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S35 Wolfpack Prospects Unpacked Biased News with Bilbo

Quote:Ready for grading - word count: ~2,209

<center>S35 Wolfpack Prospects Unpacked
Biased News with Bilbo</center>

Here at Biased News with Bilbo (BNB), we try to bring you the greatest and latest developments in most things important to bilbo. BNB is a for-profit organization dedicated to getting that sweet, sweet TPE.

This week, we reached out to all New England Wolfpack prospects to see how their time in the SMJHL is going and where they think they’ll stand on the Wolfpack once they come up. Xander Green of the Prince George Firebirds, Spitfire of the Vancouver Whalers, and Cameron Dubois of the St. Louis Scarecrows were available for interviews, and we talked about the others anyway.

Quote:[b]Did You Know? It took Dieter Dominique, the stud muffin 2nd (sometimes 1st) liner on the Wolfpack, four seasons on the Kelowna Knights before he was called up to the SHL. And in that time, it was the best of times, as every season on the Knights was the best, as were all the teammates. It rained waffles day and night.[/b]

Xander Green was the first Wolfpack prospect to respond to our questions, so yeah, he’s the new favorite. He also is the first of the prospects to make his SHL playoff debut come round two, where the New England Wolfpack will face either the Toronto North Stars or West Kendall Platoon.

When asked what type of player he sees himself being on the Wolfpack come next regular season, Green said, “Without getting cocky, the Wolfpack need a new franchise forward after the retirement of Nathan Russell, and who is a better option than a guy with the last name of Green in it? I want my name and number up the rafters and while it likely won't happen, I will give my everything to the franchise.”

Cocky or not, Green’s words certainly ring true. Nathan Russell, hometown hero and easy on the eyes, was/is the single greatest SHL player to ever come out of Boston, Massachusetts. We say this without knowing any other SHL player to come from Boston, but it’s Biased News with Bilbo and we’ll argue this until Dieter’s last waffle (spoiler alert: the waffles will never end). To get back to Green’s words though, the Wolfpack are indeed in need of a new franchise forward. While it’s true that the Wolfpack are a team of active players, some are getting closer and/or farther into regression, and to stay as competitive as they are now, the team needs more determined individuals like Green to come along and be stars on the Pack to help create future fans of the franchise.

Delving into Green’s latest season on the Prince George Firebirds, it was unfortunate that the Mammoths took them down in six games in the first round of the playoffs, but Green managed to put up six points in that time as a first-line center, proving he’s not a playoff curse. In the regular season, Green came in second for scoring on the Firebirds with 40 points, only three less than the previous year, showing his potential future consistency on the Wolfpack.

When asked what he thinks he’s doing now on the Firebirds to benefit him in the SHL, Green said, “Well, complaining about how much we sucked has turned the season around for the Firebirds. I complained when we were in the bottom of the league and we ended up with the 3rd seed. So my complaining in the media might be magic that we can use in our advantage. Next to that, I don't think my SMJHL work will help much as my training hours there are not applied, so I have no idea how I will perform with the added training hours. Currently I'm working on levelling my Magikarp and training him to jump. Maybe that helps?”

We hope to heck that he’s right. Even though the Firebirds are now out of the playoffs, Green can easily rest up and get ready for what will be his first game on the Wolfpack come round two. Thinking ahead to season 36 though, we were curious about his living habits, and so it begged the question of which Wolfpack vet he’d be staying with come pre-season. Green said, “I am coming up next season so I will need a place to stay, but I do not understand why you want me to stay with a vet. Vets usually have all the sick cats and dogs that need operations and all. So I assume there is a lot of pooping going on in the vets place. I know we are the Wolfpack and all, but I really thought proper housing was an option, and not a cage in a vets place. I don't see myself staying at a Veterinary, I just want a quiet place so I can catch some sleep.”

A jokester for sure, we excitedly await Xander Green’s first game at TD Garden. We think he’ll fit right in.

Completely unprompted, at the end of the interview, Green also said, “No one is as cool as Dieter Dominique, but I look forward to playing on the ice with Raven Silverwing. He was one of the players to first welcome me to the UK team and it will be great to finally suit up with him for New England.” For the sake of this interview only, we’ll say we’re rooting for team UK as to get Green’s competitive edge up.
The next Wolfpack prospect we talked to was none other than Spitfire of the Vancouver Whalers. We can’t quite put a finger to it, but Spitfire reminds us a little of Earnest Ciarelli, the once starting goalie and bench door opener legend of the New England Wolfpack. It’s only fitting then that Spitfire will one day join the Pack.

