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The Best at Everything - Printable Version

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The Best at Everything - Muerto - 09-25-2018

The Best At Everything

Looking at the Attributes, Who Has the Highest ratings in the various Skills?

When I created my player, Goku, my one goal was to make sure I had the highest Skating of anyone in the SMJHL.
Which, as you will see, I have accomplished! However, I abandoned my original goal of getting SK to 85, because it would have left Goku with not enough TPE to distribute into his other skills.
Whether doing this has led to him being any good, well that is up for debate.

But it got me thinking, who has the best ratings in all the other skills, and to what degree is it affecting their play and statistics?
I included in these lists the top rookies in each rating, as well as the top overall.

Let's have a look!


CK = Checking : The higher the CK, theoretically, the more hits a player should have.

[Image: ETu3.gif]

What we see is that very few players havepushed their CK rating above 70. Not surprising, as approximately 92% of everyone chooses CK as their weakness.
But there are an intrped few who have gone ahead and become a thug!

Pierre Laroche-Durocher (HFX) : 75
Rafe Ulrich (MTL) : 72
Casey Matz (KEL) *R : 70
Lillie Jacobs (VAN) *R : 70

How's that working out for ya?

Well, PLD does lead his team in hits, with 58, but that is not even close to top 10 league-wide.
Coincidentally, the top hitter, Lil' Manius (STL), has only CK 60 - the difference is that Manius has a huge lead over the 2nd highest CK rating, so by default he is the designated hitter in every line combo he's on.

Rookie Casey Matz is one of only 2 players from the S44 class with a rating of at least 70, and he does at least see some payoff with 74 hits, good for 8th league-wide.

FG = Fighting : The higher the FG rating the more fights the player should have

[Image: giphy.gif]

As might have been expected, not a lot of players have chosen to toss TPE into FG - in fact there are only 2 true Enforcers in the Juniors, Jake Reid and Tim Murda. So kudos to them for taking the Goon Road!
There are, however, a few who are willing to put on the foil, including 2 rookies jacking it up over 30.

Interestingly, Colorado has 3 of the top 5 rated fighters in the SMJHL, so clearly they are all about protecting their "star" players.

Jake Reid (COL) : 75
Tim Murda (KEL) : 70
Jean-Pierre *REDACTED* (COL) *R : 45
Kyle Corbett (HFX) : 41
Vladimir Vaskov (COL) : 31
Tobias Viklund (DET) : 30
Aaron Freakin Rome (DET) *R : 30

How's that working out for ya?

Well, the problem with being an Enforcer is there just aren't that many willing partners, as both Murda and Reid have only 1 fight each. Both ties, too. Maybe they fought each other! I didn't check to see.
Corbett has the most fights with 4, Rome is right behind him with 3 - along with a couple other players who don't have significant FG ratings at all - so it's hard to say how much influence increased FG has on whether a player actually fights or not.

DI = Discipline : One would expect a player with high DI to get fewer penalties.

[Image: 854298135.gif?w=500&h=279]

DI is a highly neglected attribute by most players - generally the majority of players don't even touch it.
There are a few however who have been willing to give it a try.

Dank Boija (DET) : 70
Pierre Laroche Durocher (HFX) : 70
Kade Ryley (VAN) : 70
Steven Moyer (STL) : 68
Marco Raanteli (MTL) : 67
Doug Dimmadome (ANC) : 65
Tye Maximino (KEL) : 65

How's that working out for ya?

Well, PLD - it's not really working out for ya at all, tbh. Even with his 70 DI, he is still 2nd in the league with 60 PIM. So that's a wasted 16 TPE, could have been used elsewhere probably!

SK = Skating : The higher the SK, the faster the player. Theoretically a better Skater should be better all-around - but it's hard to say exactly what impact it has on any statistical traits.

[Image: DrearySafeAlligatorgar-size_restricted.gif]

Not a lot of players put a lot of TPE into Skating, which surprises me a bit as, you know, hockey is basically skating. Only 1 player has higher than 80, and only 10 overall have at least 80.

Goku Muerto (STL) : 81
Bust (ANC) : 80
Sachimo Zoidberg Jr. (COL) : 80
Vince Rieper (HFX) : 80
Michael Choybuk (HFX) - R : 80
Maximilian Egger (HFX) : 80
Mason Hudson (MTL) : 80
Radovan Hudec (MTL) : 80
Kiko Rytmeyr (STL) : 80
Soren Kierkegaard (VAN) : 80

How's that working out for ya?

About half of these players with 80 SK are in the top 10 of their respective positions in Scoring. Sk really does seem to be a secondary attribute as far as impact on statistics goes. I still maintain that high SK is important for any player, though.

ST = Strength : More likely to win faceoffs, more likely to retain the puck when receiving a hit, more likely to check the opponent off the puck when giving a hit

[Image: source.gif]

Strength is a much-neglected attribute, as only 5 players have increased their ST above 70.

Dank Boija (DET) : 77
Mr. Faceoffs (HFX) : 71
Marco Raanteli (MTL) : 71
Herb Robert (VAN) : 71
Brock Nuck (STL) - R : 71

Boija and Faceoffs are rated 9 and 10 in Faceoff percentage so I guess it helps a bit but not so much, maybe?

EN = ENDURANCE : The higher the EN, the less impact ice time has on tiring out a player and reducing their attributes across the board.

[Image: toewscup.gif?w=365&h=273&crop=1]

Most people seem to slot somewhere between 60 and 65 EN, but there are a few who have jacked it up over 70.
Interestingly, Colorado has the top 4 players with the highest EN, so maybe they think it's the secret to a successful build

Sachimo Zoidberg Jr. (COL) : 76
Maui (COL) : 75
Phillipp Winter (COL) : 73
Tony Pepperoni (COL) : 72
Jordan Von Matt (ANC) : 72
Herb Robert (VAN) : 72
Vladislav Konstantin (KEL) : 71

How's that working out for ya?

