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Mama Bear: Dakota Reid - Printable Version

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Mama Bear: Dakota Reid - Jiggly_333 - 06-06-2019

“I know how you start all of these articles with a quote, don’t use that as my opener.”

Once again, I find myself invited into Dakota Reid’s home for another interview. This time, it’s her place in Chicago. Much less grand than the house in San Francisco, Koda was talking about how weird it is living in what is now “enemy territory”.

“It wasn’t enemy territory when I bought this house, so it’s not enemy territory now. I’m pretty sure there may be more Pride fans than Syndicate fans on the south side just because I’ve established so much around here.”

This is true, with the Chicago Syndicate being founded only in S46, while Koda and her husband Leroy Jenkins’ charity “Big Shoulder Pads Foundation” was founded way back in S38. The Big Shoulder Pads Foundation was designed to give kids a place to go after school instead of staying out on the streets. It may be created by two athletes, but it provides more than sports activities for the kids and includes tutoring and arts programs to help make Chicago a better place for everyone. There are now 13 locations around the South Side and the couple plan on reaching 18 within the next couple of years.

“It always feels like whenever someone tells the history of America and mentions Chicago, it’s always about gangs or mafia related stuff. But there’s so much more to the city. Amazing feats of architecture, a rich musical history, just the University of Chicago alone has produced so much in the world of science. It’s a shame that the only two things people associate with Chicago are Michael Jordan and gun violence.”

Jordan aside, Koda goes on to give a bit more of an answer on why she didn’t make the much expected move and push to play for the new Chicago hockey team.

“I mean, I kind of said it already. It perpetuates a bit of a Chicago stereotype with gang violence in the city. As someone who’s working in my own way to help alleviate it, it sort of feels wrong to want to be a part of that. The Syndicate can do what they want with their own team, but I would rather be a part of the real Chicago and not the fairy tale Al Capone one.”

[Image: HOP_177.jpg]

As we finally settle down for business in the kitchen, I ask if she’s done any new painting recently.

“Wow, it’s been a bit hectic recently. I haven’t really sat down to really do anything. I’ve done some sketches while on the plane and the bus and such, but it’s just been so busy with all of Rosie’s stuff.”

Koda’s daughter, Rose Jenkins, was born when Koda was only 19. She’s relied a lot on her mother and then her husband to raise her, but recently since Rosie’s become a professional athlete it’s strangely been easier to be with her. Koda’s been doing joint weight sessions with her daughter and both women have been known to show up at the other’s practice and stand in.

“It’s nice to get all of this new extra time with my kid and it’s great to know that she still loves me. I wasn’t always there through her childhood, I was playing hockey. But she knows that I love her and that I want to do my best to continue to be in her life.”

There’s been a recent public battle in which Koda has gotten into some beef with Utah Railroaders right fielder Dorothy Morimura. This was caused by Koda’s continued public appeals to Dottie to “stop acting childish”. Dottie is currently dating Rosie, and was at the time, but apparently this newfound extra time with her daughter has allowed Koda to make amends with the PBE player.

“I mean, am I still worried about Dottie? Of course I am. I think she still has a lot of issues to sort through, but being closer to her I understand that she is going through something and she’s working hard to get better. I kind of understand a lot of her frustrations too. The feeling unwanted by your team, the constant sense of disappointing others with your own performance. But she’s a talented kid. I’m sure she’ll go on to break some records.”

[Image: annie-clark-aka-st-vincent-on-the-horror...352919.jpg]

I told her that this mom stuff must be coming naturally to her.

“I guess. I don’t think anyone truly wants to become a mother at such a young age, but even without the kids I’ve always been protective of the people around me.”

For the past few years, the “Queen of Chaos” has slowly become the “Mama Bear” in San Francisco. Players have often come to her for support and advice and she’s been there for all of them.

“I guess having a grown up kid sort of helps with treating other grown ups like your kids. I’m the Team Mom. Whenever they need help, I’ll be there for them. When someone gets in their face on the ice, I’m right there to get in between. Even if the coach gets a papercut, I’m instantly moving to get the band-aid. I just want to make sure that all of my people are safe and happy.”

This is where the interview changes.

