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S68 Graphics Tournament: Holiday Wallpapers

S68 Graphics Tournament:
Holiday Wallpapers

We have a fun tournament planned this season to get everyone into the holiday/winter spirit!

This tournament will have each participant paired with an SHL team. We will have a signup thread for team preferences, if you’d like to be randomly assigned let me know.  

What is the task?

Create a Holiday themed wallpaper to represent your team
- Sign up in the thread to receive your team. 
- 1920x1080px (or use our template)
- JPG or PNG only, no animations
- A logo should be somewhere on the wallpaper (SHL logo, SMJHL logo or a logo of one of the teams) -> check the resources section
-Send wallpaper to @Ruggsy (Ruggsy#7042) when complete.(Deadline will be announced when signups are done) 

What can I win?

Every participant in the tournament will receive 3 free SHL Trading Card packs!

We will have four prize winners that will be determined via a public forum vote:

1st place: $5M
2nd place: $4M 
3rd place: $3M
4th place: $2M

Can I submit my wallpaper for grading if I didn't win anything?

Yes. Everyone who doesn't win a prize is allowed to submit their wallpaper for grading and receive a 2x bonus. These will be graded in the 'wallpaper' category. Make sure to write a note in the weekly submission thread that your wallpaper was part of this contest so the graders are informed.

Can I use an alternate team logo?

Yes. You are allowed to use a team's official 2nd or 3rd logos. Official league material only. The logo requirement cannot be fulfilled solely with a different image, a hand drawn version or anything else.


Sign up thread HERE. Be sure to read up to see if someone already picked the team you want, it might have not been edited into the official list yet!

Design your wallpaper and send it to @Ruggsy (or Ruggsy#7042). The deadline for submissions is TO BE ANNOUNCED based on sign ups. Voting will start afterwards.

Good luck everyone!

[Image: card.png]

[Image: Z8yXihx.png] [Image: U0nD2Rt.png]

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