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Highlanders Tales Episode 16

Episode 16: Highlanders in Space 2

Spaceman paces around as Hobbes drives the ship. He is trying to figure out how to save his teammates and keep the rest of his team safe. Fortunately the HQ of Space Patrol hasn’t called him so everything is under control as he can keep it. His intention of bringing his team to space was to bond and settle whatever issues they have so they can succeed in the league. However things are getting complicated as he looks up at 4 people standing in front of him.

Hockey frowns “Do you know where they took them?”
Spaceman sigh “Probably to their hideout which is hard to penetrate. Veltrax is using them to get to me. So once we get close I will go down and save them.”
Bishop blinks “By yourself?! You should let us come and help out.”
Pique nods “Bishop is right besides we are a team.”
Spaceman frowns “Risk getting you all killed? No, what should be done is take you all home and I go get Demir and the others alone..”
Clarence punched him “Nope! Plus what if something happens to you? We are all going together! Please let us help in some way.”
Bishop points to the morpher “Actually do you have any spare? I think that will be enough to help.”
Spaceman shakes his head “No… neither of you are… Dammit… I gotta go.”

Spaceman runs off to take a call. Hockey, Pique, Bishop, and Clarence explore the ship as they were hoping that Spaceman would take their help. Then they went a wrong path and found themselves in a room. Of what appears to be a museum of sorts showcasing past space patrols soldiers. Then they see 4 morphers in 4 pictures of former soldiers. Then Hobbes appears behind them.

Hobbes coughs “They were once rangers like Calvin until tragedy happened 2 years ago. After he got intel from the evil empire, they went on a rampage. These four fought bravely to save our galaxy but at a terrible cost leaving Calvin alone. I know what you four are thinking but taking that on is dangerous which is why Calvin wouldn’t be giving you those.”
Hockey frowns “Hobbes, we cannot stand here while Demir and the others suffer!”
Hobbes sighs “Hockey, it’s dangerous and you all can be killed! Life as a ranger isn’t like a game of hockey you all play on earth. Besides these morphers won’t work unless activated by the red one.” 
Pique crossed his arms “So what should we do now?”
Hobbes smiles “Hope that Calvin has a plan.”
Demir wakes up in a cage as he hears the water drip down. He sees Easton, Benji and Joe sleep and lock up as well. He looks around to examine his situation. He jumps when he sees the guards looking strange. He knows that he has to get out of here. He nudged his friends to wake them up. The three awaken and are shocked at their captivity and wonder where they were. Then Veltrax enters the dungeons and smiles at them.

Veltrax grins “Well welcome to my dominion and I see that you are friends of Spaceman Spiff.”
Easton grits his teeth “What do you want? We are just humans from earth.”
Veltrax nods “You have connection to my sworn enemy. Also while I can use you four as bargaining chips. There is a booming slave market in Saturn.”
Joe grabbed the gate “Wait…slave market… look buddy what you need? 
Demir sighs “Joe…”
Joe stares “Demir, I am not going to be a slave on another planet at that! Fuck that because that is not my plan nor is that yours either…”
Veltrax nods “I like you… Joe right? Well I will give you gentlemen time to consider my proposition. You can swear your allegiance to me and I will not sell you to Saturn. Yes, that includes going against that friend of yours. I will give you four about 48 hours to consider.” He leaves them

Demir hits the cage “Joe, you cannot consider this folly?”
Joe frowns “What other options do we have Demir? I don’t want to be sold! I swear I am not heading to space again after this.”
Benji smiles “Well we know Calvin and the others will be after us. So we just need to hold out until then.”
Easton worried “What if he doesn't come? We have to give this guy an answer in 2 days. What if he chooses to kill us instead?”
Benji sighs, “Then we will cross that bridge when it comes.”
Demir looked up “We need to get out of here…  Hockey…”
Joe crossed his arms “She is still upset at you and so am I. I understand as a man we have needs but I refuse to allow you to play with her. Especially if you have another woman at the hip. I watch how you interact with Olivija and it looks more than friendly to me Demir.”
Demir sighs “I care about Ollie but even if I wanted to pursue her. She is not open for a relationship because she just left a bad one.”
Benji lays down “So you are using Hockey as a rebound? Bruh…”
Easton blinks “Wait.. time out! There is some romance drama going on and I am missing it? So it's a triangle affair going on?”
Joe sighs “Easton, shut up!”
Demir sighs “I care about Hockey and no she is not a fucking rebound Benji! I think I may actually love her but I am afraid that I will screw it up!”
Joe looks at him “You are screwing it up for being an idiot! Right now we need to hope for the best and if we can get out of here in one piece. Maybe you can be more simple-minded and be honest with my friend.”
Hockey practice punching the bag doing some kicks and flips. She kicked the bag hard screaming with frustration. She holds the bag as she starts to cry. Thinking about all the time wasted being angry at Demir that he might be dead and she never told him how she really felt. Times like this she wishes she had Joe but he is captured too. She hates being so useless. She looks up to see Jacob standing there. Jacob rushes over to hug her as she starts to cry in his arms.