At the current moment, the Whalers are up by three in the SMJHL playoffs against the Kelowna Knights. It’s super uncool for the Knights, but Spitfire has two points in three games, so that’s looking good for the Wolfpack prospect thus far.

Quote:[b]Did You Know? A lot of SHL conspiracy theorists in season 28 through 30-ish thought that the Kelowna Knights were a breeding ground for future Wolfpack players. We're not sure where they got that idea from, other than the fact that maybe the Knights are the greatest SMJHL team of all time and the Wolfpack are the greatest SHL team of all time? Who knows, really. Everything is fake news these days.[/b]

When asked what kind of player he seems himself being on the Wolfpack, Spitfire said, “I see myself as a player who will go out on the ice night in and night out and make sure the bench door is working properly and efficiently.” A Ciarelli fan already.

During the regular season, Spitfire had thirty-six points, gaining five points from last season as a rookie. It seems like no matter what the Whalers standing (last season they were eliminated from playoff contention, this year they ranked high second in the SMJHL), Spitfire is unfazed and just wants to play his game. We asked what he thinks is benefitting him for the SHL, and he said, “Playing hockey.” He’ll be a favorite for media scrums, we’re sure.

Like with Green, we were interested to find out what vet Spitfire would do well living with his first season or so with the Wolfpack. When we asked about his living habits, he said, “I’m the type of person that likes some order and cleanliness. I’m very 50/50 with how I live my life, sometimes I’ll just get cozy with some coffee and watch some TV or something, and sometimes I like to go and hit the town with the boys and gals. I do what I want boi.”

From the sounds of it, Dieter Dominique would be a good vet presence to have around for the future Wolfpack player. Though, sources say Dominique plans to move in with Nathan Russell within the next season or so, we’re sure Dominique will take Spitfire under his wing and maybe even rent out his current apartment to him for cheap.

When asked who the coolest member on the Wolfpack was, completely unprompted once again, Spitfire said, “Dieter Dominique is a pretty cool member of the Wolfpack. I visited him one time in Germany and it was dope af. Deets is also very good at hockey and generally one of the liveliest and genuine people in the SHL, so it’s a pleasure to have ‘em in the Wolfpack locker room.” We sense no lies coming from this one.
Last but certainly not least to get a word in was Cameron Dubois of the St. Louis Scarecrows. His team is down by one in round two of the SMJHL playoffs, but Dubois did his part in getting them to the playoffs. Though his point production in season 35 wasn’t as good as it was the past season, Dubois has moved up to be a second-line defenseman and only had 14 penalty minutes (unlike some of his Wolfpack prospect counterparts), proving that he can be good on the assist and manage to not put his team on the penalty kill.

When BNB asked Dubois what kind of player he sees himself being on the Wolfpack, he replied, “a solid second line dman who can put up points, and hopefully be a powerplay specialist.” That sounds like a dream to us, and with the Wolfpack roster how it is, we think there might be a slot for Dubois to eventually fill.

However, he may be a little bit controversial. When asked who the coolest member on the Pack was (besides Dieter Dominique, obviously), Dubois claimed, “Probably Toivo [Kosonen] or [fellow Wolfpack prospect Aleksandr Aleksandrov] A^2. Toivo because he’s a great guy, and A^2 because he also enjoys making fun of Eggy.” We’re not sure the head GM of the Wolfpack will like that, but maybe he has a nice sense of humor. We hear he’s ok.

Dubois said he’s enjoying blocking shots and putting up points for the Scarecrows, something that will hopefully carry over come his SHL career. Similar to a past New England Wolfpack player, Filip Granlund, Dubois also said he has no interest in having a veteran player on the Wolfpack house him up. Word on the street is that he’ll just live in a super nice car in a supermarket parking lot until his second SHL contract.

