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A Murder of 'Crows

<div align="center">A Murder of ‘Crows</div>

<div align="center">Introduction</div>

I thought it would be a good idea to promote myself and my teammates to those that might not know them, by doing a set of articles based on not only what their like on the ice, but also outside the game, to help to get to know them as a person.

This helps prospective GM’s know what makes these potential draftee’s tick, helping them connect.

This set of articles is named a “Murder of ‘Crows”, for what a group of crows (i.e. Scarecrows) are called and should run at least once per week.

As a result, i thought i would start this off with my story...

<div align="center">Sebastian Strange - The Early Years</div>

<div align="center">[Image: 250px-2009-0520-CDNtrip038-ThePas.jpg]</div>

Born August 29th, 1995 in the small town of The Pas, Manitoba, which has a population of about 5,000 people. It is the “Gateway to the North” and serves as a forestry, fishing and agricultural hub for the surrounding community since it is about 630km north of the capital, Winnipeg.

At a young age Sebastian didn’t have the luxuries a city kid would have, as life out in these communities was about helping out and playing hockey when you could. It’s by helping out, doing things that most city kids wouldn’t dream of doing that created Sebastian’s hard work ethic, driving him to not only do what he had to do, but also driving him to want more for himself then the life he had. This wasn’t to say he hated life there, it was simple and fun, at times, but he just wanted more then to grow up as a farmer or a fisherman.

By the age of six he began playing hockey on the ponds and creeks that were around the town, most of the children did this for fun or to watch the older children play hockey. It was at this young age his parents, Samuel and Stacey, noticed his knack for skating and quickly he was able to keep up with children even a couple years older. His mom wanted to put him into a figure skating class, but his father would have nothing to do with that and decided he should join organized hockey.

For most this might seem the norm, but living out here you don’t have a lot of extra money floating around, so to invest in skates, equipment, hockey dues, etc, this was not easy, but his family made it work as long as he did his chores and got good marks in school.

By twelve he was on The Pas Huskies and was its brightest stars able to weave in and out of many of the other players and as a result put up great numbers, but that wasn’t enough for Sebastian, as regardless how well he played, the team overall was mediocre and was barely a .500 team. He got so frustrated one night, telling his father he wanted to quit after scoring a hat trick, but in a 4-3 loss, because he’s trying his best and its not enough. His father smiled and told his son a lesson he will never forget “Its not about how good you are son, its about how good you make the people around you. That’s leadership and its about looking at the potential in everyone else and making them see it, because together you can achieve so much more.”

Sebastian took these words to heart and began working with the other players on skating, stick handling and other hockey skills, both at the rink and the ponds. The other players used to admire Sebastian for his hockey prowess, but now they admired him for helping them, inspiring them and making them feel part of the team.

The Huskies went on the win Peewee championship for the region that year.

<div align="center">Sebastian Strange – The Teenage Years</div>

<div align="center">[Image: Bantam_A_Team_2013-14_medium.JPG]</div>

By the age of thirteen and playing Bantam hockey, Sebastian because the staple leader for the teams he played on and began to know success, on and off the ice. By that, I mean girls around town were starting to notice the hockey player and the leader he was turning out to be, however Sebastian was so focused on hockey, his chores and school (so that he could play hockey) that he really didn’t have time to keep the girls interest and these fleeting romances never lasted long.

By sixteen his parents knew Sebastian had a gift and the decision was made to take his hockey career seriously, but there was something else Sebastian was also taking seriously and that was his first true love, Dawn. Dawn was a jaw dropping gorgeous and was the one girl all the guys wanted, but she had her eye’s on Sebastian, not only because of his hockey skills, but also his charater, as a good hard working guy.

It was tough for Sebastian initially juggling a romance and his other obligations, but Dawn understood this and was willing to take a back seat so Sebastian could succeed and when he had time for her, they saw each other. It was a good thing too, as Sebastian had been scouted by the Hamilton Bulldogs of the Ontario Hockey League (OHL), and was drafted by them later that year.

<div align="center">[Image: crop_27453128_27_1432069963.jpeg]</div>

By seventeen and now able to fit everything into his life, including Dawn, he began his semi pro career, moving away from The Pas, to Toronto, Ontario, with his girlfriend, Dawn, as she had family there, so they stayed with them, Sebastian playing now with his OHL team, the Hamilton Bulldogs, while Dawn went to school.

<div align="center">[Image: tumblr_nwtjs7aYaA1sznyklo1_500.gif]</div>

Eighteen was an eventful year for Sebastian, as not only did he lead the Bulldogs in scoring, but he married his sweetheart, Dawn. Life seemed to be nothing but positive for Sebastian until a story broken in the local Hamilton paper about Sebastian and others on the Bulldogs were “doping” to get an advantage over other players in the league. Even though allegations were never proven and all tests came back negative, this cloud that now surrounded Sebastian made many pro leagues turn a blind eye to the once promising star.

With the season ending and the Bulldogs not renewing his contract for next season, Sebastian feared he would be out of hockey for good.

<div align="center">Sebastian Strange – Life as a Minor Pro</div>

<div align="center">[Image: yD1X0YY.png]</div>

Luckily fortune smiled on Sebastian as he was told the SMJHL was looking for quality hockey players. Now you have to understand, the SMJHL and the big league, SHL is one of the most widely recognized and respected pro leagues in the world, so to get an opportunity to even try out for these teams, after what happened in Hamilton, was simply incredible.

He jumped on a plane and travelled to St. Louis and showed his skills off to scouts from St. Louis, Vancouver, Montreal, Halifax, Kelowna and others. Each and every team within hours made him an offer, some up to $2,000,000.00. Sebastian had never seen money like this before and immediately signed a contract with the St. Louis Scarecrows.

<div align="center">[Image: r-JAROME-IGINLA-CALGARY-HOUSE-large570.jpg]</div>

Sebastian and his wife moved into their house and Sebastian is now enjoying the life as (semi) pro hockey player. Sebastian’s wife cooks him a big steak or pasta prior to every game and when she can, she comes to the games to watch him play.

Sebastian routinely brings the same street hockey ball he played back in The Pas to each of his games, listening to Metallica while practising stick handlings techniques in the arena hallway before each game, as his pre-game ritual.

It must be working as Sebastian is now six games into the season and has 3 goals and 1 assist and an +3 rating. That being said the Scarecrows are 1-5, but are working hard, as a team to build up and be a threat down the stretch, as all SMJHL teams make the playoffs.

Things are looking good!

~1300 words

Great Read! =D>


Ps. I'm jealous of Dawn :ssst:

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Canada Update Thread | Player Page Canada

Keep up the fantastic work man!!! Awesome read!

[Image: g7VtVXX.png?1]

[Image: Z8YSDad.gif]

[Image: crutchfield.gif]

Amazing article keep up the good work

[Image: HansSHL.gif]


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