Hockey holds him “I…don’t want to lose him..J-mac…”
Jacob nods “Shhh… we will get him and the others back. Yes, Demir is an ass but he's our asshole. He and the others will come home so just hang in there okay. I got you…”
Hockey weeps “I know he upset you but…”
Jacob smiles “You don’t have to say it Hock. I know you do and we will get him back.”
Frenchie looks at the board as Cycro and Pyro drive and maintain the ship. He always wanted to travel to space. They were all having a great time until shit happened. He watches Spaceman pacing around. The Highlander GM has been silent but now it’s time for him to speak up.

Frenchie claps “Look team, I know things are fucked! However, I believe that our comrades are alive and we as a team will get them back. I know what you want to say Spaceman but you brought us all here to remind us that we are a unit! Yes, this isn’t the way we want to deal with our issues but nevertheless it’s an hardcore lesson for us all! So Spaceman, please let us help you get our friends back! We are all adults with a clear mind to make the right decisions even to our own detriment.”
Spaceman looks at the team “Alright.. but you guys need to keep your guard up..”

Hobbes types on the computer and sees the ship. It comes to full view on the screen. Quickly he presses a button so they are invisible and undetected. 

Hobbes smiles “That’s Veltrax’s ship which should hold your friends. Based on the scouter they are on the voyage to Saturn.”
Clarence sucks a candy “There’s a Saturn planet for real?”
Spaceman grit his teeth “We need him before they reach it.”
Hobbes frowns “Saturn is a planet that is hardcore well , terrorist. With an slavery being a major part of their economy.”
Clarence gulps “Okay not good…”
Frenchie crossed his arms “They won’t sell them right?”
Spaceman makes a fist “We won’t give them the chance so we need to stomp them on Pluto. Hobbes prepares the ship for combat as I will enter the ship to save them.”
Bishop steps up “You cannot face them alone. We can help…maybe…”
Hobbes smiles “Calvin, we can do this! It’s a gamble but maybe you should be open..”
Spaceman nods “Alright but just this one so follow me…”

The team follows him to the museum room. Where the 4 other morphers are located. 

Spaceman holds it..”They were on my patrol team and died saving the galaxy 2 years ago. Part of me doesn’t want to take this risk but as you said Frenchie we are a team. So I am going to take a leap of faith. I only have 4 morphers on me so four of you will take this risk with me. I cannot guarantee you will make it out alive but together we can try our best to defeat Veltrax and save our friends.”
Pique steps out “Demir and Benji are my friends so no way I am letting them rot and risk becoming slaves. So count me in!”
Hockey step out “I said I wish to help and this is my way of doing so.”
Bishop steps out “I am not afraid of death! Me and death are old acquaintances anyway.”
Clarence stepped up grinning “Look we are neck to neck so no way I am letting you go out there. So can you stop being a stubborn muffin and let us help you moron!”
Spaceman laughs as he hands them the morpher “Alright so place this on your wrist as I activate them. Code red activates nervo!”
The four do so and their morphers are now active.

Spaceman nods “Hobbes, you and the others keep Veltra busy but don’t blow up the ship until we are back.”
Hobbes nods “I can manage an hour with us invisible but you know Veltrax.”
Spaceman nods “I know… Alright guys ready?”
The four nods “Ready!”
Spaceman grins “Alright let’s rock it!”

They press 3-3-5 and transform into their ranger forms. Spaceman turns into the Red Space Ranger. Pique turns into the Blue Space Ranger. Bishop turns into the Black Space Ranger. Clarence turns into the Yellow Space Ranger. Hockey turns into the Pink Space Ranger. The 5 teleports inside Veltrax’s ship.
Veltrax was asleep but then fell to the ground from his bed as the alarm went off. He heads down to the control center being informed that they are under attack. Unfortunately they cannot see who is hitting them. He believes in the Space Patrol and tells his men to raise shields and defenses. He sets course to Pluto to escape.

Meanwhile back on the ship Hobbes, Jacob, Cycro, and Pyro work on the control. 

Pyro nods “Great stage 1 and 2 are set. So we can keep firing at them”
Jacob reads the board “Yeah but for how long? Hobbes, you said the invisible shield lasts an hour.”
Hobbes nods “Yes and we cannot make the final blow until the others are out.”
Cycro frowns “Then we are in for a long haul!”
Pyro grins “Hey we can handle it!”

Then the ship got hit as one of the shields went down due to damage.

