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RaantaTalks - Episode 1: Talking out of my *** - Printable Version

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RaantaTalks - Episode 1: Talking out of my *** - Sami - 03-22-2019

Hey guys,

wanted to write another article to earn some money but halfway through I stopped because I can't write anymore right now haha. So I just talked a little bit out of my ass on this podcast. This is my very first episode and I am from Germany where I don't talk english at all so please consider this when you listen to this podcast.

I realized how difficult it is to talk for 30 minutes, especially because I wasn't properly prepared. I will be better in that regard next time. Actually I like doing podcasts because it can help me getting better at speaking english.

So any feedback is always appreciated!


RE: RaantaTalks - Episode 1: Talking out of my *** - slothfacekilla - 03-22-2019

Yo your English is fantastic!  Shit you pronounced Argar's player name way better than I can.

Enjoyed listening to it for sure!  Thank you for helping me kill time at work.

RE: RaantaTalks - Episode 1: Talking out of my *** - Sami - 03-22-2019

Thanks man, really appreciate that

RE: RaantaTalks - Episode 1: Talking out of my *** - awils13 - 03-23-2019

Thanks for the shout-out lol. Good podcacst!

RE: RaantaTalks - Episode 1: Talking out of my *** - gordieboom - 03-23-2019


Should have created a player from Germany though Smile

RE: RaantaTalks - Episode 1: Talking out of my *** - Carpy48 - 03-24-2019

Enjoyed your podcast as well. Don't worry too much about your English - I had no problem following you.
I totally agree with the part about missing all the discord action that happens when it's the middle of the night here in Germany. We just have to live with it. 

You should continue with this format if you like it.

RE: RaantaTalks - Episode 1: Talking out of my *** - luke - 03-24-2019

Great podcast Sami, especially about the part that Vancouver is the best.