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Post-Draft Reactions: A Minute with Mikael Talo - Printable Version

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- akamai - 03-17-2016

Ready for Grading, 1507 words

Hello and welcome to the Hockey Insider's 'Behind the Draft!' In this edition, we interviewed rookie center Mikael Talo immediately after he was drafted to the Kelowna Knights. Talo was a bit of a surprise, late to burst into the hockey scene--you can still see his scrawny past in the 6'1" centerman's only 182 pounds. However, coupled with a late growth spurt and intensive face-off and puck-handling work with his hometown team in Rauma, Talo had an incredible week at the Kelowna Prospect Showcase, and was selected as the 7th overall pick--a first-rounder--to the team that so graciously hosted him and his draft class the week before.

As he walked off the stage, Talo ran into former Finnish U18 teammate Ilmari Määttä, who gave him a bear hug and hearty clap on the back. (Määttä's name was called shortly after as the 9th overall pick, and Talo gave him a friendly shove towards the stage, both boys grinning wildly. Talo excused himself to go and make some noise for his friend while Määttä showed the crowd and put on his Militia jersey, and then came bounding back over to the media circle, full of enthusiasm.)

Interviewer: Mikael, before we begin, a big congratulations to you. How does it feel to be drafted as a first-rounder?

Mikael Talo: It's incredible. I think I'm still a little in shock. [laughs] You know, you put the work in, you dream about coming here, going to the big time, but--I woke up this morning and hoped that I'd go earlier, but. First-round. [shakes head, grins] Yeah, I still can't believe it.

I: Certainly understandable! Did you have any idea where you were going to end up?

MT: Uhm, yes and no? There were some rumors from some of the other GMs I talked to that I might end up here. But in the lead-up to the draft I spoke to one of the Kelowna GMs herself, and just the way she talked made me think she might be looking at someone else in my class.

I: Oh? And what was that?

MT: Almost nothing! She was very secretive. Though she did say some very general things about hearing positive things from me from my U18 teammates. They have a couple of my friends, actually--Mikke Laukkanen, Mikko Linna--great guys, really nice guys. Mainio Mäkinen; he's a little older but was one of my mentors as a rookie on the U18 team and a Knights alum, he sent me a nice text welcoming me to Kelowna too, so that was pretty cool. But if any of them knew I was coming here, they didn't tell me!

I: You didn't get a sense that they'd take you?

MT: No! [grins] It was honestly a shock. My brother Christian, he's back in one of the other rooms--I was texting Ilmari [Määttä] and he had to take my phone out of my hand. There were more teams who seemed more interested, and going as early as seventh--you kind of know all of the first-rounders, usually. I just didn't know I would be one of them!

I: Other teams?

MT: Yeah, prior to the draft I had gotten some interest from Montreal and so had Ilmari--obviously they still wanted him early too! [Talo waves behind, where Määttä is standing in his Militia jersey, before turning back.] So I thought, you know, second round would be the earliest I could go. If they didn't pick me up, the Firebirds and Halifax had both said they were potentially looking at me as a depth pick, so I was pretty hopeful I would go at least as a third or fourth-rounder. But--I'm absolutely blown away. Crazy-honored.

I: So modest! You don't think you're underestimating your own ability?

MT: No, not really! [laughs] I know I still have a lot of work to do, especially if I want to eventually play in the SHL. Hopefully I can really put my nose to the ground and get off to a running start in training camp.

I: What's the first area you're looking to improve upon when camp begins?

MT: My checking was embarrassingly bad, but I've never been a particularly physical player--and it sounds like from my junior team that they don't need that from me. So, uhh...I think I was most disappointed in my defense, my overall defensive play. The gap between me and some of the earlier first-rounders, guys who've had steady defensive coaching, that was pretty evident coming into Kelowna [to the Prospect Showcase]. I got some scoring chances, 5 goals in 7 games isn't bad production, but I think I could've shown better if I hadn't gotten the puck stripped away so many times. My endurance wasn't the best, either--I spent a lot of my later minutes pretty winded--but I think a lot of the other rookies and I were in the same boat there, and it'll be different when we're all training with our new team.

I: Look at you! You said 'Kelowna' and now you can't stop smiling! [Mikael flushes, grinning brightly.]

MT: It just hit me that I'd be going back! I feel like I got a little taste of the city while we were there for the showcase, but--it'll be very different, coming in and having it be my city, a city I'll be living in.

I: I could see how that could make a big difference. So, what do you think you'll give your fans that they ought to be excited about, with you coming into the league?

M: My technical side, I think. I play calm, play smart, I'm a good student of the sport, and I've done a lot of faceoff work--that did come out in the showcase, I think. If I can improve my defense, get my possession stats up, develop some good chemistry with my teammates--once I get my feet under me, I'm hoping I'll be able to be a significant offensive contributer to the Knights.

I: Clearly they must think you will be as well!

MT: I hope so! [laughs]

I: Now, some people here seem to think you were a bit of a gamble, a dark-horse kind of candidate. Historically, a significant amount of rookies come in burning hot and then flame out once they reach the top. What would you say to those people, who are worried that could be you?

MT: You know, I think I'm really just hitting my stride. I think my best years of hockey are in front of me, not behind me--I think a lot of those guys also have a lot of trouble dealing with the hype, the focus, you know? End up going out every night, blowing their rookie contract early. And that's not really me. I'm a boring guy.

I: [laughs] Boring?!

MT: [grins] Yeah, yeah, I really am! I don't know why people don't believe me when I say that, but. I like to hang out with my cats, play video games. I was a straight-A student before and after my hockey started really getting serious--that was the thing that was most important to my parents, you know, was that I was putting in the study time behind the rink too. But I'm a nerd, really. I don't really drink, not too big of a partier. So I don't think I'm the most talented guy now who won't be able to cut it on a bigger stage, not gonna take where I am for granted, and I'm not gonna let anything distract me from hockey. And I'm a small guy, sometimes these small finesse guys like me, they get pushed around in the big leagues and get hurt, but I've never really been injury-prone, so. I wouldn't say I'm really a risky proposition.

I: Good answer, good answer. Now, let's talk a little more about you personally--what are you most looking forward to, going into Kelowna? On the ice, off the ice?

MT: Uhh, in general I think it'll just be really cool to be part of such a big city. I know some people wouldn't think of it as big, but I'm definitely not used to somewhere so crowded. On the ice, I can't wait to meet the rest of my teammates, really get my feet under me. Kelowna has access to some really great defensive coaches, and I'll definitely be looking to take advantage of that, since I know that's an area I need to improve upon. I'm really just--I'm over the moon right now, honestly. I can't wait for all of it.

I: That's great, great to hear, I'm sure they'll be looking forward to playing with you too. Best of luck to you, Mikael.

MT: Thanks! [waves]

- vbottas17 - 03-17-2016

I did not say you would be a depth pick Tongue

Awesome article!

- lil - 03-17-2016

Fantastic article! Trust me, we're as happy to have you as you are to be here. Knights GKG!

- Jenny - 03-17-2016

Ilike love having you on the team already, dude :-x

- Rich - 03-17-2016


- Ohtaay - 03-17-2016

Knights Towel

- Muerto - 03-18-2016

Putting your nose to the ground and getting a running start


[Image: qwop+runner.gif]


Nice article tho! Good luck and #GKG