After a record setting number of picks in the first round, reports are circling that Winnipeg Aurora GM Ace Hardware completely forgot to draft anyone in the Season 62 Entry Draft.
This afternoon, Ace walked into the [Insert Arena Here] arena to start the draft process. He had wheeled and dealed (whelt and dealt) in the weeks prior to the draft -- as well as on draft day -- to acquire 7 first round picks in one of the deepest drafts in awhile. Despite showing up and being an active participant in the draft, Ace ended up drafting zero players.
"It just completely slipped my mind." Said Ace in a post draft interview. "Things are moving so fast, and I get a lot of messages about the mock draft. I just wanted to be sure that everyone had as strong of a mock as possible, and between fielding calls for that and other trades, I just never got around to the podium today." Indeed, Ace could be seen on the floor talking to just about every team, making sure everyone felt welcomed and satisfied with the draft. "It's been awhile since I got to draft, so I just wanted to soak in the whole experience."
Not one to be so easily dejected, Ace completed the interview saying "You win some you lose some", turned around, and walked out whistling, a spring in his step.
Despite what some may call an oopsie woopsie, Winnepeg fans were largely understanding of the situation. Twitter user Jets4Ever said "The man is under a lot of pressure. It's a small mistake anyone could make. I'm sure the team will look fine once the season start."
Another said "The draft is unpredictable and isn't a guarantee. There are plenty of busts in the annals of history, so having a pick doesnt mean you'll get a good player. It's just the luck of the draw"
Not to editorialize here, but I think it's a small mistake at worst and not one that will negatively impact the Aurora.