Taking all current New England Wolfpack prospects into account, here’s where they stand with us at Biased News with Bilbo:

Quote:Aleksandr Aleksandrov | Colorado Mammoths
Position: Goalie, Hybrid
Status: Last seen on July 15!? KEEP UP, A^2.
Our Thoughts: Sources coming from Toivo Kosonen’s camp say that A^2 acts a lot like Dieter Dominique’s agent, bilbo, so, you know. He can stay. Laukks can’t stay young and beautiful forever, so hopefully this fella can be the next cup-winning netminder for the Wolfpack.
Quote:Alexandre Lebeau | Kelowna Knight
Position: Right Wing, Sniper
Status: Chilling on a beach somewhere, last seen on June 4
Our Thoughts: Sad to see a Knight/future Pack member go inactive, but he’s a Knight nonetheless, so respect.
Quote:Brett Kennedy | St. Louis Scarecrows
Position: Center, Power Forward
Status: Last seen today, and a few days before, calling everyone a butt.
Our Thoughts: The Wolfpack are in need of new competitive centers who want to call Boston home, and BK being The Tall GuyTM would make him a stand-out on the Pack in time.
Quote:Cameron Dubois | St. Louis Scarecrows
Position: Defense, Offensive Defenseman
Status: Last seen today, but he had to be reminded about our questions, so WHOOO KNOWS.
Our Thoughts: UMMMMM, Cam is Cam. We have a softpack part in our hearts for him. He’s doing his best.
Quote: Khet Chupp | St. Louis Scarecrows
Position: Defense, Defensive Defenseman
Status: Maybe eating ketchup, last seen on June 3
Our Thoughts: Would be nice to have a person named Khet Chupp on the Wolfpack, but u know, things happen. There is hope yet that Mustard has not destroyed him.
Quote:Michael Walker | Montreal Militia
Position: Left Wing, Sniper
Status: Last seen on July 8, is hopefully having a blast on a short paradise trip
Our Thoughts: Sometimes life happens and players can’t train for a while. We believe in Walker and think he and his boss jersey-designing skills could make a comeback.
Quote: Spitfire | Vancouver Whalers
Position: Right Wing, Sniper
Status: Last seen today, because he’s a loyal friend.
Our Thoughts: Spitfire doesn’t have a last name, because he doesn’t need one. He was frequently heard at the Wolfpack prospect camp shouting, “AREE YOUU DUUUUMMMBBB?” but we think he has a kind heart and is softpack material.
Quote:Xander Green | Prince George Firebirds
Position: Center, Playmaker
Status: Last seen today, because he’s also a loyal friend.
Our Thoughts: We hope Green ends up making $$$ for the Wolfpack franchise and filling a fraction of the void that Nathan Russell is leaving by retiring. Every little bit helps. Plus, sources say he likes The Lord of the Rings, so, like, he’s got some brownie points with us.

Want to be interviewed by bilbo and featured in a future BNB article? Message <a href='index.php?showuser=2098' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>bilbo</a> today like you would a late-night special friend with a “hey.”

[Image: 56791_s.gif]

sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

I'm a fan of BNN. Better than that fake news network CNN that's for sure.

Quote:Originally posted by formx@Jul 19 2017, 03:01 AM
I'm a fan of BNN. Better than that fake news network CNN that's for sure.

Cheers Cheers

[Image: 56791_s.gif]

sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

Finally, an unbiased biased news source

Wolfpack LW - Rainbow Dash - Updates Wolfpack
[Image: zVOLkfl.png] [img=0x0][/img] [Image: zrRa4LD.png]
[Image: zmHxxsq.png] Rainbow Dash Fan S24-Present [Image: zmHxxsq.png]
Shl SHL Commissioner S34-S52 Shl
Wolfpack New England Wolfpack GM S30-S40 Wolfpack
Militia Montreal Milita Co-GM S26-S29 Militia

Quote:Originally posted by Eggy216@Jul 19 2017, 12:04 PM
Finally, an unbiased biased news source

ty, yw. B)

[Image: 56791_s.gif]

sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany


[Image: Jepox.gif]

Quote:Originally posted by Jepox@Jul 19 2017, 08:26 PM

[Image: 56791_s.gif]

sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

do you have to play for the Wolfpack to be featured in a Bilbo news article? Hmm

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Former affiliates: raiders Jets Stars


Quote:Originally posted by Pris@Jul 23 2017, 10:34 AM
do you have to play for the Wolfpack to be featured in a Bilbo news article?&nbsp; Hmm

great question! no you do not! i take your questioning as a "yes, u can message me questions"?? :D

[Image: 56791_s.gif]

sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

Quote:Originally posted by bilbo@Jul 23 2017, 08:56 PM

great question! no you do not! i take your questioning as a "yes, u can message me questions"??&nbsp; :D

o:-) :wub:

[Image: shlpris41.gif]
sig credits
[Image: FJ4Sjuj.png] |[Image: apAE8qn.png] | [Image: uEsOaLl.png]
[Image: 2dtdoyf.png]
Former affiliates: raiders Jets Stars


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