Simulation Hockey League
Why Mikko Linna's Bank Balance Shouldn't Matter - Printable Version

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- ej27 - 03-07-2016

289 Words - Ready for Grading

Season 28’s class of prospective SHL draftees has an average bank account balance of just over 13 million dollars. The highest account total at the time of this writing belongs to Jackson Cartier at $139,525,000. The lowest account has a negative balance of -$1,000,000. Knights’ right-winger Mikko Linna has a current balance of $3,450,000. Given the average, this amount might seem low, but it should not be a cause for concern for teams who might be interested in drafting this player.

Bank account balances may be an important draft related factor for GMs with budgetary restrictions who are hoping to snag a player without having to pay a large contract. Money may also be a deciding factor when assessing a player’s ability to train regularly. If a player is low on cash and unwilling to participate in writing media articles or making graphics, they will be unable to maintain paying for regular training sessions. This is understandable, but there is another factor to consider that is more important than total dollar amount. Has the player been able to pay for regular training? Has his bank account total had any impact on his participation.

Linna has proven that his bank account will not be an issue. He has been able to train weekly and has purchased all available SMJHL equipment. He is active on twitter and participates in media when necessary to earn money. He will continue to do so. Linna is also more interested in joining an active team than in a large salary.

If you’re looking for an active player who will bring a lot of enthusiasm for the league to your team, you can’t go wrong with Linna, no matter the size of his bankroll.

- .bojo - 03-07-2016


- treant - 03-07-2016

I don't personally understand why we are judged on bank balance as it's something that can very easily be fixed after the draft! As far as I'm concerned any team would be lucky to have you!

- WannabeFinn - 03-07-2016

stack your paper boy

- .bojo - 03-07-2016

Quote:Originally posted by treant@Mar 7 2016, 04:14 PM
I don't personally understand why we are judged on bank balance as it's something that can very easily be fixed after the draft! As far as I'm concerned any team would be lucky to have you!

It's not a main factor. For me it's more of a tie breaker. Low bank account usually means they'll need a higher salary.

- WannabeFinn - 03-07-2016

Quote:Originally posted by treant@Mar 7 2016, 04:14 PM
I don't personally understand why we are judged on bank balance as it's something that can very easily be fixed after the draft! As far as I'm concerned any team would be lucky to have you!
You're judged on it because a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Easy to make more money but there's nothing that beats already having the money.

- Jenny - 03-07-2016

Ilike :-x

but @ shl teams, pls draft mia landvik based on the size of her bank account, kthx

(jk don't do that)

- prettyburn - 03-07-2016

Quote:Originally posted by Bojo@Mar 7 2016, 04:15 PM
It's not a main factor. For me it's more of a tie breaker. Low bank account usually means they'll need a higher salary.
Yeahthat It's definitely a tie breaker rather than a decision maker. Not because I'm worried about paying you, but because I know that contract will never be enough to pay for a season's worth of training (unless you have a ridiculously huge one) so making sure you can keep up with training is important. That said, someone who's active will find a way to make bank when they need to, so if the person is dependable than the bank really doesn't play a role for me.

- Muerto - 03-07-2016

That bank just grew by $1.0M right thur

- Rowe89 - 03-07-2016

It's good to have. Sure you can fix it after the draft but if you have a big stack before it shows involvement in articles and activity.

Bitch better have my money!!!

- ej27 - 03-07-2016

Quote:Originally posted by treant@Mar 7 2016, 03:14 PM
I don't personally understand why we are judged on bank balance as it's something that can very easily be fixed after the draft! As far as I'm concerned any team would be lucky to have you!

Thanks, Treant! Cheers

- ej27 - 03-07-2016

Quote:Originally posted by Bojo@Mar 7 2016, 03:15 PM

It's not a main factor. For me it's more of a tie breaker. Low bank account usually means they'll need a higher salary.

Totally get that, which is why I wanted to address it. I absolutely think money can be an issue if you're not willing to write articles, etc. when it's needed.

- ej27 - 03-07-2016

Quote:Originally posted by teaboy@Mar 7 2016, 03:16 PM
Ilike :-x

but @ shl teams, pls draft mia landvik based on the size of her bank account, kthx

(jk don't do that)

Draft her based on the size of her bank account AND the size of her fists? :ahh!:

- ej27 - 03-07-2016

Quote:Originally posted by KezKincaid@Mar 7 2016, 03:22 PM
That bank just grew by $1.0M right thur

Damn right it did. $$$

- 701 aka YUNG GUAP GOD - 03-07-2016

You mention my name when being lower than you, but not when I have the most money, plz love me :((