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Mic'd Up: Toivo Kosonen - Printable Version

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- daBenchwarmer - 08-29-2016

[The YouTube video starts up , a small watermark in the bottom right corner fading in reading "RaidersTV;" the Halifax Raiders Logo fills the screen, and superimposed on it for two seconds, the text

<div align="center">Mic'd Up
Toivo Kosonen
(<a href='index.php?showuser=2309' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-23'>Toivo</a>)
Game Link</div>

The video opens up with a landscape shot of the Raiders getting ready for Game 1 of the Detroit-Halifax playoff series with the song Love Me by WiDE AWAKE blasting in the background. Unlike their usual locker room pump-up routine, the locker room is eerily quiet in terms of talking.

The camera shifts to Toivo Kosonen, wrapping the blade of his Bauer Supreme 1S Griptac with black hockey tape. Dressed in mostly Raiders workout gear such as shorts, a grey hoodie and a black beanie, his head moves to the beat of the song.]

[The video shifts to the Raiders' traditional warm-up, a game of keep up, but the stress of the playoffs can be felt, even in this easy going game. There's a few laughs, a couple of comments, but nothing of the usual Raiders spirit. Finally someone speaks up.]

LINDSTROM: Hey so anyone hear about Drake and Rihanna thing from the VMAs?

O'CALLAHAN: Didn't take you for a guy who watches couple on TV.

VOLKOVA: You're a f---ing mess sometimes Kips.

O'CALLAHAN: Hey, I didn't actually kiss a jellyfish okay? You guys saw that video right?

???: Yeah, you were a bumbling idiot on camera! First time you've ever talked to a girl Kippy?

[The Raiders laugh, before resuming their game. The camera focuses on Kosonen, who is smiling while kicking the ball towards one of his teammates.

The camera cuts to Kosonen in full gear standing in the hallway, opposite to his defensive partner, Victor Lindstrom.]

LINDSTROM: You nervous Toivs?

KOSONEN: Do ducks s---?

LINDSTROM: It's fine bud, you'd be stupid not to be nervous.

[The team starts moving forward before Kosonen huffs over the mic, clearly just speaking to himself.]

KOSONEN: Tule nyt Toivo, sait tämän.

[The video shifts to the team skating out in a darkened Jet Blue Airways Arena, the home crowd booing them. As soon as the announcer over the PA announces the Detroit Falcons, the crowd immediately starts cheering, forgetting about the Raiders almost immediately. Kosonen can be seen talking to Lindstrom as they skate around.]

LINDSTROM: Have you ever wondered what would happen if we won tonight? Like, how gone-to-s--- would the crowd be?

KOSONEN: Terrible man, they would be hatin' so bad.

[The video cuts to opening face-off to Jean-Luc Reflieux speaking to Jakobsson. Reflieux, playing in a new position of Right Wing, is quickly directing to Jakobsson on their plan for the opening face-off. Jakobsson nods before skating to centre ice.]

KOSONEN: What do you think they're talking about?

LINDSTROM: Probably the locker room bet on how long before Pel s---s herself from all of the pressure. My money's by the 2nd intermission.

KOSONEN: You guys are f---ed in the head, I swear to god.

LINDSTROM: Well, you gotta be, you're a Raider now.

[The video shifts to Kosonen handling the puck in the Falcons' zone after a pass. Faking a shot, Kosonen quickly sends it back to his defensive partner.]

KOSONEN: Lindy! I got a shot here! Here! Here!

[Lindstrom quickly sends a pass over to Kosonen, who fires. The shot is blocked by a Falcon, who immediately swipes up the rebound and sends it out to another Falcon player, who speeds out of the zone. Kosonen skates and manages to get in front of the Falcon, pushing him off and sending the puck down to Lindstrom. Lindstrom quickly corrals the puck before dumping it into the Falcons' zone.

Kosonen initially takes this as a signal for a line change before Bowman yells at him.]

BOWMAN: Chase! Chase! Toivs! Stay on!

[Kosonen nods and wheels about, just in time to receive a pass from an incoming Laing. Taking a quick look, Kosonen sees an open Lindstrom and sends the puck over to his defensive partner. Lindstrom winds up and fires a shot on net, only to have it take a weird bounce and end up into the Falcons goalie's glove.]

LINDSTROM: Ugh. I could've put more into that shot man.

KOSONEN: Hey no worries man, you'll get 'em next time.

[The scene shifts to Kosonen drinking from a water bottle before glancing at the play. In the background, a Raider can be seen handling the puck before making a fancy move past a defender. The Raider then fires a shot and sends the puck over the goalie's glove. The Raiders bench explodes with cheering.]

???: Atta girl Volks!

