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Question and Answer with Austin Lemieux ASK ME QUESTIONS

Dont grade plz

Hello everyone, and new rookies!

If you would like to ask me anything, such as questions about the leauge, or just normal press conference style questions, I would love to answer them! Falcons Jets

Where were you last night? We needed on on EASHL, I let in 23 goals one game.

Did you actually let in 23? Thats brutal, although I probably couldn't do much better tbh. The whole goalie position in that game is absolutely fucked rn. Animations are bad, I get thrown was out of position too much, it just creates a lousy playing experience, with a lot of rage. But I can play tonight if yall want to go at it again, Ill probably have a GAA of 7.5 but I think if we have some good scoring power we can easily score 12-13 goals a game right?

Do you expect to be the starter in Detroit this season?

I couldn't tell you, its really all up to the GM's. I'm currently higher TPE than even the Jets backup, and Bowden. All I can tell you is that I would be disappointed if I was still the backup for Detroit. I think I am ready to take on a starting role as a falcon, and ready to get some redemption for last years failed four star cup. I've told my Falcon LR that I love playing with them, and would definitely love to win with them again. I'm going to improve further too. I have been saving up for some new equip, and want to get that asap to make sure I'm ready to go come preseason.

Besides yourself who do you think will be the best goalie in the SMJHL?

I really think it depends on who stays down, and who goes up. There's so many goalies who are bubble players that could go either way. If Nevzorov goes up to the SHL, I will laugh. But players like Prince, and Ciarelli. Might be good enough to make the jump. Kozar was the goalie of the year last year, and if he by the off chance stayed down, he would absolutely be the best goalie again this year I would say.

Do any of the rookie goaltenders stand out to you in the upcoming draft?

No, not really. I think just because combines have just started, and its hard to tell who will stand out for the rest this early. I am watching though. With the the goalie situation in Detroit up in the air, a goalie pick might be needed, even if it is late to cover the team if shit hits the fan between the pipes. If it is anything like last year, there will be about 10 goalies, and 1 will stay active, so that gives you an idea of who to look for in a goalie, and how careful the GM's have to be about picking a goalie. It's not as important in the SMJHL, but it is crucial in the SHL where you have so little options sometimes, and you have to pick the most dedicated.

How do you feel after being drafted to the Jets?

I feel good! I'm happy with where I ended up after all is said and done. The Jets are a great team with a lot of promise in the coming seasons. Obviously I am still trying to hunt down a four star cup before I move on to greener pastures with the Jets, but I couldn't see myself playing for a different team right now. I try my best to really improve, and get better each and every week, and I would want nothing more than to become a franchise goaltender one day for my team. Everyone is really friendly, and open to help me out as a rookie. I'm very excited to start training camp, and really rack up some TPE in the next couple days to stay competitive in the SMJHL, and also to increase my TPE for the SHL one day. 2nd round was really nice too, I obviously had no idea where I was going to go in the draft, so going 2nd was a dream come true for my journey though the SHL.

What are your goals for this upcoming season?

Four Star Cup. I really don't care too much about individual stats too much, I obviously would love a shutout, just because I haven't notched one of those yet, but those will come soon enough I'm sure. I just want to improve on a couple key areas, and then we should be good to go. I was pretty average last year, and I hope with a little hard work, that I can make a big splash this year, and have everyone in Detroit on their feet, as well as everyone in Winnipeg excited for the future of their franchise with me possibly being the goalie of their future. Finally, I just want to see some hard work by my boys as always, I think amazing how many high draft picks the Falcons had this draft, and I want to help them if I can on their goals, and dreams as well.

How many more seasons do you see yourself playing in Detroit?

Ultimately its up to the GM's, I want to play where I can help the team win hockey games right now. I want to win, to be completely honest, I hate losing. I think everyone does, but I hate it more. I can't stand letting my team down and letting a puck in the net. I think I'll have more of an impact in Detroit for atleast another season or more. It all depends. As long as I can win a four star cup, I'll be happy. The guys back in Detroit deserve one, and of course the best fans in the league cheer for us, and they deserve another one too. But we will have to see! Only time will tell what happens, and where the chips will fall this upcoming season, and seasons to come!

What do you think the Falcons should target in the upcoming SMJHL draft?

Probably players. We'll probably need a goalie, but we'll see what happens I guess. Schmidt has a lot of important decisions to make, and I know that he will make the best decisions for the team, and try to put us in the best situation to win hockey games as he possibly can.

How's the LR? Is Elyk as cool as I picture Elyk to be?

