you were the one who recruited me from the EA HUT forums