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Breakdown the SMJHL blindly (x2 SMJHL draft day media)
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2022, 12:33 AM by JustAnotherHockeyFan. Edited 1 time in total.)

This being my first time entering a simulation hockey draft of any sorts. I thought it would be fun to breakdown teams in the SMJHL and base them off Logo/City. As I haven't been around long, and am not familiar with anyone (other than what biased opinion HFFO might have). I will be judging the Logo and where the city is located. 

First team we have up is the Anchorage Armada   Armada

Initial thoughts, to be completely honest I had to google where Anchorage was. Located in Alaska, they take up 40% of the population of their state. Can see a great turnout for games considering what else is there to do in Alaska! I really think the fan base would be huge here. The boat logo is awesome, very unique. Big fan of the colouring on the jerseys. Overall very happy with the jersey/logo. I think whoever plays for this team would be treated like a celebrity in this city. I wonder if the team has jackets included in their signing offer. This team roster also looks very strong heading into next season. Players like Lord Zomp, Ricky Koivu, and Red Kirkby if they return will make a massive impact on this team. If I was to be drafted by this team, the goal would be to replace Red when he moves on to his SHL career.

I bet they have some unbelievable spots for pond hockey 
I enjoy a colder climate, helps with my breathing
Sleep better in the cold!


No beach weather!
23.5% more expensive on average to live in Anchorage over other places in US

;TLDR Great Jersey, cool logo. Fanbase potential unreal. Would be a fun place to play.

Up next we have the Carolina Kraken  Kraken 

Initial thoughts, the orange is a little off to me. Who doesn't love a mythical beast as their team mascot. They have a strong hockey market as well in Carolina, with a rink that can hold 20000. Attendance is strong, so you have to figure the fan base is supportive as well. Their white jersey gets a thumbs down from me, but I think the black is nice (orange and black good colour combo halloween). Warmer weather here in central USA. Charlotte has a population of 875 000. On the larger side, but not insane for the United States. A wonderful place to live according to many rankings. Some having them as high as 14th best place to live in America. Their roster is looking like it is missing the top end talent compared to others. Not to take away from Pass Forfeit, Rafael Boeck, and goalie Base Pack. I think if Carolina were to draft me, I would try and accelerate my growth to slot into a 1C spot on their roster. The opportunity for more ice time seems to be there, and I would love to try and get there.

Great city to live in with everything you could possibly need.
Close to Atlantic ocean for scenic purposes.
Kraken is a solid name (though Seattle coming in takes a little off it for me)

What is snow? They get maybe 2 inches per year.
The Orange just isn't doing it for me.
Very large city, traffic is probably a nightmare which is a thumbs down

;TLDR Jersey is meh, Charlotte itself seems like a fantastic place to live.

Third on the list is Colorado Raptors  Raptors 

Initial thoughts, the Toronto Raptors have the better Raptor logo. Denver, Colorado with a population of 715 000 it is also the capital city. Denver also is like a cheat code when it comes to playing sports. Their high altitude gives them an advantageous position every home game. That is the only reason any Colorado team has won anything ever. That said, beautiful views in the entire state of Colorado. The mountains are something to be seen. Denver has been voted the best place in America to live. Must have something to do with the air making non residents dizzy or something. Beautiful place to live, great views, and everything you can ask for in a hockey town. Their roster with players like Jr Frankenstero, Evan Winter, and Binko Koivu look solid. They seem to be needing a 1C to come up, and I would love any opportunity to play a 1C role at some point. 

Cheat code air
Best place to live in America

People will bash your wins for the air saying it is cheating 
Raptor logo looks kind of cartoonish but not good


Detroit Falcons you're up next!  Falcons   

Initial thoughts, the logo looks kind of weak. That said, I pulled up the jersey and they are actually clean! Really enjoy these jerseys the colouring and logo looks fresh. Which then leads me into the part where I read they are from Detroit. I have heard they are cleaning up Detroit, and it isn't nearly as bad as it once was. Something something Little Caesar's was my employer for a couple years something. With a population of 672 000 the city is ranked top in dangerous places to live. On the other side, I could always try Mom's Spagetthi and maybe meet Eminem while I'm there. The rink capacity was not listed so I am going off Little Caesar's Palace which holds 19 500. Large rink, and I am sure fills up when the Falcons are in town. Mrs.Mcsaves, Moritz Seider (super original playing in detroit too), Holden Steady, and superstar goalie Toms Zile are an elite top end. The rest of the team has solid depth as well. On paper this team looks dangerous going into next season if this roster holds. I don't know if I would slot in as an impact player immediately, but more transition into the player they want after some core moves up.