When I was invited here, I was told that it would be another routine check-up on one of my favorite people. I wasn’t told of any major announcement being planned or any big things in the works. So what she told me next came as an absolute shock.

“I’ve gone so far for this team that I was willing to retire this next season so that they can continue to build towards their championship.”

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I didn’t know how to respond. So I just asked her to keep talking.

“Look, I’m old now. I’ve been playing for 13 years.  I’m going into my 14th season of professional hockey. When I started hockey, I saw a different future for myself. I saw myself playing on all these different teams and being this great sniper/fighter. But, I found a home. I settled down in San Francisco. I realized what my role to fill was and I was happy to fill it. I learned to enjoy what I had with this team. And while we didn’t have a good team, we never had a winning team, we had great people. I wish that I could see the end to this rebuild. This past season we made the playoffs and I can only assume we’re going to get even better. But it’s time for me to get off.”

Dakota Reid, whose entire career has been filled with doing things just under the surface, has just announced her retirement in the most low-key way. It felt wrong to continue to question her about this, but she said she was comfortable with her decision.

“It’ll give me a chance to slow down. To focus on the foundation, to focus on my daughter’s pro career, to give my son some more attention. This isn’t how I imagined the end of my career to look like. But here it is.”

She has no regrets about her career, nothing bad to say about anyone anymore.

“I know what the New England Wolfpack GMs were doing when they traded me. I know that the Winnipeg Jets didn’t have the cap space and I know that there was supposed to be a three-way trade originally. I’ve come to terms with that. I know that I could’ve asked our GMs here in San Francisco at any point to send me away so I can get a championship, but I preferred to stay here.”

When talking about the impact she’s had on this San Francisco, it’s a bit hard to grasp how big of an effect it’s been. At the beginning of this season, Dakota Reid is 8th all-time in scoring for the San Francisco Pride with 163 points (67 goals, 96 assists). She leads the franchise in penalty minutes with 569. She is second all-time in hits with 1,344. If she keeps on pace with her previous seasons, she should be able to break into that top spot with 150 hits (In first is Kelly Rivet with 1,493 hits). The Queen of Chaos has dropped the gloves a total of 29 times in her time with the team and has only lost 3 times (total record: 8-3-18)

Reid has been a constant for this team since S38. She has given her blood, sweat, and tears to try to bring this team back into prominence. While she hasn’t quite done that, she hopes that she’s helped set the tempo to carry this team forward.

“I honestly didn’t realize I was in the Top 10 for points. I hope I don’t stay in there too long because that’s not a lot of points. I truly hope that I don’t get remembered for my scoring because it’s been atrocious my entire career. I’d much rather get remembered for my enforcer work. I don’t think anyone’s going to be breaking that penalties record for a while.”

[Image: st-vincent-6-homepage-1280x720.jpg]

So is there anything left to say about Dakota Reid? A player who many in the league don’t even recognize, a player whose only true importance is to those she sees as family. The fans in San Francisco are her family, the people in Chicago who have always been family, even those in Montreal who still remember what she did there as captain. There may never be a player who did so much, for so few.

And so I leave, possibly for the last time. I remember something from the first time I came to her home in Chicago. What happened to the punching bag?

“I gave it to Dottie. I’ve fought all my battles. Her fight has only just begun.”

Le Valkyrie. Miss Ladylike. Queen of Chaos. Captain Koda. Mama Bear.
Dakota Reid has begun her last season in the SHL.
The young angry girl who was cast aside, has become the cornerstone to a franchise that will never forget her. And that is beautiful.
[Image: annie+clark+2.jpg]

RE: Mama Bear: Dakota Reid - Beaver - 06-06-2019

It's certainly been a wild ride, from Les Valkryies to Mama Bear. Good luck with the recreate.

[Image: EJZajUx.gif]

RE: Mama Bear: Dakota Reid - Grapehead - 06-06-2019

[Image: RZc0TCC.gif]

Franchise legend! Koda has been a GM's dream this whole time, thank you for everything Cheers still time to get that cup

RE: Mama Bear: Dakota Reid - bluesfan55 - 06-07-2019

one more season for Koda. One more chance to get the one trophy she wants the most. No matter how the Pride do this season, we’re doing it for you (i guess).