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PGS S47 - Game 114 - Anaheim vs St. Louis - Printable Version

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PGS S47 - Game 114 - Anaheim vs St. Louis - MrStennett - 05-14-2019

Outlaws Anaheim Outlaws vs St. Louis Scarecrows  Scarecrows

Live from St. Louis, Missouri
Final score: 3 -7

First Period

The period starts with a Martijn Westbrook face off win over Scarecrows "C" Michael Fox, but the momentum quickly shifts to St. Louis, as a flurry of shoots pepper rookie goalie Patrick Niederrieter. After two more face offs, both wins by Slap McShotty for the Outlaws, Michael Fox sends a shot just wide. Paying for their inability to get the puck out of their own zone, the Outlaws players watch as the puck ricochets of the end boards and back to Fox's stick where he quickly makes the score 0-1, in favor of the Crows at 2:46. It isn't until 7:33 on the game clock that Scarecrows net-minder Billy Sorokin has to stop his first shot, having seen the rookie across the way face seven shots to this point. It isn't until almost nine minutes later, at 16:19, when a shot by Crows "A" Gordie Boomhover hits one of Niederreiter's pads and bounces back to the stick of Filip Zadina. Zadina makes quick work of the rebound putting St. Louis of 0-2 early. Not losing hope, the Outlaws regroup with a new focus on getting a goal before the end of the period, and they do when rookie Chuck Goody III puts one past Sorokin at 18:40, making the score 1-2. Nothing else of note happens before the horn, but it is worth noting that Anaheim managed only to put three shots on net, compared to seventeen for the Scarecrows.

Second Period

The second period quickly picks up where the first left off, as the Crows resume their offensive flurry. It leads to a goal just 2:35 into the period where another rebound from a Boomhover shot is planted in the Outlaws net by Filip Zadina. This already marks Gordie's third assist of the game, two of them primary assits, and also Zadina's second goal. The 1-3 lead doesn't last long though, as less than three minutes later, Martijn Westbrook collects his own missed shot and fires it home. Anaheim's second goal coming at 5:05, makes the score 2-3, with the Outlaw's still very much in the game. The next twelve minutes of action see the two teams trading hits and quite a few more shots on net for St. Louis. Nobody can seem to put anything home until, at 17:49, Tyler Tougard takes a slick feed from Nicholas Fleming and once again puts the Crows up by two. Just two minutes later, mere seconds before the horn, Gordie Boomhover capitalizes on the prior change in momentum and adds a goal to his point total. Having reached the end of the period, the score stands at 2-5, with the story of shots on goal continuing from the first period. Only four Anaheim shots were fired on target, compared to fourteen for St. Louis.

Third Period

The Scarecrows take the ice at the beginning of the third confident in their three goal advantage, while the Outlaws are looking for some way to kick their offense into high gear. The tenacity of the Anaheim players pays off early, and just twenty-nine seconds into the period Jerry Mander puts one home past Sorokin and the score is now 3-5. The Outlaws are back within striking distance and look to continue the offensive push, but it just isn't meant to be in this one. Just seconds after Slap McShotty wins a face off against Crows fourth line center Mika Kandinsky in his own zone, the puck is wrangled by Isaac Yamada, sent across ice to Fork Spoon, and then put right on the tape of right winger Barrett Blackwood for the Scarecrows sixth goal of the game. The Outlaws wouldn't see another score for the remainder of the game, unless you count seeing Nicolaj Muller putting yet another puck past Neiderreiter at 18:28. The game ends with the final score of 3-7, in favor of the Crows. It was too little, too late for the Outlaws, who finally managed to put a respectable eight shots on net compared to ten for St. Louis.

Three Stars of the Game

1. Filip Zadina - STL - Zadina, no stranger to great performances, put together another one here for his Scarcrows. Playing just over sixteen minutes, he showed why he's one of the J's top snipers, scoring two goals on just three shots. He added an assist to his stat line, totaling out at three points for the game.

2. Gordie Boomhover - STL - The Scarecrows "A" really brought his A game in this one. You could call Gordie a passing wizard after this performance, having racked up three total assists in just over eighteen minutes on the ice. He made his presence felt early and often, with two assists in the first period and one in the second. He also added one goal to his stat line, totaling out at four points.

3. Nicolaj Muller - STL - Muller is a guy who gets all over the ice, and was rewarded for his hustle in this game with his eighth goal of the season. He had the very last goal of the game and it truly put the nail in the coffin, as the expression goes. 

