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Sebastian Strange End of Season Press Conference

<div align="center">Sebastian Strange End of Season Press Conference</div>

<div align="center">[Image: 10907423.jpg]</div>

Sebastian Strange, head hung a little low, addresses the media after last nights game in which the St. Louis Scarecrows were eliminated from the SMJHL playoffs by the Detroit Falcons.

The series was not pretty for the Scarecrows being dominated on both ends of the ice, which is surprising considering the Scarecrows were one of the better offensive teams during the regular season.

Sebastian tapped the mic and started:

SS: Thank you for coming. I have a couple opening remarks then I will open up the floor and answer your questions.

First I want to congratulate the Detroit Falcons on the series victory. They played a perfect series against us and are deserving to move on to the next round.

Secondly, I want to thank the Scarecrow organization, GM's and players/fans for welcoming a later comer like myself to the team with open arms. This season I am extremely happy to been part of such a classy organization and great group of guys.

I know everyone on the team gave it their all this season and we all worked really hard for this shot in the playoffs and I couldn't be more proud of the guys for never giving up.

Before I open this up for questions, I also wanted to thanks the SMJHL Commissioner and PT Director and others involved for a great first impression of this league.

Ok, lets open this up.....I will answer any question, SMJHL, SHL Draft related or anything else.

You have all day to ask your questions, then I will be closing this thread, so please don't hesitate to ask away.

First Question.....

Interview Any thought on a SHL team that you would like to be drafted too?

Sebastian: Not really, I would honestly be thrilled to play for any of the teams. I look at it this way, as a SMJHL player this has to be the biggest thrill of your career, maybe besides winning a cup and not everyone wins a cup, so you need to enjoy it, soak it in and embrace whatever happens and wherever you go. Now of course i would like to go to a team where the situation is right for me, where i have development time and have a spot for me when i am ready (there isn't a log jam at my position), but that might not be the situation i am dealt and if that's the case i will make the best of it and do the best I can regardless.

Interview Are you excited for the draft?

Sebastian: Honestly, now that the playoffs are over for me, its the one thing i can't get out of my mind, i am extremely excited to see how the next few weeks are going to turn out, as I am sure almost all the S29 SHL Draft eligible players are. But its not even the draft itself, its the time leading up to it, the excitement of talking with GM's and Scouts, getting their take on me and getting a feel for them, to see what organization feel might make me a good choice for them. I could ramble on for awhile on this topic, but needless to say i am stoked and looking forward to the next couple weeks.

Interview Do you hope to be sent down to the Scarecrows for another shot at the cup?

Sebastian: Definitely! I know i need another season to develop and i feel we have unfinished business after our early playoff exit this year. Plus I think most SHL GM's would want their prospects part of a winning organization and championship push to get them coming to the SHL on a high and driven.
Plus i hope to see a lot of the guys again from the Scarecrows, as we have a good group in that locker room, so it would be awesome to share that for another season.

Interview How do you plan to improve on an amazing rookie season?

Sebastian: Work harder and smarter, i mean i know the league better now then i did coming in during the 1st regular season game this year, so I think i can better prepare during the off-season and be in better shape and be a more well rounded player, still a sniper, that will never change, but also one that can pass effectively and be even more defensively responsible. Hopefully if i prove that coming into training camp, i will get more responsibilities during the season or perhaps even get top line minutes, depending on who's coming back of course.

Interview Got any plans for the off-season?

Sebastian: Work Hard, get better on the ice, but I also plan on talking with a lot of team and scouts to get a feel for the SHL, what each teams needs are and how the structure works as far as development and earning a spot in the line-up, as i really don't know much about it.

Interview What part of your game are you going to work on next?

Sebastian: I'm not were I want to be in any part of my game, even though i was 3rd in shooting percentage (1st for Rookies), i left too many shots on the table and want to keep working on that, but i don't want to lose sight of my passing or defensive responsibilities either. Its too easy in this league to shut down 1 player, so you have to be able to spread the puck and opportunities around and if they shut down your line, you need to play defensively responsible to not be a "-" player, because that just hurts your team. I guess in short, i will be working on everything.

Interview Enjoy sharing a hotel room with a team mate during the away games?

Sebastian: Its a blast really, the guys usually all go into someone's room and we get a poker game going, or something like that, we're a tight group. We also get the pranksters who play tricks on the rookies, coming into our rooms at night and messing with our minds, but its all fun and games really. So no one in particular, just like hanging with the guys in general, like I said they are a good group of guys.

Interview At this point there's no question that you're, if not THE top, one of the top rookies in the draft. Have you been reached out to by any SHL teams yet?

Sebastian: Thanks for the compliment, but i honestly don't feel i am the top SHL rookie, there are A LOT of guys deserving of that honor, but for someone to even think that is a really nice feeling, so thanks again. As for reaching out to SHL team yet, no i haven't and i won't until after the lottery draft on Wednesday, as the GM's will have a better feeling of where their picks will be and options they will have, so after that i will likely be making myself known to them then, if they don't know about me already. The one issue is I have no idea in the SHL GM's eye's what my stock is, is it a 1st rounder? If so, high, mid or low? I have no idea, so i have no idea what teams to focus my talks a result, i am going to talk with them all Wink

Interview What has been your favorite experience thus far, either within the Scarecrows organization and/or in the league as a whole?

Sebastian: My best experience was coming into the league and how I was welcomed not only from the SMJHL, but especially the Scarecrows, they helped answer questions and it was exciting hitting the ground running and playing meaningful games within a day or two of joining the league. I think its harder waiting (I am experiencing that now that we are out of the playoffs) and I am itching to keep going.

