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A look into the S35 Awards

Been wanting to do this for a while, but my wrist injury pulled me back from my computer for around 2 weeks and a half. This was going to be more of a predictions media piece but now as we're heading into the finals, I'll be doing something similar to the PTs Wally has been doing for weekend fundays.

Anyways, the idea came from the NHL awards nominee cards.
[Image: cut.jpg]
I'm definitely not a graphically capable person but what I can do is a written version of it. Whoever is running the awards, It would be awesome to see SHL versions of these Awards, it would drum up hype via tweets, media, and graphics. FEEL FREE TO ARGUE ABOUT THE AWARDS IN THE THREAD, NO ONE WILL THINK ANY LESS OF YOU UNLESS YOU ACT LIKE A LITTLE SHIT. DON'T BE THAT LITTLE SHITAnyways let's take a look of my thoughts on who might be winning the awards this season!

<div align="center">John McBride (Best Goalie)

Kyle Wahlgren, Hunter Wong, Matt Lewis Flood

The first two nominees were givens, they played the best overall throughout the season and the McBride will come down to those 2 in the end. The third goalie was tough for me to decide, it was between Haas, Holmes, and Flood.

Haas held a firm lead on the SV% and the GAA compared to Flood and Holmes. However his lack of any shutouts during the season give room for the two others to catch up and show their worth. Holmes was the middleman in terms of SV% and GAA, better than Flood but not better than Haas. He didn't have as many wins as Flood and Haas but in my personal opinion, wins are completely dependant of the team's performance and shouldn't be looked at for who wins the McBride. Besides, Holmes had 9! 9! OT losses which evens out the difference between Flood's wins and Holmes's wins pretty closely. Flood was the worst of the 3 in terms of SV% and GAA but... he also faced the most shots (2nd in league by 3 only by 3 shots!Wink and had 4 shutouts compared to Holmes' 3 and Haas' 0. In the end, I'll give it to Flood by the slimmest of margins, but enough talk about the 3rd place, let's see who'll win the McBride!

[Image: 0625_rask-crop.jpg]
Kyle Wahlgren

Oh boy, this choice won't go down easily. This was a really tough call and in the end came to very slim margins between the two. On paper Wahlgren had better SV% and GAA, he was also on the Portland Admirals, who weren't the President's Trophy Winners unlike Hunter Wong who I'll get to in a second. On the surface, it looks like the better SV% will give Wahlgren the win but there's a factor that gives Wong a fighting chance. Wong played 5 more games than Wahlgren, I'm not saying that Wahlgren's SV% and GAA would rise since he has just as likely of a chance to actually improve his numbers, it should be noted. The difference between Wong's shots faced, minutes played, and wins would either be overtaken by Wahlgren or the difference would be severely reduced over those 5 games if he had played. So I'll give Wahlgren the nod for the McBride.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2236' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>Wally</a>

Scott Stevens Trophy (Best Defenseman)
Wyatt Wollker, Alonzo Garbanzo, Klaus Wagner

Once again I'll be putting forward my argument on the number 3 place first. The 3rd place here was between Chris Crutchfield, Ben Dover, and Klaus Wagner.

Crutch between the 3 is the only player who is plus and also leads the 3 among points although by a margin of just 1 point. He also compares to the others quite well never quite faltering too far behind in hits and shots blocked. Ben Dover is the worst among the 3 in terms of +/-, although compared to past last place teams, -15 isn't that bad historically. He is even with Crutch on goals and falters by just 1 assist but leads the trio in shots blocked and is among the highest minutes played in the league. Klaus however comes charging in with 10 more goals than Crutch and Dover with a total of 18, the closest someone has been to breaking Muller's goal scoring record for a defenseman. His PP prowess earns him the title of "PP quarterback" of the season as he led the league with 19 points. He's still a minus, and avoids the physical side of the game but I think he edges Crutch and Dover out for the bronze medal.

[Image: JNT2011.jpg]
Wyatt Wollker
Unlike the goalies, this was rather easy for me to decide in the end. We'll take a look at the runner up, Garbanzo, first. Garbanzo had another phenomenal year as per usual, scoring 48 points, netting in 12 goals and 100+ hits. His shots blocked and +/- both beat out Wollker although only by slim margins if anything. Wollker however was among the top 10 players in the league for scoring with 57 points and just 1 goal behind Garbanzo with 11. He may not have been as physical as Garbanzo however he's one of few defenseman to come close to breaking one of hall of famer Chris Partlow's records. His 46 assists in the league ran supreme and although it didn't break Partlow's record, it should still be regarded as a historic moment.

