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Kelowna Knights name their S10 Captains

<div align="center">[Image: knights_streak.jpeg]

The Kelowna Knights Proudly Name Their S10 Captains</div>

Tylar and I thought it would be best if the team decided who they wanted to lead them into battle each night, so we waited a few days, tabulated the votes and now I am happy to announce the S10 Captain for the Kelowna Knights is…

<div align="center">[Image: tinordi_jarred640_640.jpg]

Waldo Cezar Jr.</div>

Waldo is a warrior at both ends of the ice, priding himself in being a high end scorer and being defensively responsible. This in itself makes Waldo an ideal candidate, but it is not this alone that makes him the choice. It is also because of his positive demeanor in the locker-room that makes the rest of the team stand up and listen when Waldo speaks.

<div align="center">Once again, I give you the S10 Kelowna Knights Captain…..Waldo Cezar Jr.</div>

No Captain is complete without his fellow Knights backing him up, or in hockey terms his Alternate/Assistant Captains, so I am happy to announce the two alternate Captains for the S10 Kelowna Knights…

<div align="center">[Image: London-Knights-Vladislav-Namestnikov-cen...Images.jpg]

Alicia Keys and Curtis Larade</div>

Alicia and Curtis have demonstrated a workhorse like attitude for the Knights, while staying positive and trying to improve the team by improving themselves. Leading by example is the Knights way and these two are bastions of that standard.

<div align="center">Once again, I give you the S10 Kelowna Knights Alternate Captains…..Alicia Keys and Curtis Larade</div>

It would not be fair if I did not mentioned the contribution that Cyan Winters has also demonstrated in the locker room and though goalies can’t wear a letter on the ice, Tylar and I felt it was important to note this contribution and name Cyan Winters an Honorary Alternate Captain.


Word Count: 278
Professionalism/Thoroughness: 9.5/10
Interest: 9.5/10
Form: 10/10

Payment: 200k

Comments: Great job and congrats to all the captains Smile

[Image: NCQjJT2.png]
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