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- Dion - 05-13-2012

Follow me @DJLista and ill follow back Smile

- Member #1 - 05-13-2012

only if you don't tweet me Smile

- Dion - 05-13-2012

Quote:Originally posted by DylanJK(:@May 13 2012, 01:58 PM
only if you don't tweet me Smile
I just need followers lol.

- Dion - 05-13-2012!/DJLista

- Dion - 05-13-2012

Follow4Follow i need to get my game up.!/DJLista

- Spangle - 05-13-2012

On a scale of 1 to wigger, Dion's a wigger.

- Member #1 - 05-13-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Dion.SoDmG@May 13 2012, 03:13 PM
Follow4Follow i need to get my game up.!/DJLista


- Dion - 05-13-2012

Followed you back kearns. same with you gio

- Member #1 - 05-13-2012

Who else has Twitter tbh

- Dion - 05-13-2012

Quote:Originally posted by DylanJK(:@May 13 2012, 02:26 PM
Who else has Twitter tbh
Yeahthat Lets get a Follow for Follow going cause i lost all mine for being inactive on Twitter lol.

- Member #1 - 05-13-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Dion.SoDmG@May 13 2012, 03:27 PM

Yeahthat Lets get a Follow for Follow going cause i lost all mine for being inactive on Twitter lol.

Yeahh I follow back except for those pornstars that follow you lol

- Dion - 05-16-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Dion.SoDmG@May 13 2012, 02:04 PM!/DJLista
Follow me as a birthday present :D who ever has twitter