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Vladimir Lidstrom heads to the show Questions please

After spending 3 seasons with the Montreal Impact it's time for Tha Nature Boy, woooooooooooo!!, to head up to the big leagues and begin his career in Texas. It is bittersweet to be leaving my Impact teammates and not winning a cup with them after coming back for a third season to try and do just that. I would like to thank ArGar and Blues for the outstanding job they did this season with a team noone expected much of. I also want to thank my teammates for an incredible season and an amazing lr. I truly believe that looking back on this team a few seasons down the road people will be amazed at all the talent that this team had. Before I hop in the limo and jet off to Texas I'd be happy to answer any questions people might have about my teammates, GMs or my career in Mtl and my future in Texas.

What can you take away from this series against the Whalers?
We just ran out of steam. You can't keep playing from behind and expect to win series like we did in Detroit. We had some great veteran defenders and a veteran goalie but the Whalers have a very high powered offense and we just weren't able to shut them down. In the eternal offense versus defense matchup it looks like the offense won. We had our fair share of offense as well but you can't keep getting out shot game after game and expect to win.

Do you have any final words for anyone on the Whalers team, or to the team as a whole? Kudos to the Whalers for their great win. Whoever won this series was going to be a plus since we both finished last in our respective divisions. It just goes to show that everyone training hard and putting in the effort can turn a season around late in the going. I know our rookies put in a ton of work and their guys most likely did the same. Both GM teams devised strategies that eventually lead to their playoff sucess. My hats off to the Whalers. To be the man they had to beat the man and they went and did just that.

What do you plan on training on to prepare yourself for SHL action? I have quite a bit of tpe banked as a 3rd year send down so it's going to be a matter of splitting that up. I've learned a bit more how the sim works so I'll be looking at keeping some stats a bit more separated. Will be bumping up the defense pretty high and i think I may be playing wing possibly so I'm upping my scoring and puck handling as well. definitely time to throw some into strength as well hoping to round out my game.

How does it feel that you will finally play in the SHL? I'm looking forward to it. I had no problems coming back down, I wanted to try and help the Impact win a cup. And I knew Texas had a veteran group that was hoping for a good last shot for a couple guys. Texas always has a pretty deep team so they're a bit like the Red Wings in that they bring their guys along a bit more slowly than some of the other teams. With expansion and retirement that is probably going to change there. It will be fun to see how my player stacks up against the larger builds of the shl players for sure.

Thoughts on the Texas LR? Anyone you are looking forward to playing with? The Texas locker room is a great place. it's kind of funny that it has this mystique about it that all we do is talk shit about every other team in there which is the farthest thing from the truth. It's a tight knit group who bickers amongst each other but always have each other's backs. Alot of the talk is about guy's love lives, one guys obsession with Lebron and another guy who eats pizza rolls and doesn't like to update lol. Real controversial stuff there wooo!

Best memory in Montreal?
My best memory in Montreal would be watching ArGar and Blues just slay this last freakin draft. As the picks rolled in and the rookies were added to the locker room the excitement was unreal that this was actually the group that was being put together. That enthusiasm carried us through the entire year and more pages in the locker room than the previous two seasons combined. as the draft unfolded I knew we had a special group on our hands and it made it all worthwhile spending a third season there.

Do you think you will be a lifer in Texas? I hope to be unless they get tired of me lol. I'm a pretty loyal guy and i would love to spend my whole career on one team and follow in the footsteps of some of the greatest Renegades. To be honest there would only be one other GM that I would ever leave the Renegades for but I don't ever forsee that happening. So i'll be stylin and profilin in the black and silver for many seasons to come.

What will it be like playing behind guys like Velevra and Partlow?
Well you're talking about two Hall of Famers here. How can it not be exciting to play with those guys. It will be great to get advice on what has and hasn't worked for them in their long storied careers and maybe get a few tips for myself. I can only hope one day my jersey will hang in the rafters with theirs.

Did this season - your final season - live up to your expectations in Montreal? I would say this season exceeded my expectations beyond my wildest dreams. It was amazing to see such a diverse group of people come together so quickly. Once again the locker room pages were more than the previous two seasons combined. it was incredible to see such an active and enthusiastic jr locker room. I never would have expected us to make it all the way to the cup finals and we did that. it's a testament to all the hard work the rookies put in to try and get up to the veterans levels and it paid off.

Have any Renegades given you some advice/encouragement, and if so, what meaningful things did they say? Lol they call me the Gandalf of the Renes because I'm old as dirt lol. Any question you ask there is answered pretty quickly by a very knowledgeable group. They've helped me locate things in the forums when I couldn't find stuff. They have offered tips on what kind of builds to go for. Sometimes bein the old fart I think it's me doing most of the advising however rofl. And I always have to clean up after one of Boon or Deener's chatzy parties cause these young fellas can't hang with the old man.

Are there any rookies you'd like to see drafted to TEX? I wish we could draft every one of my Impact teammates lol. I loved sharing the locker room with those guys and would love too again. definitely a couple guys in there fit the Renegades pretty well and I'm secretly hoping we can get them. I'll definitely be chirping in Deener and Alex's ears come draft night to try and get my boys with me.

To woooooo or not to wooooo? Wooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! always, the Nature Boy will never stop! I'll probably keep doing my shl wrestling ppv media pieces so the nature Boy will always be dropping the woooo!!!

1307 words

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[Image: rhodes.png]


What can you take away from this series against the Whalers?

Do you have any final words for anyone on the Whalers team, or to the team as a whole?

What do you plan on training on to prepare yourself for SHL action?

[Image: 46381_s.gif]
sigs by ToeDragon84
[Image: Jpcs9tG.png]

How does it feel that you will finally play in the SHL?

Thoughts on the Texas LR? Anyone you are looking forward to playing with?

Best memory in Montreal?

Do you think you will be a lifer in Texas?

What will it be like playing behind guys like Velevra and Partlow?

Alonzo Garbanzo Final Tallies (Among Defensemen):
2nd in Goals (208), All-Time Assists Leader (765)*, All-Time Points Leader (973), 3rd in Hits (2587), All-Time Blocked Shots Leader (1882)*
*All-Time Leader Among All Skaters
Player Profile | Update Thread
[Image: IeEV7Iv.png]


Did this season - your final season - live up to your expectations in Montreal?

Have any Renegades given you some advice/encouragement, and if so, what meaningful things did they say?

[Image: OaSEcaw]

Are there any rookies you'd like to see drafted to TEX?

To woooooo or not to wooooo?

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