Highlander Tales Episode 14
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Episode 14: Rivalry in the making: Demir vs Jacob
After a harsh defeat from Kraken, the team returns to Ottawa. Frenchie with Pres and Cycro’s help develops a new training plan to improve the team’s attributes. Pyro leaves to attend a family reunion. Leaving the training with Frenchie but he has Pres and Cycro helping out. The GM noticed the atmosphere with his players is different than usual. He doesn’t want to pry into their personal lives or relationships. In his mind they are all adults and should be able to work out their differences on their own and be able to put aside for the sake of the team. Normally he leaves these relational issues to Pyro but he is gone. Frenchie hopes the team can manage on their own and it doesn’t crack under his eye. He whistles his bell to have the team take a break. Demir look at Hockey and Joe. It has been days now and he still gets the side eye from them. After explaining things to Benji and Pique. Benji is very disappointed with him while Pique gives him the silent treatment. He hopes things may get better with his team but he is starting to doubt that. Demir lays down knowing he has been an idiot lately. He knows he needs to make up to Hockey somehow. He looks at his fellow defenseman who has been quiet too. Jacob has been in deep thought so Demir cannot figure out what is going with him. He hears the bell ring meaning break is over and he heads back to the field. Pres setup defense practice for Demir and Jacob to work on together to improve their coordination and set off each other’s weaknesses. However the training becomes complicated as they start to argue. Pres wants to say something but Frenchie was firm to let the team handle their problems on their own. ———— Jacob growls “I got it alright! I know what I am doing, Demir. I have done this many times before I ever met you!” Demir holds his stick “Doesn’t mean it’s correct! You need to raise your stick to 90 degree angle then by doing that it’s easier to push the puck around.” Jacob glares “I was a math major at Harvard! I know how to measure properly and test it many times. An 45 degree triangle form with the right precision plus speed and accuracy will produce better results. Notice that I am better at blocking than you!” Demir rolled his eyes “So you are Ivy pompous Frenchman! No wonder you act the way you do!” Jacob put his stick down “I wanted to stay in France. I only came here to the states so Mia can come here to play hockey and her father wouldn’t let her leave without someone he trusted with her especially after what happened to her.” Demir tilt his head “Whatever the case is the fact remains I think it’s better that you do it at 90 degree angle. I have more experience at this than you!” Jacob glares “Well I am doing the bulk of the defense work! Most of them are forwards and will focus more on that. Once you are gone it’s all going to be on me! So I spent nights watching tapes, doing math in my head, and working on techniques. There is more to hockey than being a muscle.” Demir blinks “So what are you trying to imply?” Jacob smirks “Cerca di capire, imbecille” (Try and figure out you imbecile) ______ Later that night Jacob, Bishop, and Clarence are at the Rideau Club. Which is a social club designed for wealthy people in Canada connected to the royal family from the UK. Due to his connections from Harvard and popularity of his mother from the fashion industry. Jacob was able to gain a membership to the club with ease. He invites Bishop and Clarence with him to the club. Dressing in fine attire to sit down and relax after a day’s work. Clarence sips his vodka “Today was work I swear Frenchie is trying to push us to the brink!” Bishop nods “Yeah my chest started to hurt after a bit. But I think it’s worth it. What about you Jake? Pres had you and Demir work on some special training today.” Jacob sips his wine “Physically great but mentally exhausting because of Demir.” Bishop sips his beer “You know I heard from Pique that he has been troublesome as of late. He, Joe, and Hockey are not talking to him. Benji keeps giving out this aura of disappointment. I wonder what happened .” Clarence shrugs “Whatever it is they need to settle it because the season is half over. We cannot afford to break down over some issues with our captain. Frenchie believes we can win the cup and I want us to do it too. It will be amazing for me to win such a thing in my first year.” Jacob closes his eyes “If 4 people see Demir as a problem then it needs to be addressed. Even I have issues with him and it’s finally getting to me!” Bishop looks at him “Jake, just let it go. We are doing well and we have improved a lot right?” Jacob glares angrily “Bishop, I am carrying the bulk of the defense of our team. I have to clean up his mess! Be honest bro how is it when I am on the ice compared to him?” Bishop shrinks “He can score better but it’s easier and less pressure to defend the goal when you are there. I am a damn wall but you totally got my back! You too Clarence!” Clarence nods “I try my best but I can see defense is no joke! I salute every man that is up to the job!” Jacob sips his wine “Then in the media he takes credit sometimes for my work! It was Hockey and Peyton’s playmaking skills, my defense plus messing with the Lavioes, Easton and Spaceman’s speed, and you being a damn brick Bishop is why we won ⅘ over the Timbers!” Clarence nods “Bro I was on my A-game on Nevada ass!” Bishop nods “I get this is Demir’s last season with us but I am kinda getting annoyed by his star power a