Simulation Hockey League
Donation Confirmation - Printable Version

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Donation Confirmation - storm - 05-16-2017

This is the page for confirming your donation. If you have donated make a post here with this format:

Current Player Name:
Date and Time of Donation:
Other Notes:


Please keep posts on this clean and organized, posts unrelated to the goal of this page will be removed.

- DeletedAtUserRequest - 05-16-2017

Current Player Name: Mike Izzy
Amount Donated: $15.00
Date and Time of Donation: 5/16/17 (9:10 PM)
Other Notes: Glad to help out.

- goilers - 05-16-2017

Current Player Name: Sophia Bennett
Amount donated: $20.00
Date & Time of donation: 05/16/17 7:30pm

- DrunkenTeddy - 05-16-2017

Current Player Name: Robert Phelps
Amount Donated (if you chose to share/disclose): 20
Date and Time of Donation: 6:30ish, I'm sure you'll figure it out
Other Notes: Buy yourself an ice cream.

- QuantumCowboy - 05-16-2017

Current Player Name: Angelo Odjick
Amount Donated (if you chose to share/disclose): 20
Date and Time of Donation: 5/16/2017 @ 7:20pm PST
Other Notes: Let's buy some ad spots. Smile

- Plastic Bowl - 05-18-2017

Current Player Name: Ryan Richter
Amount Donated (if you chose to share/disclose): $15
Date and Time of Donation: 5/18/2017 11:00pm CT
Other Notes: Falcons I donated so DET will win the cup, that's the way this works, right?

- ztevans - 01-27-2018

Current Player Name: Zach Evans
Amount Donated (if you chose to share/disclose): $20
Date and Time of Donation: 8:24ish PM eastern, 1/27/18
Other Notes: Storm smells

- Ace - 01-27-2018

Current Player Name: Tigole Bitties
Amount Donated (if you chose to share/disclose): $10
Date and Time of Donation: 1.27.18
Other Notes:

- Beaver - 01-27-2018

Current Player Name: Jack Tanner
Amount Donated (if you chose to share/disclose):
Date and Time of Donation: 27 Jan, 8:46 PM eastern
Other Notes: Get us some swaggy forums.

- JR95 - 01-27-2018

Current Player Name: Jon Ross
Amount Donated (if you chose to share/disclose): 10
Date and Time of Donation: 1/27/2018 8:52 PM
Other Notes: Lets get us some new forums!

- Evok - 01-27-2018

Current Player Name: Oisin Fletcher
Amount Donated (if you chose to share/disclose): -
Date and Time of Donation: 27/01 - 21:05
Other Notes: YOLO

- Allegiant - 01-27-2018

Current Player Name: Karsten Kadinger
Amount Donated: $10.00 CAD
Date and Time of Donation: 9:29 EST, Jan 27th
Other Notes: Make the theme nice

- Pwnpiie - 01-28-2018

Current Player Name: Fenton Uriel
Amount Donated: $10USD (16.59CAD after fees)
Date and Time of Donation: 01/28/18 (07:40 AM)
Other Notes: Looking forward to being a part of the possible new forum change.

- drodger91 - 01-28-2018

Current Player Name: Artemi Berezin
Amount Donated (if you chose to share/disclose): 40
Date and Time of Donation: 1/28/2018 and 1:52PM EST
Other Notes:

Current Player Name: Connor Tanner
Amount Donated (if you chose to share/disclose): 50
Date and Time of Donation: 1/28/2018 and 1:52PM EST
Other Notes:

**I would just like to note I sent 90, but 50 was from <a href='index.php?showuser=2761' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>Keygan</a> because he was banned from PayPal**

- Keygan - 01-28-2018

Quote:Originally posted by drodger91@Jan 28 2018, 11:53 AM
Current Player Name: Artemi Berezin
Amount Donated (if you chose to share/disclose): 40
Date and Time of Donation: 1/28/2018 and 1:52PM EST
Other Notes:

Current Player Name: Connor Tanner
Amount Donated (if you chose to share/disclose): 50
Date and Time of Donation: 1/28/2018 and 1:52PM EST
Other Notes:

**I would just like to note I sent 90, but 50 was from <a href='index.php?showuser=2761' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>Keygan</a> because he was banned from PayPal**

Yeah that.