???: F--- yeah! Whoooo!

O'CALLAHAN: Great job Volks!

???: Kippy sit your fat ass down. You're the only guy on the team who takes #BustKova literally.

[A series of ooh's can be heard from the bench, even a few of the staff. The Raiders on for the goal skate by the bench, highfiving or fist bumping the bench players. Kosonen even goes to rub Banning's head as he passes by, saying something in Finnish.]

[The scene shifts to Kosonen on the ice again, this time in the defensive end. Moving on the red line, he challenges the Falcons puck carrier with his stick, swiping at the puck before missing. Making sure he angles his body to block and potential shots or passes, Kosonen skates in and checks the player hard into the boards, before sending the puck down low towards a waiting Lindstrom. Picking up the puck, Lindstrom flings it around the boards and manages to find a waiting Cleo Green.

Kosonen immediately starts skating forward, falling back into his defensive position, while muttering to himself.]

KOSONEN: Vittu nämä kaverit ovat nopeita.

[As the Raiders enter the Falcon's zone, Kosonen assumes his position at the centre of the ice. His stick is ready as he adjusts as soon as Azarov swings around the right side of the net. Receiving the pass from Azarov, Kosonen then flings the puck in the slot area, finding Joey Ryan, who fires off a quick shot. The Falcon's goalie stops the shot with his glove, ending the play.]

RYAN: Nice pass Toivs.

KOSONEN: Yeah, f---, this game man, I'm burnt.

[The video shifts to Kosonen on the bench speaking to Lindstrom about strategy.]

KOSONEN: So Bowie wants us to be on for more offensive zone face-offs. What I was thinking is that I can get the centre to win it back to me, and then I can send the puck over for you to shoot for a tip or pass for a cutting winger.

LINDSTROM: Problem with that is that I have to go through like four guys to get it.

KOSONEN: I'll make sure the pass is fast as f--- for you man. Just do your job and I'll do mine.

LINDSTROM: Sounds fair. And if we lose the face-off.

KOSONEN: F---, let's just hope we don't.

[The scene shifts to the Raiders' zone. Kosonen is busy battling in front of the net with a Falcons player. In an attempt to gain a better angle, the Falcons player flips around Kosonen and sets up a screen and receives a shot from the point. As the player tries to tip the puck, Kosonen quickly stick lifts the player, preventing the tip. However, as the shot is deflected by Hocolate into the corner, another Falcons player picks the puck up and burns past Lindstrom. As Lindstrom tries to shove the player off of the puck, the Falcons player makes a fancy move, passes by Kosonen and flicks the puck up into nothing but net, beating Hocolate clean.

What a move by Hans Moleman. The Detroit Falcon's goal horn erupts with the goal as the arena's roof seems to lift up with the cheering. Kosonen looks up skyward before glancing at Lindstrom, who looks equally deflated.]

???: Eat s--- Raiders! Whoooo!

[As the team skates to the bench, Kosonen is the last player to step onto the bench, slamming the bench door behind him.]

KOSONEN: That f---ing t--t f---ing walked me man, I should've had him.

LINDSTROM: Me too, don't worry, we still have this.

[The scene shifts to Kosonen finishing a check on a Falcons player. Hitting the player so hard that he goes skates up, Kosonen is immediately confronted by another Falcons player.]

KOSONEN: What the f--- are you doing?

???: Let's f---ing go you p----.

KOSONEN: Get the f--- outta here.

[Skating away, Kosonen jumps back into the play, only to receive a pass followed by a hard check into the boards. Standing up gingerly, Kosonen receives a cross check on the back. No penalty is called however, as he skates off to take a breather.

The scene shifts to Kosonen on the ice again, this time in the offensive zone, presumably on a Raiders PP since the players are assembled in the "Umbrella" formation.]

[As he stands at the blue line, Kosonen receives a pass and immediately walks the blue line, keeping the puck in his possession. Stickhandling, Kosonen sends it down to Jean-Luc Reflieux, who passes it down low to a waiting Niklas Flower. Flower quickly cuts in and launches a shot, only for it to be stopped by the Falcons goalie.]

[The scene shifts to the Raiders zone where the Raiders are pinned in by a fury of passes by the Falcons. As the team tries to break out, they are unable to regain possession of the puck.]

KOSONEN: Kaiser! Block that shot!

[In the foreground, a Falcons defenceman winds up and fires a shot, passing a Raider that attempted to block the shot. As it comes into the slot area, Kosonen is able to knock the puck down and direct it into the corner. However, once he does this, a Falcons player picks up the puck and begins to wheel about. Lindstrom skates up to block the shot but instead the player skates around him and releases a shot that hits Kosonen and bounces past Hocolate.

