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habs 2016/2017 discussion - Printable Version

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- Waters - 10-15-2016

price has ebola

- Waters - 10-15-2016

butt clenched butt clenched butt clenched

- Mac - 10-15-2016

Jesus fucking christ.

- Waters - 10-15-2016

Quote:Originally posted by MacBain@Oct 15 2016, 10:00 PM
Jesus fucking christ.
desharnais didn't even shoot the puck

- Waters - 10-18-2016


- Waters - 10-18-2016

[Image: 14642579_1260458004018768_152750520_n.png]
montoya GOAT

- Waters - 10-20-2016

we have 7 out of 8 points, not a bad start. obviously 3 of those games were against either fringe or non-playoff teams, but it's an alright start.

Price looked a lot weaker than his usual self, yet still managed a pretty solid game by a "normal" goalie's standards. Can't wait to see how he performs when he's no doubt 100% healthy.

- Mac - 10-20-2016

So conflict. Want Pricey to hoist the Cup and Therrein and Berg never to.

- Waters - 10-26-2016

don't say I smell the cup don't say I smell the cup don't say I smell the cup


- Zoone16 - 10-26-2016

Gotta say... I'm liking the fact that we win.... But like... Wins are getting sloppier by the game.

- NYRangers - 10-26-2016

Thanks for beating the Isles >:D<