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(GRADED) Deep Dive #1 - The Way To Early Mock Draft
(This post was last modified: 12-16-2020, 08:38 AM by leafs1997.)

Its way to early to have no idea how the season is gunna play out, how the draft lottery will end up, and which top prospects are going to simmer out and end up falling out of the top earning players (but we can probably guess r0tzbua will be a massive bust)

For the purposes of this exercise I chose to just go in order of worst to best teams in the index based on 12/15/2020

1st Pick: Winnipeg Jets  (via Baltimore Platoon)    Jets
Looking at the Jets Roster, I only really see one major issues, all their forwards are old. While they have made some moves in the minors I could see them Drafting a Center here to fill the aging Goku Muerto's old spot. For that reason I see them selecting: C Dogwood Maple

2nd Pick: San Francisco Pride  pride
A very well rostered team I noticed that they are due to lose two RW to free agency at this moment. Due to this I could see the 2nd offensive players 
flying off the board here: RW Mew Two

3rd Pick: Hamilton Steelhawks (via Minnesota Monarchs)  Steelhawks
When initially looking at this team I thought, man their offense is old, however when looking at their send downs, you realize they have an army waiting to get called up. Instead I think that the Steelhawks should be using this pick to look for future defensive players to fill in the gaps in the next few seasons when their Defense gets old. For that reason I have selected D Luc Blouin

4th Pick: Tampa Bay Barracuda Barracuda
A team that is full of send downs and a young core, I could see Tampa going BPA, and for that reason I have selected an experienced user in D #A-Rye Izzy

5th Pick: New England Wolfpack  Wolfpack
A team with an Aging Defense, and with defensive players not quite at the level you would want, I see them snagging another Defensive Player in D Ole Olson

6th Pick: Seattle Argonauts  Argonauts
New team same story, defense has no clear heir to the throne. For this reason I have my 4th defensive player in a row with D Finn Von Murphenstien

7th Pick: Buffalo Stampede (vis New Orleans Specters)  Stampede
The Stampede have a quite old defense, but they had some massive hits the last few years on defensive prospects and now might want to look at getting a RW onto their team, and due to this I will end my Defense streak with the player RW Jonny Tsunami 

8th Pick: Atlanta Inferno  Inferno
Atlanta is in a very weird spot right now, were almost the whole team is deep in regression, but they have little to no send downs right now. With the defense in the need of the most work, I have them selecting D Gregory Goode

9th Pick: Toronto North Stars  Stars
While they dont need it at the moment, it is never too early to start thinking about the future. So I think that they will be taking an absolute scrub in D Zayne Rotzbua

10th: Pick: Manhattan Rage  Rage 
Almost like Atlanta, the Rage also have next to no senddowns despite having an older team. I have them selecting the offensive player left in RW Friedensreich Hundertwasser

11th Pick: Winnipeg Jets  Jets
Winnipeg back up for a 2nd pick and with them snagging an offensive player early in the draft, the will happily take D Bjørn Jakobsen

12th Pick : Los Angeles Panthers  Panthers
I know this recently got traded but since its not officially listed i'm ignoring it, LAP need defense and they will snag it with D Basil Sivart

13th Pick: Los Angeles Panthers (via Edmonton Blizzard)  Panthers
This Pick also got traded away but again not officially listed so I'm ignoring that, the panthers again get to pick and they will get the guy they hope to be Sivarts defensive partner for year to come in D Billy Brooks

14th Pick: Calgary Dragons  Dragons
The Dragons are another team that want to add some youth to their attack, and will be selecting a winger who is randomly mislabbled as a defending in the TPE tracker, in Gerry Atrick 

15th Pick: Texas Renegades  Renegades
At this point the Renegades cant overlook the fact that a certain 1OA in the Juniors draft is still on the board. Im not sure why he is this low on the TPE tracker, but the renegades will not complain getting D Jean-Locke Zidane

16th Pick: Chicago Syndicate  syndicate
I have no idea who Chicago is planning on resigning, they have nearly half their teams contracts expiring soon and this seem especially true on offense. In order to have a saftey net around this position group, I think they will pick up Roboute Guilliman

17th Pick: Buffalo Stampede  Stampede
With them selecting a winger earlier, I see them deciding to sure up that attack, and take the best player in the draft in Nikolaj Boyle, How did he fall this far? Im guess the author is a doubter to Boyle's greatness

18th Pick: New England Wolfpack (via Hamilton Steelhawks)  Wolfpack
The Last Pick in the first round is also a crap shoot. I could see New England taking a flyer on a player that is out of this world. Thats right I think that the Wolfpack will add the Alien to their defense, and pair him up with Olson. The Alien Narboza Manyarms,  Is the last pick of the first round

Whalers 919 Words Whalers

Approved, +5 TPE @zaynzk

[Image: zayn.png?ex=65e9b101&is=65d73c01&hm=c0f0...y=lossless]
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