Interview Do you see your current level of play/activity being sustainable?

Sebastian: That is the million dollar question, it truly is as GM's are drafting you based on that, what you show now you can sustain and any chink in the armor (missed PT's, etc) might scare some teams away. So saying that I think it is, if I am put into the right situation, as in I have time to develop in the SMJHL one more season so i can get quality playing time (no SHL team will offer me quality playing time right now, I would think and if they did i would probably be terrible) and that when i join the SHL team they have an decently active locker room, as that is what drives me, as i play hard as much for myself as I do for my teammates, to not let them down.

Interview Has anyone been material to your success in the league; any mentors who have helped make your rookie start a bit easier? (Could answer from Seb's point of you or from your own.)

Sebastian/me: Actually i have had someone outside the league tell me some really important things about the league to get me going, so I haven't needed a lot of inside support (some, but not tonnes). That help has been invaluable, though somethings have changed his character build suggestions and ways to make money/TPE on the site have really, really helped me. I am trying to get him back into the league, but so far with no luck.

Interview What are Sebastian's plans for the off-season?

Sebastian: Continue to work hard and develop myself and get to know the SHL teams and GM's and see which ones might fit the best for me and me for them and their future plans. I am excited about the Draft and everything leading up to it, so i want to take it all in, soak it up like a sponge.

Interview If you were to be the Bishop of a city.. what city and why?

Sebastian: I'm not sure what being a Bishop of a city would get me, but i would say St. Louis, its what feels most like home since that is the only city I have played in here. After all, its better to be known and liked in the city where you live and not someplace else, because what does that do for you?

Interview If that city were under attack by zombies how would you lead them?

Sebastian: No way those things take over my city that I'm Bishop of, no way!! I would rally our troops and we would stand against those things and we would win, we're smarter, quicker and i am sure we have more TPE then they do as well! Tongue

Interview How could you use those leadership skills on an SHL team?

Sebastian: I like to be excited, energized, so i like to pump people up in the locker room, give positive energy and help out those i can. Being a leader is as much on the ice as it is off the ice, showing your there for your teammates, assisting them is all part of being a good teammate. After all we all know winning is a team effort and you can't do it alone, so why not try and keep others around you as excited as you are. To me, that just comes naturally.

Interview Who is the best center on the Scarecrows and why is it Charlyb'y?

Sebastian: Of course it's Charlyb'y, because you helped 2 Rookies get top 10 in Rookie scoring so you have to be the best center on the scarecrows and maybe in the entire SMJHL....but not good enough for the SHL, because I want you back for next season....yes, I'm a little selfish at times B)

Interview What was that experience playing with other rookies like Diablo, Mchale, and Hans?

Sebastian: It was/is awesome (we hopefully will all be back next season), all are outstanding guys in the locker room and very productive on the ice and will all be top choices in the draft. The Scarecrows either drafted really well or got a little lucky, because i don't know of another 4 top end rookies going into this draft on the same team, as most have 1-2, but not 4. With a couple other guys coming back we definately will be a force to be reckoned with next season.

Interview What are the Scarecrows chances of winning the 4 star cup next year?

Sebastian: I would say very good, we could have 2 lines of send-downs that could dominate offensively and with some players returning (hopefully) on defense and our goalie returning we could be the Montreal Militia of the S29 season.

Interview Who would say was the best player on the scarecrows roster?

Sebastian: To be honest i can't pick one, Feist, Malkin and Diablo all topped the scoring charts for us this year, so you could pick any of them, but Hans, McHale and myself all put up great supporting numbers, but Alexander Charlyb'y kept us all together....and the list goes on. In the end to pick one best player would be an injustice to the rest, because as a team we exceeded a lot of peoples expectations of us this season and we will blow people's minds next season.

~2225 words (please grade and pay)

Interview Any thought on a SHL team that you would like to be drafted too?
Interview Are you excited for the draft?
Interview Do you hope to be sent down to the Scarecrows for another shot at the cup?
Interview How do you plan to improve on an amazing rookie season?

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Canada Update Thread | Player Page Canada

Got any plans for the off-season?

What part of your game are you going to work on next?

Enjoy sharing a hotel room with a team mate during the away games?

I will be answering these tonight, anyone else want to ask some questions?

At this point there's no question that you're, if not THE top, one of the top rookies in the draft. Have you been reached out to by any SHL teams yet?

What has been your favorite experience thus far, either within the Scarecrows organization and/or in the league as a whole?

Do you see your current level of play/activity being sustainable?

Has anyone been material to your success in the league; any mentors who have helped make your rookie start a bit easier? (Could answer from Seb's point of you or from your own.)

What are Sebastian's plans for the off-season?

Thanks for the questions, I have added them to the OP and replied.

Any other questions?

Quote:Originally posted by Bishop@Apr 18 2016, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the questions, I have added them to the OP and replied.

Any other questions?

If you were to be the Bishop of a city.. what city and why?

If that city were under attack by zombies how would you lead them?

How could you use those leadership skills on an SHL team?

Who is the best center on the Scarecrows and why is it Charlyb'y?

[Image: livius.gif]

What was that experience playing with other rookies like Diablo, Mchale, and Hans?

What are the Scarecrows chances of winning the 4 star cup next year?

Who would say was the best player on the scarecrows roster?

[Image: HansSHL.gif]


Thanks all, for the questions, i will keep it open just a little longer, then close this down, so get your questions in!


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