Clean looking jersey
Beside Canadian Border (Even if Windsor sucks)
A lot of history in Detroit

Detroit is not an ideal location
Logo itself on merch might not look great

;TLDR Detroit not safe, Jersey is great, roster looks like a competitor

Introducing, the one and only Great Falls Grizzlies  Grizzlies

Initial thoughts, I had to google this location as well. The bear logo is okay, very average and super common same with team name. Would have hoped for something a little more original. I am going to be honest, HATE the jersey. The colours, logo, everything about those jerseys just are not easy on the eyes. Small town with a population of 60 000, and an arena that only fits 12 000. Definitely a smaller hockey market team, as I don't see Montana as a prime hockey location. That said the city and surrounding area is beautiful. Definitely would be a nice place to live if I wanted to not be in a big city environment. Looking at their roster, they are definitely in a rebuild phase. As I see no listed players above 360 TPE. If drafted by Montana the goal would be to get as much ice time as possible to develop into a stronger player.

Beautiful location 
Lots of potential for ice time
Water is always nice

Small market 
Rebuilding if you consider this a con, every team does at some point

;TLDR Small market team, terrible jerseys, lots of potential to jump right into roster.

Something something yet another knights team and oh what a surprise they went Green  Knights  

Initial thoughts. So I am born and raised in Kitchener Ontario. Grew up playing Rep hockey here, worked at the rink the Rangers play out of for 9 years. This jersey colour and name instantly makes my blood boil. The hatred I had for the Knights all those years. Bias aside, I think the green jerseys go look good. Always been a fan of them aesthetically. Kelowna, first Canadian team to make my list. British Columbia is a beautiful place to visit and live. You can be in snow, and in shorts in the same day. Small city compared to many others, but that is not irregular for Canadian hockey teams. Very small rink in comparison to league (Arizona coyotes vibes) sitting 6800. I can only imagine that those 6800 sound like 15 000 though. Another team that seems to be entering a rebuilding according to their roster. Only One player breaking the 350 TPE. Expect to make a splash if drafted by Kelowna, driving to push for their 1C slot by 2nd season and hopefully be a piece in making their rebuild successful... Go Czech Go

Gorgeous Province and city to live in
Mountains, Oceans, Trees
Lots of Ice time available
GM also Czech GM

Small rink

;TLDR Hate Knights, Jersey still look nice, very small rink, room to grow

TIMBERRRRR falling right into the next team Maine Timber  Timber
Initial thoughts, the name just doesn't sound good together. That said, original team name which is respectable. I quite enjoy the jersey colours, the brown feels very sleek. Originality is what gets me with this logo. Another small market team playing out of the Cross Insurance Arena. Max Capacity of 6700 just under that of Kelowna. The size of the arena does not match the size of this city. Portland has a population of 2.1 million people. This instantly sends me red flags that hockey is not be desired in this city. Portland was also said to have the highest rate of depression in any United States city. Makes you wonder why that might be. That said you are within one hour of the ocean in one direction, and mountains in another. Could make for some very interesting road trips with the boys. Another team that only has one player exceeding 360 TPE. Starting to think that most teams do not have as many superstars as others. I think I could "cut" it with Maine, and help push their roster in a couple seasons.


Jersey is unique as is team name
Location is near to many different styles of life

Population to capacity
Depression rate is alarming

;TLDR Good Jersey, City is questionable for rink size, depression capital

And here we go to Battle.... born that is Nevada next on the list  Battleborn 

Initial thoughts, have to be honest instantly hit google to see if there was a goat/ram called Battleborns. Turns out there is in fact. I think the logo is sweet, and unique! Also probably my favourite jersey colours so far. You will not find me commenting on the white jerseys by the way if you haven't noticed. The Dodge Ram HellCat Arena, I can feel the money being drained from my bank account even thinking about getting a ticket there. Located in Los Vegas Nevada, I don't think we need much introduction or statistics for this city. Large, money sink, party central. Everyone wants to be here, and not many people leave with more than they came. Weddings on every block. I am a much more tame player. So if Nevada was to pick me they would not have to worry about me being causing havoc or ruining my career. Nevada appears to break the streak and have some star talent on their roster. With players such as Luke Laraque, Seamus O'Slapahan, and Chad Nickelback fronting their squad. 


Vegas baby
Sweet Jerseys

Dealing with Vegas
Did I mention Vegas?

