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"A Stick Tap to St. Louis" & presser

<center>ya u can grade this im never gon finish it

(trying something different here, more Players Tribune kind of thing than anything, might not like it but I need money so.... also please ask questions so i can make more money)</center>

<center>[Image: DKKI0eo.jpg]
St. Louis Scarecrows defenseman Chris Crutchfield salutes the home fans after being eliminated by the Montreal Impact during the Season 27 SMJHL playoffs.

”A Stick Tap to St. Louis.”</center>

It had been a long season – finishing up our final practices for the season after being eliminated by the Montreal Impact was tough, especially knowing that we stomped those French frogs into the ground last season. I packed my locker up, and slung my bag over my shoulder. I took a deep breath, and looked into the stall with my jersey hanging in it. It was going to be a long offseason. It took a while, but I eventually left the arena.

I’m looking forward to another season in the SMJHL, I am not expecting to get called up to Manhattan. Not this season. Plus, I still haven’t won a Four Star Cup with St. Louis yet. There was a lot to be done in St. Louis for the one of the lead defenders for the Scarecrows. I got into my Range Rover (shout out to Manhattan for giving me a contract good enough that I can afford one) and shut the door behind me.

I turned the key in the ignition and looked out the windshield. I fuckin’ hate losing. I thought this season was going to be the one we made a real run at the Four Star Cup. Always next season. When I came into the SMJHL for the Scarecrows last season, I wasn’t expecting to even make it to the second round of playoffs. It was a tough season, finishing last in the standings and being the captain of that team is a lot of pressure, and it was a tough go. When I was named Captain of the Scarecrows again in Season 27, I knew that I had to be elite and put a lot more pressure on myself to get where I want to be, holding the Four Star Cup.

So I did what I could, I put in all of the work I possibly could to come in as one of the best defensemen in the league and hopefully win the Four Star Cup. Especially knocking Montreal out of the playoffs. Unfortunately, the way circumstances unfolded, the Scarecrows were bounced from the playoffs with ease, and the Impact (now the Militia, weird how things change isn’t it?) lost in the finals to the Colorado Mammoths.

I looked out the front windshield once more as rain droplets covered the windows and slid down. It was time to stop reminiscing about the last season and move forward and train even harder to be ready for Season 28, and to finally be a part of a Scarecrows squad to win the Four Star Cup.

With a slight moment of clear headedness, I put my sick Range Rover in drive and begin to leave the parking lot of the Scottrade Center. I drove to my home in St. Louis and parked in the driveway. I was about to shut the truck off when “Doug Stamper” by Open Mike Eagle came on my Spotify playlist. I like the song, so I thought I would sit and listen to it. About half way through, right before Hannibal Buress fuckin kills it, my phone rings. On the dash, the name ‘Ryan King’ flashes. OK, I had best pick this up.

“Hey Crutch,” King begins, “Check your texts or anything lately?”

Kind of suspicious. Have I been traded going into Season 28?

“No… What’s up?” I answered, a pinch of confusion in my voice.

“Just check your phone, call me back when you look at what’s going on.” King says,

Oh fuck, I’ve been traded for sure.

“Alright, give me a couple minutes.” I answer, and promptly end the call. I pick up my phone from the cup holder and look at it. I go into my text messages and there is a message from Alexander Charlyb’y. I open it and scroll to the bottom. Could this be the important message I’m waiting for?

I finally reach the bottom and take a moment to digest what comes up on the lit screen.

“Go fuck yourself?”

This can’t be what Ryan King was talking about. I decide to dig deeper into the issue and sure enough, out of initial sight, an unknown number is there. I scan the screen once again, hoping for something a little more important than telling me to go fuck myself.

“Hey Crutchfield, its Roy Rayzin with the Rage here. You’re being called up this offseason. Can’t wait to see you in camp.”

The words stuck with me for a while, and I rested my head against the baller leather headrest. I’m being called up. Of course, it was a great moment for me, but at the same time, it was bitter sweet. I was sad to be leaving St. Louis, a city that had been so great to me and a great locker room as well. I took another couple minutes sitting in the tight Rover with my hands on the steering wheel before I finally call Ryan King back.

“Hey Ryan, its Crutch. I guess I’m playing in the SHL next season.” I said sort of unsurely. It was a surreal moment for sure.

“You’re right man, you are. Proud of what you’ve done here. We want you to come in to meet the press one last time before you’re out to Manhattan. Got time?” He asks.

Even if I didn’t have time to be there, I would make time to be there.

“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I reply.

“Cool buddy, see you then.”



I found myself back at the Scottrade Center for one last time as a Scarecrows player, standing behind a black curtain. Looking ahead, a press table was laid out in front of a wall plastered with a St. Louis Scarecrows logo. I took a sip from the bottle of water that I had in my hand and adjusted my tie.

It was time to meet with the media for a final time.

"Now the newest call-up to the SHL next season, please welcome the Scarecrows Captain - Chris Crutchfield!"

The voice of Ryan King echoed, as a small applause rang through the room and I took a deep breath before stepping through the curtain ready to do my final press conference with the St. Louis media (who luckily hasn't been too hard on me). I give a small wave to the crowd as camera flashes go off. I make my way over to the press table, taking another small sip out of my bottle of water before sitting down. I tap on the mic twice, before leaning in and speaking.

"Hi guys, it's good to be here one more time. If you have any questions regarding myself, my performance in the SMJHL, the SHL or anything else, fire away. I'm an open book."

I gaze into the media frenzy and wait for somebody to speak up.

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[Image: Z8YSDad.gif]

[Image: crutchfield.gif]

Hey Chris! Just two quick questions for you.
First, what are some of your goals for your first season in the SHL on what some may deem a struggling team?
Secondly, are there any particular players from your days here in St. Louis that you look forward to playing with or against in the coming seasons?

[Image: cahill.png]

Bumping this fer some more questions hopefully

[Image: g7VtVXX.png?1]

[Image: Z8YSDad.gif]

[Image: crutchfield.gif]

You're moving up into the top four of a team and it might not be pretty, how do expect you'll respond if things go less then ideally?

Your development as a prospect and players has been rapid, do you feel you'll be able to keep up the torrid pace you've set for yourself?

You were the Captain of your Junior team, do you feel that this kind of leadership experience will translate into the SHL?

Andren Akerson (Present)
Adrik Baranov (S55 to S70)
Rurik Razin (S32 to S44)
Roy Razin (S17 to S32) (HOF/Rage HOF)
Audun Wissink (S5 to S15)

What are your expectations for your first couple of seasons?
Who has helped you the most with your development so far?

[Image: SS19INy.jpg]

[Image: d9J5DHT.png]  [Image: 16PgOBm.png]


Just read this now! =D> =D> =D>

One of the St. Louis modern day greats, hands down

Interview What are you going to miss most about playing for the Scarecrows?
Interview You and fellow D man Cahill are both being called up, is the friendly competition going to carry through to the SHL?

Thank you for your time, you will be dearly missed on the ice in S28 but best of luck moving forward!

Forever a Scarecrow Scarecrows

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[Image: aasdAwo.png]

Canada Update Thread | Player Page Canada

Congrats Crutch, well deserved! Like TML said, one of the St. Louis greats Scarecrows

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