bit.” Jacob finishes his wine “He is a problem..” Clarence frowns “Don’t do anything crazy Jacob. Yes he is the star player and it’s getting to his brain. He will be gone soon and we can work on other things. I say we should work together and let it all go. I want peace and winnings over a civil war.” Jacob smiles “Fine but if he says or does one thing I am kicking his ass” Bishop pats his back “Good now let’s eat because I am starving!” _______ The next day later the team starts exercising and warmups on the ice. Frenchie has the team split into pairs to work on their stick checking and evasion. Demir smiles when he hears he is paired with Hockey hoping maybe he can explain himself. Unfortunately to his disappointment she focused more on the training than anything. Demir frowns “Hockey, can you please talk to me? I want to explain myself to you.” Hockey glares “Demir, we are training this isn’t the time or place for that.” Demir sighs “Hockey, I care about you…I…” Hockey looks at him “Don’t you dare! What about your situationship with Olivija? Are you playing her too? Are you trying to play us both? You jerk!” She shakes away from him. He grabs his head yelling with frustration. He is about to go after her until Jacob skates to him with his stick tapping the ice. The two stare at each other for a minute. The team observes the pair wondering what is going to happen. The GM insists on staying out of it and hopes his defencemen handle their business like men. Demir glares “Jacob move…” Jacob glares “No and leave her alone! I don’t know what you said or did but she is upset. If I find out that you did hurt her Demir, I will kick your Italian ass!” Demir rolls his eyes “Always need to be the bloody knight. I am tired of everyone being mad at me! It’s bad enough that Hockey, Pique, and Joe have a problem with me. I wish Benji would stop giving me sad looks! From what I can tell, so do you as well, so what is it?” Jacob stepped up “Alright if you are interested so let me indulge you. I am sick of your ego! I am sick of being in your shadow. I am sick of cleaning your fuck ups! I am sick of you taking credit for my work!” Demir crossed his arms “Jacob, watch yourself alright and I have made sure that you have a more active role in our team. I even train you privately myself. You are still learning about the game and I doubt you can handle the pressure of the game.” Jacob glares “I don’t hear an apology! So you won’t let your pride go for shit!” Demir blinks “I am not being proud but I have more experience at hockey than you do. I have been playing this game since I was kid and even rose up in the Swiss league ranks. I was in the Lausanne u17 and u20 teams before I came here. What about you? Play some games here and there while you were running some track then fuck around at Harvard!” Jacob tightens his grip to his stick “Are you jealous of me? Because I am not putting all my eggs here?! I actually have some skills and talents in other areas in case hockey doesn’t work out! Do not throw that in my face, Demir.” Demir closed his eyes “Look, you are doing great and I am sorry that you feel that you are in my shadow. It’s natural that my role as captain and one of the star players would take the spotlight. It’s how it all goes. I am not jealous of your stupid Harvard degree! Eventually you will get there and be recognized by your own merits.” Jacob looks down “Demir, you don’t get it all!” Demir shrugs “There’s nothing for me to get because I am telling you how it is in this field. Even if you do well you are a defenseman not a forward. So recognition and all of that jive isn’t available in the cards for you! Maybe you should dip out and quit following a dead man’s dream!” Everyone, even Frenchie, held their breath when Demir said that. It’s wrong for Demir to say that and Jacob is sensitive whenever his dead brother is mentioned. The Frenchman can handle a lot but talking about his brother isn’t one. He drops his stick and makes a fist staring at the Italian. Memories of his brother’s death flash through his mind and all can see Demir is a mere enemy. Before anyone can do or say anything, Jacob pounces on Demir and starts punching his face to the point he begins to bleed. Bishop and Clarence grab Jacob, pulling him away from Demir. Demir’s face is bloody from his lip and eye as he was unable to stop Jacob’s barrage of punches. Frenchie sighs as today is a pain and now he must intervene. He whistles at Jacob to come to his office. Benji and Pres help Demir and take him to the medic ward so he can be treated. __________ Demir sits in the medic room with Pres treating his wounds. Pres is a nurse who is now an educator to keep his license active. Demir moves painful and uncomfortable with Pres’ touch. Benji just watches them and frowns. Benji sighs “Demir, why did you have to say that? You know Andre is a sensitive topic.” Demir wince “I know and I was getting frustrated but that is no excuse. Honestly, I feel like he is sometimes.” Pres place snitches “Even if he is that is his own affair not yours. You know I think Demir. I think you are jealous of him. The boy has means and is a Harvard graduate. His path is set yet he came here to play. Even with that he lacks the same burdens and expectations that is place upon you.” Demir frowns “I can see his potential but…” Benji shakes his head “Demir, you have been an ass lately. We are halfway into the season and we cannot afford to crack now. We have a shot to win the cup before we leave. You need to make up to Hockey and Jacob. I got your back but for real man.” Demir nods “You are right… ouch Pres!” Pres