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Halifax GM statement - Printable Version

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Halifax GM statement - Jearim - 01-04-2019

First Off, I am Honore to be given the opportunity to Lead the Halifax Raiders as their GM. Coming into a new environment is never an easy thing but the Guys in Halifax have been amazing.

The first and biggest thing on my list of things to do once I got here was to get StamkosFan to remain on as CO. I know he really wanted the job and I know he loves Halifax. After talking back and forth he has agreed to remain with us in Halifax as a Co GM.

To the players on our team, I know there has been talk of change, as if I would come in and wipe away everything King and StamkosFan started, the truth is nothing is going to change unless it’s not working. This team has a chemistry, drive and level of activity that no LR in the SMJHL has. Also, the Staff of this team will remain intact as I believe King made some solid choices. We know this team is young and has many drafted players who started at 155 TPE but we will push to be the team to beat before you know it.

To the rest of the SMJHL, we are coming, you may look at the standings and see us at the bottom, you may have written us off, you may see us as easy prey but I assure you that we are coming for you. We are Halifax and we are Raiders.

RE: Halifax GM statement - WannabeFinn - 01-04-2019

You hear that MTL? Halifax has the best chemistry and LR

RE: Halifax GM statement - Zombiewolf - 01-04-2019


RE: Halifax GM statement - kit - 01-04-2019

Hahahahahaha.... Look at all the wanna be specialists talking jersey stealing and ms paint like you have a clue. Do the league a favor, shut up, no one cares what you think. This post was to put out the new jerseys and logo, not to hear a bunch of cry babies "expert opinions". No one cares what you think and really, the jerseys bother you so much? Or maybe because it's Montreal? Mature a little boys, its only simulation game, don't need to let every little thing be a massive insult.

RE: Halifax GM statement - White Cornerback - 01-04-2019

[Image: 2qej3o.jpg]

RE: Halifax GM statement - karey - 01-04-2019

Why is only Buffalo people commenting on this. Go back into your troll caves and come out only when @Tomen or I let you.. ok?!?

Love: mom

RE: Halifax GM statement - Avakael - 01-04-2019

this is why we need SMJHL conferences back

RE: Halifax GM statement - karey - 01-04-2019

Is this the new Buffalo LR?

RE: Halifax GM statement - White Cornerback - 01-04-2019

lmfao Gil u fuckin idiot

RE: Halifax GM statement - karey - 01-04-2019

@Jearim hey congrats to you and @StamkosFan and good luck.

The whole jersey change from king is a moot issue, as if the team and GMs like the look than no big deal, smart for you to not come in with drastic immediate changes, I think THAT was the issue with the previous regime not the changes themselves.

Good to hear your LR is doing well and sorry for my boys coming in here all rowdy like, with @Tomen being a deadbeat dad, being a single mom for the buffabros is tough work so I just let them loose for a while, I'll pay back any damages but they mean well Smile. If only their father was around...

RE: Halifax GM statement - ztevans - 01-04-2019

Best of luck in Halifax, partner. I know you'll do great.

RE: Halifax GM statement - kit - 01-04-2019

01-04-2019, 09:40 PMkarey Wrote: Why is only Buffalo people commenting on this. Go back into your troll caves and come out only when @Tomen or I let you.. ok?!?

Love: mom

u drawing attention to that fact just makes it look worse imo ok, im just trying to meme

RE: Halifax GM statement - Mack - 01-04-2019

Now that every team makes the playoffs in the SMJHL we should make it so the team that finishes first gets to pick their opponent and 2nd then get's to pick out of who is left and then 3rd and so on.

RE: Halifax GM statement - Zombiewolf - 01-04-2019

01-04-2019, 09:49 PMkarey Wrote: @Jearim hey congrats to you and @StamkosFan and good luck.

The whole jersey change from king is a moot issue, as if the team and GMs like the look than no big deal, smart for you to not come in with drastic immediate changes, I think THAT was the issue with the previous regime not the changes themselves.

Good to hear your LR is doing well and sorry for my boys coming in here all rowdy like, with @Tomen being a deadbeat dad, being a single mom for the buffabros is tough work so I just let them loose for a while, I'll pay back any damages but they mean well Smile. If only their father was around...


RE: Halifax GM statement - hhh81 - 01-04-2019

01-04-2019, 09:49 PMkarey Wrote: @Jearim hey congrats to you and @StamkosFan and good luck.

The whole jersey change from king is a moot issue, as if the team and GMs like the look than no big deal, smart for you to not come in with drastic immediate changes, I think THAT was the issue with the previous regime not the changes themselves.

Good to hear your LR is doing well and sorry for my boys coming in here all rowdy like, with @Tomen being a deadbeat dad, being a single mom for the buffabros is tough work so I just let them loose for a while, I'll pay back any damages but they mean well Smile. If only their father was around...


Get it together and be classy, BUF. Congrats again Jay!