Team Statistical Breakdown

Outlaws                     Scarecrows

3         Goals          7
15        Shots         41
 11         Hits          18  
43        FO Wins     34
6        Penalties      3

RE: PGS S47 - Game 114 - Anaheim vs St. Louis - TheFlash - 05-14-2019

Just a classic beatdown by the Scarecrows. Top teams come in, and just pound ya. A commanding 7-3 win is certainly a statement win. Look at the shots, 41-15. Top goalie Billy Sorokin barely had to do anything. The offence of the Crows was just clicking today and unfortunately for the Outlaws, that just can't be stopped. Filip Zadina was huge with two goals and an assist, and Boomhover also scored a goal while notching three helpers. A truly dominating game, showing what the Scarecrows can do. They are well on their way to another title here in the SMJHL.
100 words

RE: PGS S47 - Game 114 - Anaheim vs St. Louis - leafssteen - 05-14-2019

St Louis dominated this game by being the better team offensively! The outlaws struggled to get pucks to the net and that ended up costing them the game. St Louis offence was led by Zadina with a monster performance scoring two goals and 1 assist. Boomhover also had a huge offensive night picking up 4 points on the night! If this team continues to play like this they will be tough to beat down the stretch! Niederreiter was peppered with shots and had abit of a tough night. The outlaws need to tighten up their D in the future and St. Louis should keep doing what their doing!

RE: PGS S47 - Game 114 - Anaheim vs St. Louis - Buster - 05-14-2019

Comment One - Dominance

One of the best things about being at the arena for a home game is seeing your team pull out a big win. What's even better than seeing a win? Seeing your team absolutely dominate the opposition. From almost the get go, the St.Louis Scarecrows were firmly in the lead in this game and they wouldn't let up against the Outlaws. In the first two periods St.Louis outshot Anaheim by a total of 31 to 7 while the score after two was a solid 5-2 scoring. From the early onset this game was completely out of hand and even though they stumbled a bit in the third, it at no point looked like the Scarecrows were going to lose this game.

121 words

Comment Two - Zadina and Boomhover

Though the whole Scarecrows roster was firing on all cylinders, second line wingers Filip Zadina and Gordie Boomhover were driving the most offence for their team. Zadina was named first star with two goals and one assist. Zadina scored late in the first period to put the Scarecrows up 2-0, which would become 2-1 before the end of the first. He would add a second early in the second period to make the game 3-1. Boomhover assisted on both goals. Boomhover was named second star of the game with assists on both of Zadina's goal with another assist on Michael Fox's early powerplay goal. Boomhover would score the insurance goal in the second off a sick feed from Zadina. These players were by far the players of the game.

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Comment Three - Anaheim Goaltending

By the end of the game, the Scarecrows had outshot the Outlaws 41-15. While the Outlaws did not put out a great effort on this night, their goaltender wouldn't let them die. Back-up goaltender Patrick Neiderreiter was given the rare star against the reigning 3 time cup champions. While he did have 7 goals against, this wasn't the main story. Neiderreiter turned aside 34 shots and up until the end of the second gave his team a real shot to win. At various points in the game the score was 2-1, 3-2 and 5-3 which was completely the doings of Neiderreiter. For my money, he was the real third star of this game.

113 words

RE: PGS S47 - Game 114 - Anaheim vs St. Louis - Huck24 - 05-15-2019

Two minutes for everything

This game had a lot of goals (10), shots (56) and most notably, penalties (9).  The Crows were giving the man-advantage 6 times this game, converting on 3 of those.  The Outlaws were able to capitalize on one of their three attempts on the PP.  Anaheim’s defender Angus Stryder lead the way with PIMs, after being called for hooking on three separate occasions.  This game was won by the Crows, but it makes you wonder, would they have been able to do the same without an extra skater on the ice? The refs called a very tight game here, and St. Louis was able to come out on top, having played a more disciplined game then the Outlaws.
Who wants some shots?

When you read the stat line for overall shots in this game, you’ll see the number 54 for the total amount of shots fired on Billy Sorokin (STL) and Patrick Niederrieiter (ANA).  That number in itself isn’t all that surprising, where the surprise may come is in the division of those shots.  Sorokin faced only 15 of those shots (stopped 12), while Niederrietier saw 41 shots come his way (34 saves).  That is a pretty lopsided game.  Niederrietier actually came out of this contest with a better save percentage (0.829) than his counterpart Sorkin (0.800).  This was only Niederrietier’s 3rd game of the year, one that he played remarkable well when all in considered.