<a href='index.php?showuser=881' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>Muerto</a>

Jeff Dar Trophy (Best Two Way Forward)
Randy Randleman, Patrikov Bure, Maximilian Wachter, Jonathan Lundberg, Nathan Russell, Shane Gagner

Whew boy, lot's of names for this one so I'll break it down one first. Since two-way forward is probably one of the hardest things to actually decide as we are looking at essentially a spreadsheet with numbers on it. So I'll say what I thought was most important in deciding it. We don't use the GA and TA stat anymore which makes things severely harder but I think there are a few stats that can somewhat substitute it.

Hitting someone in the sim can lead to a player losing the puck and is a decent substitution for turnovers. Hits taken can be seen as the opposite, giveaways. A good two-way forward would ideally be a player that takes the puck off of others and doesn't lose the puck often. +/- is also looked at, despite it being more of a team stat some would argue, I think the "best two way forward" should at least be an above average plus player, not a deal breaker or a vital stat but to weed out some players. They also should have a high amount of points at least reflecting their ability to play in both ends. Finally their penalty kill minutes. A player that is consistently the first man out there on the penalty kill late in the game is important as they can be trusted to save the game when the team has the lead. Since there are still so many players that can fit into this category, I made some benchmarks for each player to look at so I could narrow down the candidates.

*Not every player managed to reach all benchmarks, if the player performed exceptionally well in one category, it could make up for failing to reach a benchmark in another.

Points: 40+
Hits: 150+
Hits taken: Under 120
+/-: 5+
PKM: 100+

Since I did use my own system for determining the Jeff Dar Winner, I felt it would be more fair to put as many nominees and names as I could to take a look at all the players that could compete for the Jeff Dar.

Spreadsheet to compare the nominees:
[Image: Zdpo7hj.png?1]

From best to worse for each stat it would be:
Points: Randleman, Wachter, Gagner, Russell, Lundberg, Bure
Hits: Randleman, Wachter, Bure, Gagner, Russell, Lundberg
Hits Taken: Bure, Gagner, Wachter, Russell, Lundberg, Randleman
+/-: Randleman, Russell, Bure/Lundberg (Tied), Gagner, Wachter
PKM: Bure, Wachter, Lundberg, Gagner, Russell, Randleman.

Simply put, it was too difficult for me to award the winner based on my personal thoughts so I based it off a simple points system instead (calm down the booing!Wink
For Hits, Hits Taken, and PKM;
1st: 7 2nd: 6 3rd: 5 4th: 4 5th: 3 6th: 2

For +/- and Points;
1st: 6.......6th: 1

And the winner is.....

[Image: k2_items_src_7b24f2f463effa7255405cb8b12...68x583.jpg]
Patrikov Bure

Oh boy, I'm getting crucified for this one. Before that happens here were the tallies:
Randleman: 23
Wachter: 23
Gagner: 20
Russell: 18
Lundberg: 18

This came down to Bure, Randleman, and Wachter near the end, which is what I originally predicted when I first looked at the Jeff Dar. Bure and Randleman were the main competitors as they both led certain categories while Wachter was a middle man with no winning stat lines but consistently performing well getting 2nd and 3rd besides +/-. While Randleman did win the most categories, they were less important ones like Points and +/-, not the bread and butter of two-way forwards. Bure had the least hits taken (giveaways) and had 50 more penalty kill minutes than Wachter who was 2nd. If we include faceoffs into the mix, well then it gets a lot more interesting as Randleman is the only center, but I didn't so boohoo. Suck it <a href='index.php?showuser=1643' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Ballerstorm</a>

<a href='index.php?showuser=1630' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-43'>Kevin "Juice" Bieksa</a>
(Yes I really tagged myself)

Aidan Richan Trophy (Breakout Star)
Reed Laing, Jason Visser, Luke Atmey, Kyle Wahlgren

Every one of these nominees deserve to be recognized for their stellar improvement from last season to this season. Maybe it was a pleasant surprise or something that was expected finally happening. Whatever it is, these players are going to be looked at next season as well to continue doing what they did previously.

