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Join Fake College Football! - Printable Version

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- Rindiee - 05-29-2018

Are you still longing for football season? Well, maybe Fake College Football can help you relive the magic of the season. It's a Reddit game that deals solely with college football. Essentially you guess a number between 1-1500, as does the defense, and how close the number is to the defense a certain play happens. You play a full game/season like this. It's more than just guessing numbers, there's a weekly poll, imperialism map, bowls, playoffs, and even a Twitter universe.

We are in the middle of our fourth set of games and have recently decided to expand to include the FCS, so you can join now and take (almost) any FCS team you want. FCS teams cannot compete for bowls or the Playoff, but it gives you an opportunity to play games (which are addicting), and if you do well, you may be promoted to an open FBS team.

You can sign up here, after which it's recommended to join the Discord

For more, see the primer.

- kit - 05-29-2018


- Rindiee - 05-29-2018

Quote:Originally posted by kit@May 29 2018, 05:48 PM

yah duh

- crutch - 05-29-2018


- Rindiee - 05-29-2018

Quote:Originally posted by crutch@May 29 2018, 05:55 PM

u lose

- crutch - 05-29-2018


- Rindiee - 05-29-2018

Quote:Originally posted by crutch@May 29 2018, 06:01 PM

ok u win