Jacob  holds on to the chair “One is down, not good!”
Cycro: They better hurry up before we are toast!”
Meanwhile the rangers arrive inside the ship. Spaceman tells them to be careful as they travel around looking for the others. The Red Ranger places little patches everywhere they go for his foolproof plan. The rangers hideaway by the barrels they overhear from the guards mentioning earthling prisoners down in the dungeon. They quickly make their way there evading the guards. But one sees them and starts to attack. Bishop grabs his gun and shoots at them. The rangers shoot the guards coming their way until they make it to the dungeon. The guys see them and back away afraid.

Hockey shoots the cells “Relax guys we are here to save you. Demir, can you hear me?”
Demir stepped out and looked “What? Hockey is that you?”
Hockey nods “Yea…”
Pique claps “Hey lovers work your shit out later. We gotta go before they blow up the ship and we are caught.”

Veltrax steps in “Too late.. I should have known and now you have 4 new rangers. Spaceman, do you remember the last time you had a team?
Spaceman grins “Yes and they were awesome! Guess what these guys are too! We are Ottawa Highlanders! So let’s do this guys!”

The highlanders attack the soldiers while Spaceman focuses on Veltrax. Clarence uses his speed to shoot the soldiers at an faster acceleration with his star slinger. Bishop punch the soldiers and use his body like iron defense making it hard for him to be hit and taken down. He uses his lunar lance to strike them all down. Pique and Hockey use this opportunity to escape with Demir, Easton, Benji, and Joe as their weapon to blast their enemies. Hockey takes flight to use her satellite stunner onto the splicers which ruin their eardrums due to screeching sound waves. Pique grins deciding that now it’s his turn. He use his Astro ax and uses his new teleportation power to flash attack the soldiers leaving the area clear to escape. He then calls Spaceman. 

Pique press his wrist “The area is clear so how do we get back?”
Spaceman coughs “All of you focus your powers and press 7 to teleport out of here! Leave Veltrax to me..”

Pique nods, grabbing Joe and Easton. Hockey grabs Demir and Benji as they teleport back to the ship. With another shield down. 

Joe kisses the ground crying “I am never coming back to space again!”
Easton hugs Frenchie “We almost could have been sold!”
Frenchie sighs and bonks the two “Gentleman as great it is to have you back. We have more pressing issues like staying alive!”

Bishop and Clarence arrive back.

Pyro looks up “Wait where is Spaceman?”
Veltrax and Spaceman continues their fight. Kicking and punching each other. Use their weapons to blast each other. Spaceman smiles knowing everyone is safe he can put his plan into motion. He press a button and drop the remote to destroy it. Veltrax watches him as he sees red lights blinking. It is the patches he left all over.

Spaceman grins “You are going down once and for all!”
Veltrax scream “I will kill you!”

He laughs as he pulls out his spinal saber putting it in full power. He races to strike Veltrax by slashing him four times. Then launch a powerful blast through the saber to end the villain. He press 7 buttons to escape the ship. He makes it back to his own and tells Hobbes to get them out of here which he does. Set course back to earth.

Frenchie smiles “Spaceman thank you for the adventure but I agree with Joe. We will not do this again for an while.”
Pique grins “Who cares because now we have powers! Hey we can use this on the ice to win!”
Spaceman shakes his head “Nope, you four shouldn’t be allow to use them. Plus that's cheating!”
Bishop cries “But I will be a real wall!”
Hobbes smiles “No Calvin is correct and by you four being rangers now. Veltrax is now gone. We will have to answer Space Patrol. Me and him won’t be able to hide you guys forever.”
Hockey hugs Demir “Well how bad can that be?”

Hobbes and Spaceman sighs with their heads hanging down.

Spaceman: Oh no we lose Pyro but instead we have my supervisor!
Pique:  Your supervisor? Well how can bad can he be?
Spaceman: Just imagine it.. wait we have more people on the team now?
Frenchie: Yes because the playoffs are coming and I need to prepare for the draft after that! So it’s an busy season guys.
Pique: The day in life in Ottawa continues…

Next time: Road to the playoffs with new faces
Ottawa Highlanders

@GZippy813 | @simplylemonade | @Leoben | @Vrain | @Slenderman | @MattyIce | @Gage2 | @Missjmt | @CybershadeEDM | @Ruggsy | @jasonkranz | @Pangee3 | @TCHM | @Riverpappas | @Zaitsev | @Hockiwi | @Lukefrombama | @Kalakar | @brownk218 | @Pyro182 | @MrPresident | @Cycro


[Image: iZtWTrf.png][Image: R6eC8Fu.png]
837 TPE
OTT (S76-S80) BUF (S81-)
[Image: ApcZMh6.png]
credit: enigmatic
389 TPE
COL (S56-60)

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