I love the Jets LR. Its really cool, and super active. You can tell that everyone wants to win, and it is just a feel good atmosphere over there. As for Elyk, he had me a signature in literally less than 24hrs after I was drafted, so you could say he is a pretty cool dude. I have been blessed with the two locker rooms I have been apart of, and hope that I can positively contribute wherever I can in, and out of both LR's moving forward.

How does it feel to be an assistant captain, and as a goaltender no less?

Obviously Its an honor, you have to give respect to all of the Falcons leadership over the years that has gone before us, and done great things time and time again. I will definitely try to be a leader in the LR, and in the media for my team. I want to represent our team well, and I'll always have my teammates back throughout this site. I'm not saying that in character, or because I just need the money or anything. I truly do like the guys that we have on our team. I'd do anything they ever asked of me, and my signature says it all, were a distanced family around our LR, its an open environment with a bunch of guys that just like to have fun with this whole thing. I'd have to say that they are definitely one of the main reasons why I love this site so much. I mean, on paper this site is just a plain fourm, but the people make it what it is, a great site to be on.

Any particular skill you plan on training this upcoming season?

I think most importantly I have to work on my Skating. It is my weakness, and takes a lot of time, and TPE to train up. I constantly find myself not being fast enough for playing pucks, and skating in general. My form is awkward sometimes, and just needs some work to get to a level where I can be competitive in the league. With that being said, I definitely need to work on a lot of skills to make my player well rounded. Endurance is key for anyone who wants to be successful, and I can't let games slip away just because I am tired. I have to be quick, focused, and relaxed between the pipes, and the best way to do that is with a strong endurance core. I picture endurance as a foundation for everything. Kinda like a house, and if you have a strong endurance, you can accomplish a lot.

Have any of your new teammates on the Winnipeg Jets reached out to you since being drafted?

Yeah! They have all been super helpful with everything. I might be starting to sound like I have a repetitive stutter, but I truly enjoy the organizations that I have been apart of so far in my career. It's great that I didn't get picked to a scrub team with a huge number of inactives, or whatnot. Obviously some people more than others, but I am pumped to have met everyone on the team, and ready to get training camp started! These guys wear their heart on their sleeve, and they are committed to bringing success to the city of Winnipeg, and that is exactly the person, and the player that I am going to try to become in the SHL.

What do you feel you need to do to one day be an SHL starter?

I feel like I have to train harder, and that all comes down to finances. I have to have enough money in the back in order to get to the point where I can improve my player to the level that is needs to be. I also think I need to gain a lot of experience moving forward. I have to become a regular player, and use the mentor ship that is provided to me to gain the knowledge I need to improve, I have to work on the right skills, and not take weeks off, because that's the most important part, training at the maximum level that I possibly can to be better than the person who is my competition.

How do you plan on improving on the Detroit Falcon's season this year, when compared to last year?

Simply put, I'd like to stop more pucks from going in the net than last year. I feel like there were some games that I let the team down, and let in too many goals. When that happens, the team has little, to no chance of winning, even if we have the explosive scoring power that we had. That just comes with being a rookie goalie though. I can definitely see why St.Louis played so well against everyone but us last year, and it was solely on the shoulders of Kozar. Kozar led that hockey club to good things when he was playing there. He made the difference between them winning games, and not winning games. I'm not saying that I am the make or break piece in my situation, but if I am strong in between the pipes, then everything else should follow suit, and should improve from last year's disappointment of a playoff run.

What are your expectations for the Falcons and the Jets this upcoming season?

I expect great things from the Falcons this year. I want us to succeed as a team, and really push through these other teams, and reclaim that top spot, and cup. I liked grabbing first place in the season last year. It was a great privilege to have been able to play for such an amazing organizations, and now that I am better, and a lot of our players are better, I think we have a great shot at being at the top again. I just wish Wind would stay down so I could pad my stats a little more, but he'll be too busy getting Lit in the SHL.
For the Jets, I can expect nothing more than steady improvement, and a playoff birth. I think that's the goal, because as long as you make it to the playoffs, anything can happen from there on out. The jets have an excited, and motivated hockey club, and they seem to want to win as much as I do, so lets just hope that it can happen soon!

Do you think being developed by Detroit will prepare you for success in the SHL?

Of course, and I think that the biggest reason why Detroit is a powerhouse hockey club, with a lot of great development is because of its management. The mangers play a key role to the teams success, and this is so much more emphasized in the minors. Yes, they set lines, and choose who starts games. But the more important part is keeping the team active, and passing down the knowledge that they have to the inexperienced rookies, and players to make their players the best they can be, and make it fun, Success by some is determined by if they had a good time, and for me, I'm loving it so far! That is all credit to Mook, c, and Schmidt, the people who have molded my player to who I am today.