;TLDR AWESOME Jerseys, Vegas living is what you make of it, Star talent on team already.

This next team won the last 4 SMJHL championships in a row... oh wait SIKEEEE, it is okay I know HFFO cost you that 3-1 series lead  Berserkers 

Initial thoughts, going to assume small market based off location. The Logo looks sick, and the team name I really like. Intimidating, colours go well together, overall solid logo and name probably my second or third favourite thus far. St Johns capital of Newfoundland has a population of 205 000. The rink holds a whopping 6 287 people. With their recent success I can only imagine that the rink fills day in and day out. They were so close to bringing home four straight championships this year. Their elite offensive defenseman Rand Al'Thor putting up disgusting numbers with NFLD over the last 4 years. They have some extremely talented players still especially their top three; Luka Hunziker, AJ Williams, and Matsmith Soderberg-Tremblay. You would think they are looking to compete yet again for their fourth championship in five years. I feel this club deserves a larger arena considering the success and leadership staff that supports it. Many staff, and a lot of "advisors" whatever that means (just sounds like a fancy title to get free money). I feel I would be living in a massive shadow with this club, seeing as HFFO is my brother. I can just hear the "bust" anytime I miss a shot or lose a draw. 

Awesome Jersey
Logo is great
A lot of recent success and strong core players

HFFO played here
Who wants to be in Newfoundland

;TLDR almost 4 in a row, awesome jersey, HFFO choked

Oui Oui, nous sommes fiers de vous présenter Le Quebec City Citadelles  Citadelles 

Initial thoughts, very cool logo and colour scheme. Finally a Quebec hockey team, wasn't sure when we were going to see one. Also happy to see we didn't rip off the habs in anyway. I love the look of this logo, and the jersey are very pleasing on the eyes. I know I wasn't going to mention the white jerseys but my favourite thus far. Population of around 560 000, and a rink that sits 18 000. Larger than average rink size, in about an average size city in this league. Quebec City is a beautiful city, with a lot of rich history to enjoy. The Quebecians are known to be hockey crazed, and are sure to have a fun rink environment. Though the media will be tough I am sure. Also, if you can learn french it is probably in your best interest. This team looks like the strongest so far with 5 players exceeding 500 TPE. Sohpie Bordeleau, Shylo Moxii, Louise St.Martin, Rylie Versi, and all star goalie Justin Time. This is a very stacked team  and probably the favourite to win next year. If drafted, not sure the impact I would make initially with such a deep team. Though I would be a strong replacement in the following seasons.

Crazy hockey market
Beautiful City
Great Jerseys
Strong chance for championship

Crazy hockey fans
Not a lot of ice time available
Not french speaking

;TLDR Good Jerseys, great place to visit/live (if you speak french), Probably favourites to win championship

Regina Elks are the next team on the list  Elk 

Initial thoughts, logo itself is different. I enjoy it, and I am a big fan of the purple heavy colour base. While I like the jersey and colour, I am not a huge fan of the team name itself. Population of 228 000 and a rink that holds 6500. Per capita not a bad size. Also people can see the rink from the other side of the province. Probably should have a tractor night, I bet you could sell tickets at a premium. Regina is actually the closest city to the centre of North America. So if you want to be in the centre of the hockey world I guess this would be it. Regina feels like they are a solid core with 5 players breaking 400 TPE. Overall probably the 2nd strongest overall with slightly less on the top end talent. Gordie Goodenough, Ignaz Pleyel, M'Baku Olubori, David-Arturri Donskoi, and Kezia MacKenzie being their top 5. This will be an interesting team to watch this season for sure. 

Unique Logo
Good colour scheme


Team name
Not a lot of available ice time currently
Flat land is boring

;TLDR Cool jerseys, strong hockey team, boring province

Wondering why there are no birds around? That's because you've walked into St.Louis Scarecrow territory  Scarecrows 

Initial thoughts, the logo looks like something I probably had a nightmare about growing up. Straight out of a horror movie I'm sure. Cool design, and the colours of jerseys are fantastic. St. Louis with a population of 308 000, and a rink sitting 18 400 means that is a lot of seating for their population. St. Louis was the first U.S city to host the first modern day Olympics. Very large and new rink, with a state that is on the smaller end. St. Louis made the top 20 most entertaining places to live. With that kind of attraction the seats might fill up. With 4 players breaking the 500 TPE threshold you can expect them to be making a run at the championship this season.  Outdoor Tuck, Mikael Jakobsen, Jayden Cloutier, and Dan Baltisberger being their key pieces. Another solid team if you are looking to get right into a winning opportunity. If I was to be drafted by St. Louis, I would see minimal ice time I'm sure the first season. Though could progress into their extra 1C.

