Simulation Hockey League
John Wick - Printable Version

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- Ghostspeed - 04-30-2017

I'm considering rejoining/recreating .....
I haven't been here in several years and in looking around I haven't found John Wick on any roster,so not sure this is necessary. BUT...just in case Wick is retired.

<center>[Image: john-wick.jpg]</center>

- Grapehead - 04-30-2017

Welcome back!

- crutch - 04-30-2017

Welcome back!!

- InciteHysteria - 04-30-2017

Welcome back to the SHL! The only scene in the first John Wick that made me cry was when the dog was killed. That had me all...

[Image: giphy.gif]

- QuantumCowboy - 04-30-2017

Welcome back!

- Muerto - 04-30-2017

Hey buddy! Hope to see a new player soon!

John Wick

- JKortesi81 - 04-30-2017

Welcome back .

- Ghostspeed - 05-01-2017

<center>[Image: Inglorious-Basterds.jpg]


I'm hoping this time I can my best work.
Without RL interference. Rolleyes </center>

- TML99 - 05-01-2017

<a href='index.php?showuser=925' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Ghostspeed</a>

I have been waiting along time for this day