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Sinn Nolan Signs... - Printable Version

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- Nero - 06-29-2017

[The stage is set in the media room of the Scottrade Center. Press members take their seats as JKortesi81, TML99, and Sinn Nolan enter the room. Each takes a seat at the table. A folded Scarecrows jersey is the table's centerpiece.]

JKortesi81: "We want to thank you all for coming down tonight as we make it official. Sinn Nolan, formerly of the Belfast Giants over in Northern Ireland has agreed to terms with the St. Louis Scarecrows."

[The few members of the Scarecrows and team employees in attendance clap.]

JKortesi81: "So without further ado..."

[Image: Nolan_Crows_zps5gjjccms.png]

[All three men at the table stand. TML99 unfolds the 'Nolan #44' jersey. With his new bosses flanking him, Sinn does his best to grin for the many cameras. They sit back down after a few moments.]

JKortesi81: "We'll give Sinn a chance to address the St. Louis media for a few minutes."

Sinn: "I'll start off by saying its an honor and privilege to be in such a great hockey city in the states. I want to think JKortesi81 for getting me here and making this deal. St. Louis was the first to contact me when I left Belfast and I could right away that my services were valued here."

[Sinn shoots a nod at JKortesi81]

Sinn: "I've been telling people all day to watch that nice, little puff-piece about me today on SportsCentre. Watch and enjoy it because after that, North America will be full of those who cannot stand me. St. Louis and the Crows fans will like me but everyone else...nope."

[There's some laughter aroused in the room.]

JKortesi81: "I think we have a few minutes for some questions if there's any..."

[The first reporter stands.]

Reporter #1: "Has there been any discussion regarding your role with the Crows and where you fit into the lineup?"

Sinn: "I was brought here to do one thing and that's kick some ass. The Crows have some high-profile scorers in Matthew Auston and Crossfit Jesus. These are guys who need some added protection and insurance. That's me, I'm with the Crows to ensure nobody, messes with them. This is what I'm best at."

[Another journalist raises his hand and is asked to stand.]

Journalist: "Did you receive offers from any other SMJHL team?"

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

Sinn: "Prince George reached out to me not long after my flight landed yesterday. I am flattered to have received the call and yes, they had an excellent offer for me. I will say again that the Crows were first and they made me feel like this was the right place to be. I stopped answering calls after agreeing to my deal here."

JKortesi81: "And I'm told we can get one more question in..."

[A second reporter blurts out his question.]

Reporter #2: "Where do you see yourself going in this SMJHL season and into SHL draft? What sort of personal goals can you tell us about?"

Sinn: "Easy question. The Crows win the Four Stars Cup this season and I'll be back in St. Louis to win another next season. Before then though, I'll be drafted to an SHL team. I don't really care which team right now, but l like money and I like to win."

[Nolan looks at TML99 and shrugs with a grin.]

Sinn: "Seriously. I'm a winner, we won in Belfast, we will win here in St. Louis...and I'll win in the SHL. Get ready North America, I'm here. Go Crows."

[Sinn pushes his mic away and rises to his feet. JKortesi81 and TML99 also stand. The three step off the stage and exit the room.]

Scarecrows Scarecrows Scarecrows

//600 words//

- dizzyDC - 06-29-2017

Good choice!

Scarecrows Scarecrows Scarecrows Scarecrows Scarecrows Scarecrows Scarecrows

- Pope [Leo] - 06-29-2017

MY hero! :-x

- TML99 - 06-29-2017

Stud Scarecrows

- CFJ - 06-29-2017

We got our Marty McSorley, Welcome <a href='index.php?showuser=152' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Nero</a>!!!!