Every child would avoid you with these Jerseys
Enjoy the colours
Championship contenders

Missouri doesn't have that hockey feel
Not sure how the hockey market will be
Crime rate is not ideal

;TLDR Scary but cool Jersey, good colour, fun place to live, strong team next season
Splashing into our second to last team.. The Hartford Vancouver Whalers  Whalers 

Initial thoughts, clean looking logo colour scheme and jerseys are okay. Not a huge fan, but don't mind them. Vancouver is our second team in British Columbia. They are a 5 hour drive from Kelowna. So I'd expect the rivalry between these two teams to be strong. Vancouver is top three in largest cities in Canada, also top three most expensive. Vancouver was ranked third recently in most "livable place in the world" which speaks highly of the city. Crazy fan base that will show their emotion win or lose. Close to water, and mountains there are many positive to living in this city. The arena sits 17 500 which is a fair size in this league. I'd expect attendance to be strong considering the population of Vancouver is 2 600 000. Teams looks to be about middle of the pack, with two players exceeding 350 TPE. Miroslav Ketil, and Aleksandr Iskandrov look to lead their team to a playoff contention this season. If drafted I would expect to fill in a slot with decent ice team by the beginning of the second season. Team looks like they are on the rise in a year or two.

Beautiful place to live
Classic logo
Great hockey city

Large population isn't always great
Not the only team in province
Weather is terrible

;TLDR Okay jerseys, great city, rain rain rain snow

Last but certainly not least, all the way up in northern Canada it is the Yukon Malamutes  Malamutes 

Initial thoughts, how can you not love the logo. Dogs are love, dogs are life. Their jersey design and colouring is phenomenal. I love the mountains on the bottom and the malamute in the middle just a great design. Yukon leaves a lot to be desired. Not a whole lot to do in the Territory. Yukon has the largest Non Volcanic mountain called Mount Logan. Though in all seriousness not a whole lot you can do in this city. Population of 43 000, and a rink that is unknown. I am not sure how many people would be willing to trek to games in the winters there in Yukon, or how teams get there in the winter for that matter. Perhaps they play all their home games early on. Another solid roster team with four players breaking 450 TPE. Patches THE III, Reed Kobo, Billy Blazes, and Lord Farquaads looking to compete for a championship. Look for this team to try and make a splash in trades before deadline to give them a shove into playoffs. If I was drafted by this team I'd expect a fur coat, and a cot inside the rink. 

Dog jersey is great
Pond hockey would be amazing


;TLDR Good Jersey, Cold, Cold, COLDDDDDDD

That wraps up my Team/Jersey breakdown.. Remember I know nothing and everything I said is all in fun. I would love to be drafted by any team, and look forward to not only growing my own player but also with whatever team decides to waste use a pick on me. Thank you all and looking forward to the draft!@

WC 3626

[Image: Svatos2.png?ex=660626ee&is=65f3b1ee&hm=4...height=350] [Image: sig.png?ex=660330ca&is=65f0bbca&hm=574bd...9bdc77fda&]

You'll never be roasted harder than Juke.

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

[Image: HFFO.gif]


HFFO choked

[Image: arTbD7O.png]

Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate

07-08-2022, 12:39 AMLime Wrote: HFFO choked

Weird, more like Patty and Lime shit eh

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

[Image: HFFO.gif]

(This post was last modified: 07-08-2022, 01:44 PM by DELIRIVM.)

The Alberta-Rocky Mountain US corridor is famous for having raptors, especially the truly scary Utah Raptor, roaming the lands throughout the Cretaceous. As far as I can tell, through scholarly journal research, there were zero raptors in the Ontario area. 

So get your Barney the Dinosaur Toronto logo out of here!

[Image: 2Y6XCEF.png]
[Image: Xwhw2zl.gif]
[Image: 2utoLVQ.png]

07-08-2022, 01:44 PMDELIRIVM Wrote:

The Alberta-Rocky Mountain US corridor is famous for having raptors, especially the truly scary Utah Raptor, roaming the lands throughout the Cretaceous. As far as I can tell, through scholarly journal research, there were zero raptors in the Ontario area. 

So get your Barney the Dinosaur Toronto logo out of here!

Tell him

“The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. ... There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.”

[Image: HFFO.gif]


rip da grizzlies

"Detroit is not safe"

"St. Louis is a good place to live"

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

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