RE: PGS S47 - Game 114 - Anaheim vs St. Louis - PenKnight - 05-17-2019

Comment 1:  Scoreboard Graphic

[Image: vSVQnea.png]

Comment 2: Goaltender Analysis 

[Image: y5MNewk.jpg]

Patrick Niederreiter (ANA)
34 saves from 41 shots
0.829 Save Percentage
[b][b]Credited with Game Loss[/b][/b]
Season Record:  0-3-0
Game Time Played:  60:00

It isn't easy only having 2 games on the season heading into your third but Niederreter felt he was up to the challenge. Unfortunately he was going up against the toughest scoring team in the SMJHL this season and the Scarecrows were ready for some target practice. When the coaching staff of the Outlaws was asked why they left the netminder in so long they stated that they wanted him to get as much game time as possible and even though getting shelled could be difficult on ones ego they felt it was the best way to learn. The truth is that the Outlaws didn't have much choice since they are struggling with injuries in the goaltender position. Many factors to take into account like being in a hostile environment away from home ice. His team let him down committing too many penalties and lack of defense did not help. All in all this is a good learning experience and hopefully the sour taste left in Niederreiter's mouth will not have to be tasted again.

Billy Sorokin (STL)
12 saves from 15 shots  
0.800 Save Percentage
[b][b][b]Credited with Game [/b][/b]Win[/b]
Season Record:  16-5-1 
Game Time Played:   60:00 

This goaltender has just been on fire this season and continues to rack up the wins. It doesn't hurt that his team keeps scoring first and plenty taking off any pressure that Sorokin might feel. Sorokin gave all the credit to his defense for this win as he only had to face 15 shots on net. When you only have to face 5 shots per period on average Billy stated that his job is pretty easy. He also stated that he let an easy one by him at the end of the first period on only 3 shots and felt that he let the team down. "Sometimes you get cold and tight when you don't have much action" he told us. After the second period Billy had a 3 goal lead and felt confident in his ability to finish this one with ease.

Comment 3: Game Recap

The game was a high flying affair for St. Louis. They got off to a great start scoring two goals in the first period. They only allowed 3 shots on goal and unfortunately one of those shots snuck by Sorokin. Both teams headed into the locker rooms and the Outlaws felt they got away with a poor showing only being down 2-1.

In the second period the Scarecrows turned up the gas and scored 3 goals to the Outlaws one and were up 5-2 heading into the third period. They just looked good with passing and shooting. They had 31 shots on net to the Outlaws 7 and seemed to be cruising. They basically were taking advantage of a cold goaltender. They also took advantage of the power play as they scored 3 goals on the man advantage so far this game. Two of those goals came in the second period.

The third period gave possible life to the Outlaws as they scored in the first 29 seconds but the Scarecrows dashed any hopes of a comeback as they scored just over 3 minutes later. They sealed the deal with their seventh goal at 18:28 of the final period and the won the outing 7-3 to the joy of the home crowd.

RE: PGS S47 - Game 114 - Anaheim vs St. Louis - jason97 - 05-25-2019

Pucks to the Net

I don’t know what the St. Louis Scarecrows ate before the game but whatever it is, they should be eating it every single game. They completely dominated the game from top to bottom. Upon looking at the box score after the game, it is pretty obvious as to why. The St. Louis Scarecrows out shot the Outlaws in every period. The biggest surprise was that they didn’t just out shot them by a couple of shoots. In the first period, they out shot them 17-3, the second period, 14-4 and in the third period, 10-8. This is a total of 41 shots to 15 shots against. Even though Billy Sorokin let in 3 goals in those 15 shots, the 41 shots were just too much for Patrick Niederreiter and the Outlaws defense.

Three Stars of the Game

All three stars of the game went to the St. Louis Scarecrows players. The first star of the game, Filip Zadina, was on his game tonight scoring in the first period and adding a power play goal in the second. He also added an assist, finished +1, had 3 shots on net and 1 hit in just over 16 minutes of ice-time. The second star of the night, Gordie Boomhover scored a total of 4 points, 1 goal and 3 assists. He had 7 shots on net and two power play points. The third star of the game, Nicolaj Muller, had 1 goal in just 13 minutes of ice-time and finished with 5 shots on net and 1 hit. With scoring 7 goals in one game comes a lot of offensive production from everybody and St. Louis got just that.

Power Play Specialists

The Scarecrows were extremely productive on the power play in this one. They were able to convert on 3 of their 6 power play opportunities in this game. The first goal came just 2:46 into the first period to open up the scoring after a Lallo Selman interference penalty. Michael Fox was able to score his 6th goal of the year, assisted by Mattie Brunton and Gordie Boomhover. The second goal came just about the same time the first one did but in the second period. After a Mathias Seger tripping call, it was Filip Zadina scoring his 9th goal of the season, assisted by Gordie Boomhover and Isaac Yamada. The third goal came after an Angus Stryder hooking call late in the second period. This time it was Tyler Tougard with his 10th goal, assisted by Nicolas Fleming and Mattie Brunton. Being able to score on the power play is a great way to kick off your offense and boy did their offense show up tonight.