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The off season, for Wolf

[Image: screenshot-2014-12-15-120343png-1af27291f862d640.png]

A hot sunny Colorado summer day the sounds of nail guns and ripsaws momentarily drowning out the SiriusXM metal blasting from the speakers propped on the tailgate and from the open doors of the pickup truck parked close to the new construction house. The Denver Post Sports minute camera crew unloaded from their van in front of the house and the sound man pointed out their target easily . 6'5" of construction worker carrying a 6 pack of 12' 2x4 boards into the half framed house. The camera crew paused to film a couple shots of the staked vinyl banner sign in front "Homes For Heros" a nonprofit volunteer construction program for giving back to injured veterans.
The young female producer and her camera man with the sound engineer/ light tech bringing up the rear stepped up on to the elevated foundation and Wolf surpressed his irritation and tried to paste on his best 'oh, what a pleasant surprise' look he could muster.
She introduced herself and actually apologized for the interruption. This surprised Wolf as most members of the media he has ever come in contact with come across as typical classless entitled assmonkies. Wolf tilted his sunglasses up on his forehead and wiped the sweat from his face with his bandanna . Her name was Nikki and the Denver Post Sports minute on the Sports Channel wanted to do a quick thing about Mammoth players and the off season. It also works great for Mammoths PR and giving back to the community.... She continued on but, Wolf had basicly turned her off the saws starting up had basicly drowned her out. Wolf looked over at Jose the sites foreman and that plastic grin on Wolf's face got a little more real. She stopped and looked over at Jose he motioned "sorry" . Young Nikki was obviously new at her job she had that tenacious I got a job to do seriousness . Of course as soon as she starts talking again Jose fires up the saw again. She stops and hands on hips turns towards Jose and gives him the 'REALLY' stare. Jose waves an apology and shuts the saw down. Jose steps away and she stares at him till he's walked out of sight behind the sheet plywood wall Nikki calms herself and rechecks with her crew and then restarts her question..this time old Luther fires up the saw cuts 1 board and then shut it down as he walks off laughing even young Nikki could tell it was just a prank.
She drops her chin to her chest and Wolf feels obligated to tell his coworkers to stop the B.S. This time Wolf apologizes to her and she picks her head up smiling.
So they reintroduce themselves and Nikki explains that the questions will be fairly simple and the whole thing will be edited down to a voice over piece with you Wolf just working on this house we'll take about fortyfive minutes of film edit it to about a 5 minute piece that the Sports Channel will use to promote the team and the upcoming seasons coverage on the channel.

( After several camera angles and sound level checks Nikki is satisfied with the results and Just as she starts in on her question the appropriate Anthrax anthem "In The End" starts up thru the truck speakers in the background.)

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Q: After the roller coaster season the Mammoths had with the early season success followed by the mid season nosebleed drop off and then the scramble just to hold on to the last playoff qualifying spot. The long Playoffs going six games to take out Prince George and then a full seven with game seven going triple overtime to beat Saint Louis and the finals against a Vancouver team that some have said could have easily played in the SHL...After all that ...most players would be relaxing on a beach or resting at home..Wolf you're here, still in Colorado helping build homes? Why is that?

W-"You hear that that line in the end We were pounding on the door ...too little too late.
All of what you said is probably true.. I would disagree with the part about Vancouver being capable of being a competitive team in the SHL...But, they are the best team in our league and they rightfully deserve the S35 4 Star Cup."
( Wolf turns and faces into the camera)
"So as this is my first opportunity to congratulate the Champions publicly, I say congrats. Why am I here?.. I had made this commitment and I am a carpenter and this is an awesome cause to contribute my time to..AND following the defeat in the finals I felt I had to work out my own frustration with my performance so why not hammer some nails ,cut up some wood and do something useful. We each have our own ways of coping with disappointment and I have always felt it's better to be busy than sitting around letting it dwell on your thinking."

Q: Have you kept up with the changes in Colorado?

W-" Are you referring to the players? I know that Vrati (Vratislav Zbynek)and Krugs (Finn Kruger) have stated they intend to return to Colorado for S36 and that Daedric (Heikennin) has gone into serious off the grid training.I hope he comes back supercharged. I hope A2( Aleks Aleksandrov) is resting and if he gets to come back it'd be friggin'Sweet... I know that Colton Hagan is sitting on a beach after watching shark week and scared to go in the water." ( Wolf points into the camera) "GOTCHA COLTON!" Tongue
"I know that Teddy Kesler has been forced up and is a free agent and I wish him success cause he's a damn good player...And if your referring to the Mammoths rebranding ..I have seen a couple shots of new uniforms and a new logo ...yeah, my coworkers here have taken great delight in showing me the 'New' Colorado Mammoths."

( Out of camera view Wolf smiles and flips Jose and the gathering construction crew the 'bird'Wink

Q: Are you looking forward to another year with the Mammoths?

W-"Most definitely we have unfinished business and I want to be a bigger contributor to the team I want Vrati and Krugs to be able to lift that 4 star cup and most of all I want the team's management team (InciteHysteria & ToeDragon84)to be able to have the success they've worked so hard for and deserve.Season 36 We'll be kick in' down the door and cleaning the slate..No matter how bad I think the uni's are......Smile)



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lmao I love having you man, can't wait to see Hammersmark tear it up next season!

[Image: 4sN9yMR.png]


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