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Hylytyr NoRetornable pre-draft presser - Printable Version

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- damien - 07-18-2016

Do not grade yet please.

Open for questions. If you have a presser that you need some questions for let me know in here as well.

Can I get a refund for this highlighter?

Unfortunately the "No Retornable" stamp on the base of the highlighter means what it means. There are no refunds or returns, but if you're willing to complain to a telephone operator for a couple of hours I'm sure they'll cave and send you a high quality 3 pack of highlighters to satisfy your needs. That's a little insider pro tip for you, it's good stuff.

What are your impressions of the various junior teams so far?

I'm glad to see a lot of the teams that were around before when I was here still are. Interesting that Montreal isn't, I was a second overall pick by them with Hank Powers and proceeded to bust hard. Now they have some different nickname. I was always interested by the logo, color scheme and overall makeup of the Kelowna Knights, so it's good to see that they're still all there and fully in tact. Maybe they could be the one to use a fourth rounder on me. :o

Who are you hoping to fight in the Prospect tourney?

Well I don't know about getting in any fights, but I know I want opposing goalies to fear me as hopefully I'll be able to put in a good amount of goals. I'm also hoping to have a good rivalry with the other mascots, as of course I will be taking on that role for my team when I'm not on the ice. Everyone loves a good mascot fight!

Do you prefer getting goals or fights?

Definitely goals. As someone who doesn't work out often it's a bit scary to me to constantly be getting into fights, so hopefully I can stay away from all that and put the puck in the net some.

Do you have the stamina to make it through a whole season?

I believe I can do it. It's never something that's been an issue thus far, but of course everyone keeps assuming that I'm too frail to hold up over the long term for some reason. I think they're racist or something, I'm not really sure. But yeah, as long as I stick to my style of play and focus more on scoring and cutting off passing lanes than fighting and getting into contact situations I don't think I'll have any problems.

Do you enjoy talking to the reporters?

Well they seem to enjoy my schtick so I guess that's going over well. There was one asshole reporter that accused me of being a highlighter though. Can you believe the nerve on that guy? I hit him so hard with my cap, errm, head, that it knocked out three of his teeth, and I still got that full set of pearly whites.

What getting drafted means to you ?

I'd love to be drafted, it would be a validation of the talents that I believe I possess as a scorer and a player. I've always had people tell me not to go into hockey, they don't think I can survive in it for some reason, but I just drown those voices out. I don't need that negativity in my live.

In your opinion, what is one area in your overall game that needs the most work?

I'd probably say my puck handling. There can be times where I try to do too much by myself on the ice and that results in a bad shot or, more often, a turnover. I need ti get better at getting into the right space and making the right decisions with the puck, but I think a lot of those issues would be alleviated with improved puck handling and deking on my part

- Muerto - 07-18-2016

Can I get a refund for this highlighter?

What are your impressions of the various junior teams so far?

Who are you hoping to fight in the Prospect tourney?

Do you prefer getting goals or fights?

Do you have the stamina to make it through a whole season?

Good luck!

- jRuutu - 07-18-2016

Do you enjoy talking to the reporters?

What getting drafted means to you ?

In your opinion, what is one area in your overall game that needs the most work?

- damien - 07-18-2016

Answered to here.

- damien - 07-19-2016

Welp guess I'll be asking myself questions then. Tongue

- artermis - 07-19-2016

Quote:Originally posted by damien@Jul 19 2016, 06:21 PM
Welp guess I'll be asking myself questions then. Tongue
Why? :D

- RainDelay - 07-19-2016

Do you think Ghost Arceus is the best Arceus?

- Grapehead - 07-19-2016

What do you eat on game day?

How much can you bench press?