Let's take a look at Reed Laing and Jason Visser first, they both had amazing years but I think we can cross them off for the Richan Trophy as the other two simply broke out more I'd say. In S34, Visser scored 12 times for 31 points, +7, and had 44 hits. Laing scored 15 times for 30 points, was -8, but had 134 hits. In this season, they both scored 51 points, tied but Reed Laing scored 22 goals over Visser's 17. Visser went -4 this year but did improve hits hits to 75. Laing however went from -8 to a whopping +20, among the best in the league and also improved his hits to 161. Laing beats out Visser but loses out to the finalists, Atmey and Wahlgren.

Let's take a look at the winner first and talk from there.

[Image: 0625_rask-crop.jpg]
Kyle Wahlgren

Wahlgren comes out on top to Atmey for the breakout star of the year, let's go into the numbers. Atmey last season scored 15 goals for 32 points, was -12 and had 40 hits. This season he was among the top 15 in points, scoring 26 goals for 56 points, was a -10 on a bottom place roster and had 44 hits. Wahlgren however was a backup goalie, while he did go 4-0-2 last year, it was surprising to see him rise to the top and be the McBride winner (to me anyways). He's also currently still in the playoffs and although he's on the ropes as I post this article, he's done a hell of a job slowing down CGY's potent offense.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2236' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>Wally</a>

Ryan Jesster Trophy (Best Rookie)
Zandar Rhys, Noro Wozy, Jakub Trocheck

The Ryan Jesster Trophy, a competitive one among all the rookies every season for sure. The teams that have these nominees are ecstatic to know that these are the players that have adapted the best to the tough, play your players twice SHL. We have two defenseman this year surprisingly and a forward. Jakub Trocheck misses out on the Jesster this year as the other rookie defenseman just performed better in the end. He scored 5 goals in his first year for 18 points, he played loads of minutes his first year, pounded the body 105 times, and blocked 76 shots. A good year but he is overshadowed by another rookie on his team; Noro Wozy and another defenseman; Zandar Rhys

And the winner is:
[Image: JNT2012.jpg]
Zandar Rhys

The Jesster award goes to Toronto's very own Zandar Rhys! Let's take a look at the runner up first. Noro Wozy who also plays for the Hamilton Steelhawks had a great year as well, scoring 10 goals for 23 points, he was -20 but look for that to improve over time especially once he gets going.

Rhys compared to the other rookies on this list had experience as he was called up just before the trade deadline playing 21 games. This year he played the full 50 games and led the rookies in points with 6 goals and 18 assists. His linemate, the old fart Barbashev <a href='index.php?showuser=1485' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>RaiN</a> was the best partner the rookie could have asked for as both players seemed to elevate each other's performance, Barbs will be missed next season when he retires but Rhys is looking to take up his mantle as an offensive threat at the blueline.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2476' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>ThePandava</a>

Before we go on: I'd like to mention some awards I left out and reasons why:
Challenge Cup: Playoffs are still going on?
Cole Reinhart: I dunno yet, probably Calgary seeing the series
Mathias Chouinard: Toronto (fak u)
President's trophy: Calgary by a wide margin
Mike Honcho: Stat Trophy
Turd: It's for turds, also stat trophy
Jay McDonald: Stat
Sergei Karpotsov: Stat
Damien Littleton: I don't know enough about behind the scene work so I wont make an assumption.
Joe McKeil: Im not a GM or coach so I wouldn't be educated enough to know, probably CGY?
Lance Uppercut: Not a GM so I will not comment. However if you really wanted to know my personal opinion, it's c. Clearly the guy who had a rule made for him and threw away half his team is the best GM. Ninja
Anton Razov: Playoffs?
Sarmad Khan: Popularity Contest, if I had to guess? Redding?
Vidrik Onoprienko: Don't know enough.

Ron Mexico Trophy (League MVP)
Nominees:Lord Pretty Flacko, Ace Redding, Ales Smirnov, Randy Randleman

So we got 4 nominees for the MVP award, let's break down everyone's season.

Lord Pretty Flacko had another phenomenal season with the Minnesota Chiefs as their center. He scored 29 times and will be the joint holder of the Sergei Karpotsov trophy this season. He ended up +5 this season and recorded 168 hits on the year

Ace Redding came out as Manhattan's newest scoring leader following McZehrl's departure. Redding will be awarded the Jay McDonald Trophy for the most goals on the season with 36 as well as being the 3rd most physical player of the season with 247 hits.

