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Special Announcement From the Co-Gm of the Colorado Raptors - Printable Version

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Special Announcement From the Co-Gm of the Colorado Raptors - Good_Ole_Kimmy - 03-07-2019

I'm gonna try and be as concise as possible with this: I have decided that it will be best for the team that I step down from the Co-Gm position effective after this season. This is something that I have been thinking about for a long time now, and I have finally decided to go through with it. For a few months now I have had progressively less time to dedicate the the SHL, and at this point I feel like it's hindering my ability to run the team effectively.
    This is something incredibly hard for me to do, ever since I came to this team in S42 I knew I wanted to run a junior team. @InciteHysteria and @FlappyGiraffe were incredible mentors to me and my draft mates and it inspired me from day one to be the guy that helps new members get a grip on the site, and the idea of seeing the people that I once considered my rookies turn into full fledged contributors to the site got me so excited. Lucky for me the opportunity came right after my first season with both incite and Flappy stepping down it left both positions open, that is when @39alaska39 and I hatched the plan to eventually become the GM pair for the Raptors, unfortunately our dream would have to be out on hold after neither of us got the GM job. We stayed persistent and it payed off, we were again lucky enough to get the opportunity to become the GM pairing once again, only this time Alaska got the job. I was incredibly happy that day, I remember checking my phone and seeing the announcement and I was so happy.

Thanks everyone for making the past few months amazing, I'm just gonna tag a few people that I wanna thank especially for the ride.

@FlappyGiraffe You've been by far the biggest mentor for me as a GM, you've helped both alaska and I figure out how to run things countless times and I can't thank you enough.
@InciteHysteria I know you will probably never read this, but you were my biggest supporter since you found out I wanted to run the team and you've given me nothing but back alaska and I.
@39alaska39 One of my best friends on the site and been the best to work with. I couldn't think of a better person to do it with.
@RomanesEuntDomus You've been instrumental in our management channel, the amount of knowledge you have for the SHL is incredible and it's saved our asses countless times.

There are so many more that have added and made my tenure incredible, and I can't thank any of you guys enough.
Applications for the position will be posted after soon.

RE: Special Announcement From the Co-Gm of the Colorado Raptors - FlappyGiraffe - 03-07-2019

You did a great job Kimmy, hope things go well for you! Raptors

RE: Special Announcement From the Co-Gm of the Colorado Raptors - notorioustig - 03-07-2019

Kimmy <3

RE: Special Announcement From the Co-Gm of the Colorado Raptors - Chris-McZehrl - 03-07-2019

InciteHysteria is inactive again?

RE: Special Announcement From the Co-Gm of the Colorado Raptors - BadWolf - 03-07-2019

03-07-2019, 01:35 AMChris-McZehrl Wrote: InciteHysteria is inactive again?

Definitely not. Rip IH

RE: Special Announcement From the Co-Gm of the Colorado Raptors - 39alaska39 - 03-07-2019

<3 love you buddy. It’s been an honor to work with you these last few seasons and you’ve been an amazing friend since we both joined way back when

RE: Special Announcement From the Co-Gm of the Colorado Raptors - Chris-McZehrl - 03-07-2019

03-07-2019, 01:40 AMBadWolf Wrote:
03-07-2019, 01:35 AMChris-McZehrl Wrote: InciteHysteria is inactive again?

Definitely not. Rip IH

if he may come back than he will recreate again! you can take my words.
After Haas he went always very quickly inactive and did recreate. :(

I feel so sorry for Stars
they took him with the 10th OVA in S45 SHL Rookie Draft. and I believe its the 2nd time where they spent a 1st rounder on him. this one would hurt me hard.

RE: Special Announcement From the Co-Gm of the Colorado Raptors - Troy_McClure03 - 03-07-2019

I reject your letter and demand you stay!

Stick taps bud, don't try to go anywhere

RE: Special Announcement From the Co-Gm of the Colorado Raptors - Ason94 - 03-07-2019


RE: Special Announcement From the Co-Gm of the Colorado Raptors - hhh81 - 03-07-2019

Kimmy <3

RE: Special Announcement From the Co-Gm of the Colorado Raptors - Jearim - 03-08-2019

Kimmy  Raptors Well done with Colorado man. Gonna miss you in the SMJHL GM discord