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Sarone's Draft Day

5:17am -- "Wake Up", by Arcade Fire, plays over Maximus Sarone's iPhone. It's his alarm. Max opens his eyes. It's THE DAY. He let's the song play for about 5 more seconds before he leaps to his feet, throws his shorts, tee and Gongshow hat on. It's workout time for Max. On his way out the door, Max grabs a Power Bar and a Gatorade, skipping the fresh muffins his mother had just made. Max isn't a fan of blueberry. He hops in his 2001 Ford Taurus, hockey bag already packed and ready to go, and gets on the road.

5:58am -- Maximus arrives at Tam-O-Shanter in Sylvania, Ohio. A suburban rink, just outside of his hometown of Toledo, Ohio. Max heads into Rink 1. Gets into Locker Room 12. Gets dressed for practice. For what team you might ask? None. Max has the rink to himself. Even on Draft Day. Max heads out on the ice, with a bag of pucks, his two Bauer Supreme 1S sticks, and starts skating the lines. 10 sets of goal line, blue line, goal line, red line, goal line, far blue line, goal line, far goal line, back to the goal line. After that, he swigs his Gatorade, spills out the pucks, and is ready for his mentor, Hans Ponsen, to join him on the ice. Hans starts by sending him some saucer passes across the zone, while Max slams them home, one by one. After about 100 one-timers, Max has Hans chasing him around the offensive zone. Max plays keep away for about 10 minutes. Hans was only able to take the puck away once, this time. Hans goes over some clips of Maximus' latest performances, and shows him the right and wrong that he had done. Max then works on replicating each mistake, but this time, doing it right. As a child, Max was always taught, "Practice right, play right." After some more shooting around, Max heads off the ice.

7:15am -- Max gets into the weight room. Craziness, some might say. Max has a personal trainer there awaiting him. Frank "the Tank" Gorlovski. Frank was a former NHLer, turned pro body builder. Frank talked with us a bit before Max got there. He said, "Max is a good kid. Scrawny, but good. He's got skill. He's got vision. He's got passion. We're still working on that muscle." Max spends an hour with "the Tank."

8:42am -- The drive home is uneventful. Same old town, same old people. Max stops in at a local Tim Hortons, grabs a double double for himself, and a sprinkled donut for his little sister.

12:25pm -- Lunch time is pretty tame. Chicken spinach burgers and cooked vegetables. Mom made the burgers special, just for Max. It's his big day. A few of Max's friends come over and reminisce of the old days playing in the local travel leagues together. The gang plays a few games of bubble hockey, flicks on the TV, and just relaxes.

6:30pm -- Anticipation of the coming news is starting to get to Max. He's getting quieter and quieter as the day goes on. "Will I go in the first or second round?", he asks. "Doesn't matter, man. You'll go and prove yourself regardless of when you're picked. We know you have it in you." says one of his friends. "I really don't know if I'd be excited about going somewhere far away though..."

8:59pm -- "Alright everyone, I just wanted to thank you all for coming by the house for this. I know I'm not anyone special, but it really means a lot to me that you all would take time out of your night to come support me in my next step. No matter where I go, I hope you'll all always know I'll be back as much as I can." Max says, as he gives a quick glance toward his girlfriend. "Well... here we go..."

*TV's turned off of mute* "Welcome to the S28 SMJHL Entry Draft! It's going to be a big day for these youngsters..."

9:05pm -- A few picks have been made. Max was still calm. You could tell he wanted to go early, but he wasn't shaken by it. Still as cool as a cucumber.

9:20pm -- Every pick that goes by, everyone is getting more and more eager. Folks are starting to sit on the edge of their seats. "It's gotta be any time now, Max..." Max's Dad, Lenny, says.

9:28pm -- "With the 12th pick, in the S28 Draft, the Detroit Falcons select... Maximus Sarone, Center, from Toledo, Ohio..."

The crowd, at the Sarone house, erupts. "YEEESSSS!!!!! DEEEETRROOIIIIIITTTT!!! MAX, THAT'S AWESOME!"

Max is extremely excited. As giddy as a kid on Christmas morning. You could hear people around the room congratulating him, and mentioning how close that is to home.

"Thanks everyone, so much. I'm so excited to be a part of the Detroit Falcons organization. I hope you'll all be up to my games every weekend."

10:59pm -- The last of the crowd heads home. Max and his family gather for a family prayer, giving thanks for the news of the night.

11:00pm -- Max heads to bed. "Arcade Fire doesn't wait for anyone, in the morning."

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