What would you say is the biggest strength of your game?

I would without a doubt have to say my rebounding. After seeing the amount of goals I let in after I made the save with a rebound early in my season last year, I quickly made sure I worked on my puck control after I make a save. Those second chance opportunities kill goalies, and teams in this league, I want to make the save, smother the puck, and trust that my center man is going to win the draw, and also hope that my defense is going to be there to bail me out when I need them to do so. I'd also like to think that I'm quick with my hands. It really helps on the ice stopping pucks, but it also helps in the bedroom, so anywhere that I can improve is a positive for sure.

Anyone on this team or another that you have a rivalry with?

Not really, I haven't really targeted many people in the SHL so far in my career that I would consider myself having a rivalry with. I probably won't be up playing against any SHL'ers for a while, but when I do, I'll definetly

What is your favorite thing about playing in Detroit?

I would have to say the fans. It could be a Tuesday night at 3am, and I think we would be able to sellout an arena. They come from near and far, all wearing red, and supporting our team. A lot of other teams fans seem to just leave when their teams seem out of a game, but our fans stick by us through thick and thin, and always are supportive even if we don't come out victorious in an outing. They have the best cheers in the leauge, and also the best hecklers I have ever heard. Really hilarious when the scarecrows came to town, and all we heard the whole game was "WINDS OVERRATED CLAP CLAP, CLAP CLAP CLAP" Hilarious, because its true.

What are you most looking forward to for S25?

What did you think of Schmidt before he was your GM?

Obviously as a goalie growing up In Canada, I seen him play for our country in the IIHF, and that is something amazing, and something I would love to do one day. Canada is such a great country, hockey is a religion here, and I think that Schmidt will go down as one of the best Canadian goaltenders in SHL history for sure.

Where were you last night? We needed on on EASHL, I let in 23 goals one game.

Do you expect to be the starter in Detroit this season?

Besides yourself who do you think will be the best goalie in the SMJHL?

Do any of the rookie goaltenders stand out to you in the upcoming draft?


How do you feel after being drafted to the Jets?

What are your goals for this upcoming season?

How many more seasons do you see yourself playing in Detroit?

What do you think the Falcons should target in the upcoming SMJHL draft?

How's the LR? Is Elyk as cool as I picture Elyk to be?

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]


How does it feel to be an assistant captain, and as a goaltender no less?

Wolfpack LW - Rainbow Dash - Updates Wolfpack
[Image: zVOLkfl.png] [img=0x0][/img] [Image: zrRa4LD.png]
[Image: zmHxxsq.png] Rainbow Dash Fan S24-Present [Image: zmHxxsq.png]
Shl SHL Commissioner S34-S52 Shl
Wolfpack New England Wolfpack GM S30-S40 Wolfpack
Militia Montreal Milita Co-GM S26-S29 Militia

Any particular skill you plan on training this upcoming season?

[Image: SS19INy.jpg]

[Image: d9J5DHT.png]  [Image: 16PgOBm.png]


Have any of your new teammates on the Winnipeg Jets reached out to you since being drafted?

What do you feel you need to do to one day be an SHL starter?

How do you plan on improving on the Detroit Falcon's season this year, when compared to last year?

[Image: 46381_s.gif]
sigs by ToeDragon84
[Image: Jpcs9tG.png]

What are your expectations for the Falcons and the Jets this upcoming season?

Do you think being developed by Detroit will prepare you for success in the SHL?

What would you say is the biggest strength of your game?

Anyone on this team or another that you have a rivalry with?

What is your favorite thing about playing in Detroit?

[Image: bonk.gif]
Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius


What are you most looking forward to for S25?

What did you think of Schmidt before he was your GM?

Of all the rookies selected in the S25 draft, are there any you secretly wanted to end up where you landed?

Who do you want to see the Falcons pick up in the draft?

What are the early chances of winning the 4 star cup this season?

Who is the biggest threat to ruin your cup run?

<a href='index.php?showuser=1814' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Voyagaming</a> I miss you

Wolfpack LW - Rainbow Dash - Updates Wolfpack
[Image: zVOLkfl.png] [img=0x0][/img] [Image: zrRa4LD.png]
[Image: zmHxxsq.png] Rainbow Dash Fan S24-Present [Image: zmHxxsq.png]
Shl SHL Commissioner S34-S52 Shl
Wolfpack New England Wolfpack GM S30-S40 Wolfpack
Militia Montreal Milita Co-GM S26-S29 Militia

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