smiles “You move too much Demir. I want you to remember teamwork is key here to succeed. Stop giving the boy side eyes and yes don’t think I didn’t notice. I am a nurse and I have to read my patients. I can read body language in case you forget.” Demir looks at them “Do I see him as a rival?” Benji smirks “Maybe but I am a better competitor..” Demir grins “Shut up!” __________ After having some talks with Bishop and Clarence, Jacob exhales and inhales as he stands before Frenchie’s office. He should have just walked away but when his brother was mentioned it just affected him. He hasn’t been to Frenchie’s office since he signed the contract for Highlanders. Hopefully he won’t be kicked from the team. His mother and Mia will give him an earful. He knocked on the door and was allowed inside. Frenchie’s office has red walls with wood furniture, white couch and chairs . He has a coffee machine, plasma tv hanging on the wall, electric fireplace, and a mini bar. Jacob realized that the floor was heated so it was clear where some of the budget went. He sees two doors in the office. He knows one is a proper bathroom with a shower. Why Frenchie needs a shower is questionable as he wonders if the water is hot since they lack it in the shower room for the players. Then he looks at the other door which he doesn’t know what it is. He starts to wonder what Frenchie does with the money they earn for the team. Frenchie comes from out of the mysterious door with a towel wiping his face. He sees Jacob and jumps “Jacob, I didn't expect to see you so soon.” Jacob blinks “Frenchie, are you hiding a spa room in your office?” Frenchie grins “No way, what kind of a GM do you think I am?” Jacob glares “An interesting fellow…” Frenchie sits at his desk “Jacob, let’s talk! Now we are a team and I know we all don’t agree because we are humans. I prefer you all handle your differences like adults however just having a brawl with one another isn’t appropriate! Now in normal circumstances if two players are unable to get along to the point it impacts the team one of you have to go! Fortunately for you, Demir is leaving so I am not forced to make that decision. Of course, Demir has upset some other people so it doesn’t go well for him either.” Jacob sighs “I would have backed off if he didn't bring up Andre. Just because I went to Harvard doesn’t mean I am different from anyone.” Frenchie smiles “You are a smart lad Jake. Don’t think I didn't catch you studying for GMAT.” Jacob grins “My mom wants me to be more mindful about money and should develop some business skills.” Frenchie nods “She is a smart lady. You know I recall while I was on vacation in Boston, I came across a boy skating around the ring with a puck trying to master a basic technique over and over again. For 4 hours, he spent doing that then the next day his college team won the game with him pulling off that move. He is graduating soon and I am about to launch a new team. I spent months trying to convince this kid to come over and eventually he did. You told me then that hockey is your way to remain close to your brother. Is that still true?” Jacob blinks “What are you trying to say?” Frenchie poured a glass of wine for Jacob “Jacob, no matter what you feel about Demir. You will never have the burdens and expectations that are weighed upon him. He is #1 for 3 different teams. Montreal has never won anything so there are some heavy expectations upon him to perform and bring them the cup. Seattle on the other hand have proven themselves well.” Jacob takes his glass and sips “I know he is the star player and will get more attention but I do want to be acknowledged for my work. Sometimes he gets credit for what I do. There are times I have to fix his mistakes, Frenchie.” Frenchie pours himself whisky “Welcome to hockey defenseman where you need to be janitor sometimes. Demir does have more experience than you which is true so he knows that ice and how to maneuver himself. He is better at offense, faster, and more built.” Jacob frowns “I am muscular…” Frenchie smiles “You can do more strength training, it's why your hitting isn’t as effective. But you are better at defense and willing to take more risk to protect Bishop. However, like Demir, I don’t think you are playing at your full capacity. Why did you choose to be a defenseman?” Jacob sips his wine “Andre was a forward and wanted practice so I became defenseman to help him. Well I have stuck with it ever since.” Frenchie nods “I see.. Jacob, I know you love Andre but I want you to follow your own path and dreams. I want you to play hockey your way, not his. What does the game mean to you personally?” Jacob looks at him “Well..it’s…” Frenchie smiles “You don't have to answer me now by the time you go to Seattle you should have it. You know I will do something one day for you. For now no more fighting your teammates.” Jacob nods “Thanks Frenchie..” _______ Preview Spaceman: Come on guys let’s go and take off to infinity and beyond! Clarence: Are we going to space? This is insane! Easton: Wait Spaceman, you are a space agent? Spaceman: Look I want us all to have some fun as long as we stay out of trouble. Clarence: Who the hell is that strange lizard creature? Easton: Spaceman, what trouble did you bring us into? Spaceman: Don’t worry about guys I got it.. let’s rocket! Next time: Highlanders in Space 1 ________ Starring @Frenchie Demir Bellona | @Kalakar Jacob Maccabees | @ @MrPresident Hockey Player | @Ruggsy Bishop Van Apeldoorn | @Cybershade EDM Clarence Worley | @Leoben Benji Hockiwi | @Hockiwi |
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