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Post-draft interview with Roberts Klavins

(539 words. English isn't my first language)

Vancouver, BC. V-Town. The Saltwater City. Home of the Whalers and also the site of this seasons SMJHL Entry Draft! I'm here at Rogers Arena, where the draft is still taking place as I speak and here with me I have Roberts Klavins, who was just drafted by the Vancouver Whalers as the 23rd pick.

Hello Roberts, I'm very happy to see you once again. How do you feel about getting drafted?

It's a great feeling, I have to say. When you're sitting there, waiting for your name to be called, your heart is racing like crazy and you're in this weird state where you feel like you're in a panic, but it's sort of calming and nice. And when your name finally gets called, you're just hit by this rush of all good emotions at once. It was very hard for me to not start laughing or crying on stage. You just really get that feeling that you're one step closer to making all your dreams come true.

Wow. I can't imagine what it's like to be drafted after spending your whole life training for it, but from what you just told me I can tell that it's really a crazy feeling. Anyway, next question. How do you feel about getting drafted by Vancouver? Are you happy about it?

Yes, of course I'm happy about going to Vancouver! After all, they are the defending champions. It isn't where I was expecting to go, but I'm still very happy about it nonetheless. Vancouver seems like a great team and I'm happy they decided to pick me.

Do you know any of the Whalers current players or management?

No, I don't know any of the Whalers yet. I'll make sure to get to know them though!

What do you think is going to be your role on the team? Are you going to be Vancouver's new starter?

I'm definitely not starting this season, the team already has someone who can do that better than I can - Carrick Murray. I'm going to be the backup for this season. Murray may be going to the SHL after this season, so I'll most likely be the starter next season. For this season, it would be nice if I could play around 10-15 games.

You were predicted to go around 6th-12th but fell all the way down to 23rd. How does that make you feel?

Honestly, I really could not care less about what number I get drafted. It's not that important - a team could pass up a better player to pick up someone who they need more but isn't as good, say, a weaker RW over a more skilled D on a team that already has a solid defense, but lacks strength on the wings. I really only care about which team I get chosen by. I got quite lucky in this draft, Vancouver really does seem like a great team to be on.

Is there anything else you'd like to say?

Yes. I would like to thank my parents for letting me be a hockey player, my girlfriend for cheering me on and the Vancouver Whalers for drafting me! I promise you won't regret it.

Alright. Thank you, Roberts, for the interview!

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