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Fabian Fuhrberg retires - Printable Version

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- Confusion - 02-13-2016

Good morning Ladys and Gentleman my Name is Paul Hayman represanting my Client Fabian Fuhrberg After he announced today his return to pro Hockey we decided together its better when He will retire He can Look back of a hell of an career He won the cup in the s 17 with the Panthers so He will end his career but the end is somtimes the beginning of somthing New follow the Buzzards.

- r1c3bowl22 - 02-13-2016

Aw....I remember you as the back up in WKP when I started there. Thanks for being a reliable dude

- Chris-McZehrl - 02-13-2016

Quote:Originally posted by Confusion@Feb 13 2016, 07:57 AM
Good morning Ladys and Gentleman my Name is Paul Hayman represanting my Client Fabian Fuhrberg After he announced today his return to pro Hockey we decided together its better when He will retire He can Look back of a hell of an career He won the cup in the s 17 with the Panthers so He will end his career but the end is somtimes the beginning of somthing New follow the Buzzards.


- JPL - 02-13-2016

Its happening OMG :ahh!:

- RainDelay - 02-13-2016


- .bojo - 02-13-2016

Quote:Originally posted by r1c3bowl22@Feb 13 2016, 01:58 AM
Aw....I remember you as the back up in WKP when I started there. Thanks for being a reliable dude


- Ragnar - 02-13-2016

Thanks for the S17 cup! Legit the best inactive goalie in shl history. Glad to have you back!

- Eggy216 - 02-13-2016

Get this man a cup on his profile!

- Confusion - 02-13-2016

Thank you all for the Kind words

- Cuffy - 02-13-2016

Wb can't remember u really tho

- .bojo - 02-13-2016

Quote:Originally posted by Cuffy@Feb 13 2016, 12:27 PM
Wb can't remember u really tho

Cuffy go home you're drunk

- Chris-McZehrl - 02-13-2016

Quote:Originally posted by Bojo@Feb 13 2016, 06:29 PM

Cuffy go home you're drunk

still! since around 5 years :ph34r:

- Cuffy - 02-13-2016

Quote:Originally posted by Bojo@Feb 13 2016, 02:29 PM

Cuffy go home you're drunk
Thought shl was my home