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MONTREAL COACH - Printable Version

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- Snappy - 06-05-2012

Michel Therrien will be named as the Canadiens head coach within 24 hours.


- Wheelz - 06-05-2012

Lol, could you have picked a worse candidate?

- Secord - 06-05-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Wheelz@Jun 5 2012, 07:16 AM
Lol, could you have picked a worse candidate?
nope. But he is french

- Bacon - 06-05-2012


- jkrever - 06-05-2012

sorry habs fans, that's too bad.

- Buster - 06-05-2012

He's not even that bad of a coach.

- Wheelz - 06-05-2012

Quote:Originally posted by Buster@Jun 5 2012, 10:11 AM
He's not even that bad of a coach.

He kind of is.

- Buster - 06-05-2012

He's a career winning coach, helped turn the Pens around and laid the foundation of what Blysma is coaching right now. There were many worse choices. He'll be a good guy to bring in for a couple years and turn the team around.

- jkrever - 06-05-2012

I think he would be a good coach if he had a good team, I don't think he's the right guy for a roster that's probably going to be demolished other than the core guys.

- Brandon - 06-05-2012

in 2009 he had a horrible record and got fired with a team that later won the Stanley Cup, how he wasn't at least treading water with with that team is ridiculous.