Ales Smirnov had a truly magnificent season with the Wolfpack this season and although he only had 60 points compared to the top 67 points, he crushes the rest of the league (Besides Bennett Jones with 42.86 P/20) in the Points per 20 minutes statline. With a 1.24 P/20 statline, he's 0.14 ahead the next player who happens to be on his line as well. Among the top 5 players, he is the only player to be below 27 minutes at a measly 19.40 AMG still scoring 60 points.

Randy Randleman scored 25 times on the year for 64 points, he was a +25 and also had an immense physical game with 244 hits, 4th in the league. The past few seasons has shown the Randleman doesn't regress with age instead only improving as time goes on.

And the winner is...
[Image: patrick-kane-nhl-awards-winner.png]
Ace Redding

Redding in my opinion deserves the Ron Mexico this season, scored the most goals and tied for most points with Flacko which is the big reason why he won. Compared to Flacko, he may lose out in the +/- department, but not by much in all honestly and he hit much more than Flacko did. Randleman equals him out in hits and is the top in +/- but 11 less goals causes him to lose it to Redding as well. Smirnov had a crazy P/20 which keeps him in this as he had on average 8 less minutes per game to score a point which is a lot of time to make up just 7 points. However regardless of if and maybes, Redding destroys Smirnov in the physical category, even if Smirnov nudges Redding out of the point lead, the hits more than makes up for it.

<a href='index.php?showuser=31' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-66'>grimreaper</a>


All-time New England Wolfpack scorer
[Image: Derisraka.png]
[Image: 38718_s.png]
[Image: rW2c4Vz.png][Image: B4x6AQm.png]
[Image: YztPk3T.png] [Image: 6by0kBi.png]

Awesome article man!


[Image: Oats.gif]

[Image: 401.png] [Image: S42cup1.png] [Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png][Image: WuTGq5J.png][Image: XUMDqMO.png]

Absolutely... Ace Redding. Love the pick and great article!

[Image: Wally.png]


Nice article, thanks for the shout out. Would like to have seen how Redding stacked up in the two way forward category as well.

Quote:Originally posted by grimreaper@Jul 24 2017, 06:52 PM
Nice article, thanks for the shout out. Would like to have seen how Redding stacked up in the two way forward category as well.
Because I can't even sleep...

For Hits, Hits Taken, and PKM;
1st: 8 2nd: 7 3rd: 6 4th: 5 5th: 4 6th: 3 7th: 2

For +/- and Points;
1st: 7.......7th: 1

Points: Redding, Randleman, Wachter, Gagner, Russell, Lundberg, Bure
Hits: Redding, Randleman, Wachter, Bure, Gagner, Russell, Lundberg
Hits Taken: Bure, Gagner, Wachter, Russell, Lundberg, Randleman, Redding
+/-: Randleman, Russell, Bure/Lundberg (Tied), Gagner, Wachter, Redding
PKM: Bure, Wachter, Lundberg, Redding, Gagner, Russell, Randleman.

Bure: 28
Wachter: 26
Randleman: 25
Gagner: 22
Russell: 20
Lundberg: 19

All-time New England Wolfpack scorer
[Image: Derisraka.png]
[Image: 38718_s.png]
[Image: rW2c4Vz.png][Image: B4x6AQm.png]
[Image: YztPk3T.png] [Image: 6by0kBi.png]

Solid read Bieska Cheers

[Image: OnGNB1G.gif]

[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]

Great read! I will confirm they will be a 2nd Annual SHL/SMJHL Awards After Party. The last one was held at the Staples Center. This time however the Challenge Cup winner will host the awards. It will either be in the hockey mecca of Toronto or in the uprising-college hockey like atmosphere of Portland. Crossfit Jesus won't be attending for no particular reason he hasn't responded to the RSVP, this time it will about the stars of the league and the stars of the league only.

 [Image: Crossfit.gif]

[Image: CFJ1.gif]

Thanks to prettyburn, TML, Carpy, JNH, Jepox, Engi, Karey, Flappy, Skolpadder, Mook, DollarAndADream, Smirnov and Toe for the sigs.

Crossfit's First Career SHL Goal, 4. Manhattan Rage , Crossfit Jesus 1 (Pedro Sarantez, Nucky Toohoots) at 5:51

Devitt's First Career SHL Goal, 5. Calgary Dragons , Prince Devitt 1 (Barry Batsbak 21, Mike Izzy 14) at 10:43


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