Well, of these players, only Maui shows up in the top 10 of minutes played, rated 3rd OV, despite playing 2 less games than the leaders.
Konstantinov of course is having an outstanding season points-wise, so maybe it helps him a bit.

PH = Puck Handling : The higher the ranking, the more likely to skate with the puck, intercept passes, and make deflections.

[Image: 4etf.gif]

Again, not a stat a lot of people focus on, with only 6 players at 78 or higher, and none over 80.
Are the GMs in Montreal telling their players it's the secret weapon? They have 3 of the top 6 PH players in the league!

Mason Hudson (MTL) : 80
Charlie Schieck (MTL) : 80
Buck Maverick (VAN) : 80
Viktor Valentine (MTL) : 78
Gvidas Kazlauskas (COL) : 78
Maximilian Egger (HFX) : 78
Waffles Man (DET) - R : 71

How's that working out for ya?

Uncertain. Seems to help with assists, but there's no consistent pattern to these players stats which indicates it's helpful at all.

FO = Faceoffs : The higher the rating, the greater likelihood of winning Faceoffs.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Something that only Centers care about, and none of them seem to care much, as only 2 players have higher than 70 ratings, and one of them a rookie.

Mr. Faceoffs (HFX) : 74
Kristers Dzelme (HFX) - R : 71

How's that working out for ya?

Well, it does help, the best FO guys are all around 65 - 70 FO ratings. It's a TPE dump for Centers, I guess.

PA = Passing : The higher the rating, the more impact on the decision making process, and the better chance to successfully complete a pass

[Image: giphy.gif]

One would think it should help with assists to have high Passing. Only 2 players have increased their passing above 80, while a number seem to have stopped at 80.
Only 4 rookies have at least a 70 rating in passing.

Richard Metcalf Jr. (HFX) : 83
Steven Moyer (STL) : 81
Alex Winters (COL) : 80
Kevin Maddox (COL) : 80
Xavier Paquette (DET) : 80
Tig Murphy (DET) : 80
Oliver Kovacs (HFX) : 80
Viktor Valentine (MTL) : 80
Charlie Schieck (MTL) : 80
Rowdy Smithers (STL) : 80
Soren Kierkegaard (VAN) : 80

Franz Cooper (DET) *R : 71
Roger Baston (STL) *R : 70
Seth McKinnon (KEL) *R : 70
Maurice Amin (ANC) *R : 70

How's that working out for ya?

Only 2 of these players are in top 10 for assists league-wide. Most have more assists than goals. A good passer needs a good scorer, though, so I guess all these guys would be happier with a Sniper or two on their lines.

SC = Scoring : The higher the rating, the greater impact on the decision-making process, as well as higher skill with the shots.

[Image: Andersen2.gif]

Only 4 players have increased their rating above 80, although an awful lot have it capped at 80. People like to score, and build accordingly.

Vancouver is a team that has 3 players with >80 ratings, so they obviously like the Snipers.

Jeff Brogen (MTL) : 82
Jack Kennedy (VAN) : 82
Eriks Skalbergs (VAN) : 81
Carlo Russo (VAN) : 81

How's that working out for ya?

Brogen has 4 goals. Kennedy has 9. Russo has 11, Skalbergs has 10. None of them make the top 10.
That being said, the top goal scorers are all anywhere from 77 - 80 SC, so it obviously helps a bit, but perhaps putting too much into SC leads to the player taking shots from low-percentage areas.

DF = Defense : The better the DF, the more likely the player is to block shots, intercept passes, and play sound positionally in their own end

[Image: 2R87.gif]

Only 2 players have pushed their DF above 80, but there are a ton who are exactly at 80. Conventional wisdom says that not only should Defensemen focus on DF, but so should forwards!

Sean Stevenson Jr. (ANC) : 90
Pierre Laroche-Durocher (HFX) : 81

Antonio Calculon (STL) *R : 80
Ray Bork (HFX) *R : 80
Chuck Crutchfield (DET) *R : 80

How's that working out for ya?

Stevenson and PLD are both in top 10 for shots blocked, but have below average +/- ratings.
It's no secret that any player needs to have solid DF ratings to be successful, as the SIM bears out, but it's no guarantee that it will automatically improve your stats.

PS = Penalty Shot : The higher the rating, the better the player will be on Penalty Shots

[Image: lR3GZsw.gif]

Hey! Some people actually do put some TPE in PS! What a waste!

Takehiko Yukimara (ANC) *R : 55
Boris Denisovich (KEL) : 52
Marc Palicka (DET) : 50

How's that working out for ya?

Yukimara is 0 for 1. Palicka is 0 for 1. Denisovich is 0 for 1. Draw your own conclusions!


And there you have it! I don't know if there's any conclusions that can be drawn other than, as per usual, Simon is a fucker and doesn't seem to do what you'd think should be done. Although I am sure we will all continue to search for the perfect build!

RE: The Best at Everything - TML99 - 09-25-2018

Awesome Read

RE: The Best at Everything - crutch - 09-25-2018

nice kezzington

RE: The Best at Everything - luke - 09-25-2018

Thomason not good enough

RE: The Best at Everything - King - 09-25-2018

Nice stuff man.

[Image: giphy.gif]

RE: The Best at Everything - Beaver - 09-25-2018

PH <3

Quote:Jean-Pierre *REDACTED* (COL) *R
Good looking out.