Immediately, Hocolate has a mini-meltdown, exploding and lashing out at Kosonen.]

HOCOLATE: You f---ing idiot! Get the f--- out of my way! You f---ing screened me!

[Lindstrom and another Raider skate over to calm Hocolate down.]

LINDSTROM: Dicky, relax man, come on, it's only a tie game.

???: Toivs, go to the bench man.

[The video shifts, this time, showing the end of the 3rd Period with Kosonen on the ice. As Lindstrom is checked into the boards and loses the puck, Kosonen steps up and swipes the puck away. Breaking into the offensive zone, Kosonen quickly dishes the puck off to Kaiser, who makes a fancy move before sending the puck down low to Laing. Laing, trying to break past a defender, is hooked and loses possession. The refs blow the whistle immediately and point at the defender. 2 minutes for hooking.]

KOSONEN: Ah, vitun jalat.

[Shifting to the locker room, presumably during the 3rd Intermission, Raiders Head Coach David Bowman stands at the centre of the room with the rest of the team looking at him. Kosonen unknowingly has left the mic on.]

BOWMAN: Listen up! We blew that 3-0 lead, yeah, so what. At the end of the day, we're not here to protect leads, we're here to win hockey games. So f---, if you guys don't want to win this game, just let me know and we can end it right here. But if you're still ready to fight! To f---ing play hard for this game! Let me f---ing know! We didn't travel all this way just to collapse like this! Let's f---ing go! Banning, anything to add?

BANNING: F--- boys, those were a tough two periods. But f--- I'm not gonna just let these f---ing s------ds come in and just walk all over us. Nah boys, we gotta fight for this s---. If you want that cup, you gotta put everything into every single f---ing shift. Be-f---ing-lieve me. No one wants to lose that first game, so if none of us are willing to win this game, you can sure as hell believe those other guys will want to. F---, put in more effort, tighten up defensively, get more pucks on net and f---ing win this f---ing thing. This is the last SMJHL playoff run some of us are making. Caspy, Dicky and Cleo aren't gonna be here next year. So, f---, don't just win this for Bowie or for me, win it for the guys who aren't f---ing coming back, eh? I'm done Bowie.

BOWMAN: We'll be starting on the PP. Obviously I want you guys to bring your A-game because this OT's gonna be f---ing hectic. Our starting line up at forwards will be Caspy at centre, Flower and Reflieux at the wings, Bans and Battle at the point. Let's go boys, let's f---ing win this.

[The video shifts to Kosonen stepping onto the ice. As he quickly surveys the area, he immediately tracks the play moving into the Falcons' zone. Kaiser is immediately pinned on the half boards by a defender, as Kosonen ends up in the centre of the ice. Lindstrom, currently playing Kosonen's side, receives the puck from a kick by Kaiser. Kosonen immediately moves into the high slot area and realizes he's left wide open.]

KOSONEN: Lindy! Here! Open! Open! Open!

[With two defenders closing in on Lindstrom, Lindstrom saucer passes the puck down to Kosonen. Picking the puck up with ease, Kosonen moves into the slot area before leaning back and snapping a shot forward. It bounces on the ice before it winds up in the net.

Toivo Kosonen had just scored the Game Winning, Overtime Goal. The Raiders around Kosonen and on the bench explode with laughing, cheering and excitement in general. Kosonen is immediately mobbed by the Raiders on the ice.]

KAISER: That's my f---ing Finn! You f---ing beauty! Yeah!

LINDSTROM: F---ing sick work Toivs! Whoooo!

[Multiple voices overlap on the mic as Toivo simply disappears in the massive cluster of bodies. However, his head pops out after, only to be tackled by the flying body of Hocolate.]

HOCOLATE: You f---head! You did it!

[The cheering and hollering from the Raiders eventually fade to Kosonen walking into the locker room, the Raiders still congratulating the young defence man on one of the best nights of his life so far.]

???: Hey say something in Finnish for us!

KOSONEN: Kippy vie #BustKova asia aivan liian pitkälle.

[Cut to Black, with red text overlay:

<div align="center">Raiders Mic'd Up</div>


2,418 Words - Ready For Grading - Longest Mic'd Up Ever, FML

- Toivo - 08-29-2016

You're such a machine, Benches. Vittu nämä kaverit ovat nopeita. #RaidersNation #MennäänPojat #TempleofToivo


- daBenchwarmer - 08-29-2016

Quote:Originally posted by Toivo@Aug 29 2016, 09:51 PM
You're such a machine, Benches. Vittu nämä kaverit ovat nopeita. #RaidersNation #MennäänPojat #TempleofToivo


Bae :-x :-x :-x :-x :-x