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Revisiting the S47 Draft Class (S49 Offseason)
(This post was last modified: 07-27-2019, 01:41 PM by PeanutButter.)

Double Pay Article

So the S47 draft class has finished yet another season, and a this point we are starting to see some players start to pull away from the pack, while others have fallen off completely. In this article we will be taking a look at the current players in this draft class and seeing who is poised to become the best?

So let's get right to it.

Round 1:
1. Jets Winnipeg Jets - Jax Duggan - 543 TPE - Defense - 0 SHL Games Played

Jax Duggan, the first overall pick for the Winnipeg Jets has started off alright, not yet hitting the 600+ TPE mark so far, but seems to be on his way. In his defense, he did improve in the TPE rankings from his draft year, so he may be getting a second wind and truly show his colors as a top-tier player. Maybe not, though.

2. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda (via New England Wolfpack) - Gunnar Söderberg - 607 TPE - Right Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

The #2 Overall pick is seeing a decent amount of success so far, albeit in the SMJHL. At this point in time he is not quite among the top earners in TPE, but Tampa Bay is probably happy to see him simply getting into the 600+ TPE mark at this point in his career. Perhaps this offseason we will see a major jump and he will pass a lot of the players ahead of him in TPE.

3. syndicate Chicago Syndicate - Corey Kennedy - 634 TPE - Defense - 0 SHL Games Played

Corey Kennedy has been quite productive as the third pick in this draft, matching the pace we would expect as the third highest TPE earner in this draft so far. However right now there are a ton of players nipping at his heels, so he may want to make sure he is careful not to be careless and let them pass him. Get those tasks in!

4. pride San Francisco Pride - Filip Zadina - 626 TPE - Right Wing - 50 GP | 7 G | 6 A | 13 P| -3 | 5 HIT

Filip Zadina has fallen off slightly, as a few weeks ago he was the #1 TPE earner and was poised to be the best player in this draft class. We are unsure of what happened, but at this point he has to get back on that horse or he may fall even further in the rankings. Would hate to see that happen. His SHL career has at least started, even though he is definitely a young gun and is not a big producer right now.

5. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda (via Texas Renegades) - Espen Knutsen Jr. - 430 TPE - Center - 0 SHL Games Played

This is a pick that hasn't aged very well. Espen Knutsen Jr. is way back on the TPE rankings, and nobody really knows why. Is he inactive? Did Tampa think he was a sleeper pick and wanted to be the smartest guys in the room? He hasn't improved since a few weeks ago when his TPE was tracked last, so there is a lot of questions behind this one.

6. Platoon West Kendall Platoon - Tony Ford - 625 TPE - Defense - 0 SHL Games Played

Tony Ford has really stepped up his game since being drafted, though recently he hasn't quite been up to it as other players and has fallen back a little bit. But still he is turning out to be a really good pick at number six. Could we even see him in the SHL next season?

7. Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard - Julio Tokolosh - 621 TPE - Left Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

Another player who is doing a good job at getting his numbers up, and has even done better than he did a few weeks ago. This is looking like he could be a real steal in the coming seasons if he continues at the pace he is going. This is another player who is ripe to be plucked up into the bigs very soon.

8. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda - Cullen Gray - 471 TPE - Left Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

Among players who have not exactly been lighting it up in the terms of TPE, Cullen Gray really hasn't been there in earning. A few weeks ago he was at least competent in his earning, but he has already started to fall off a cliff. If he isn't careful he will be retiring very quickly and nobody will remember who this guy even is.

9. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (vía Calgary Dragons) - Eko van Otter - 628 TPE - Left Wing - 50 GP | 3 G | 6 A | 9 P| -4 | 16 HIT

Back to the better players. Eko van Otter started his SHL career recently, and didn't do too bad. 9 points is okay, but since this guy only has 628 TPE he can forgive him for not being the dominant force he was drafted to be just yet. He is being consistent in his earning, though, and is among the best in TPE right now.

10. Specters New Orleans Specters (via Los Angeles Panthers) - Charlie Serpe - 562 TPE - Defense - 50 GP | 0 G | 6 A | 6 P| -1 | 44 HIT

Charlie Serpe is another one of the draftees who is starting his SHL career already, but his earning hasn't really lived up to where he was drafted whatsoever. Is it possible his media is what convinced people he would be a stud? He at least is getting close to the 600s so he could be a top-tier product yet. But it isn't going to get any easier for him.

11. Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks - Sami Rieder (Raanta) - 444 TPE - Center - 0 SHL Games Played

Sami Rieder is an interesting case, as it seemed like he was destined to be at least pretty darn good. Lately he has fallen off a cliff and right now is way way back among his fellow draftees in TPE for some reason. I see it very unlikely this one is able to make up that ground and while he could still be good, his chances at being an elite first rounder are fading fast.

12. Jets Winnipeg Jets (via Toronto North Stars) - Noah Gallagher - 593 TPE - Left Wing  - 50 GP | 2 G | 12 A | 14 P| -5 | 100 HIT

Noah Gallagher is shaping up to be quite the formidable physical presence on the ice, and his TPE production is about in line with where he was drafted, so that is good at least. As of now Winnipeg is looking like they will have a decent pick for late in the first, even if it isn't exactly as they hoped.

13. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda (via Minnesota Chiefs) - Austin Roenick - 602 TPE - Right Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

There are quite a few players in the 600s, aren't there! Austin Roenick hasn't played a game yet but he is definitely doing a good job of earning that TPE. He is a couple spots ahead of the pack compared to where he was drafted, so this is a great pick for Tampa Bay so far, and it definitely makes the Cullen Gray pick sting a little less.

14. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda (via Manhattan Rage) - Akashi SixNine - 596 TPE - Defense  - 50 GP | 5 G | 25 A | 30 P| +14 | 169 HIT

Despite not being the number one TPE earner SixNine is playing like one. 30 points in his first ever season in the league? And 169 hits? Someone check this guy for steroids! Quite a career so far and it seems even if he isn't the #1 TPE earner, he could very well play like one on a regular basis.

15. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers (via New Orleans Specters) - Theo Morgan - 560 TPE - Right Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

Theo Morgan certainly is earning well, but he has fallen off a bit compared to where we saw him a few weeks back. Could he be losing interest at this point? Is he just not the kind of guy who updates as quickly as others? Time will tell, but Los Angeles is probably happy that up to this point he is doing well enough.

16. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (via Buffalo Stampede) - Slap McShotty - 593 TPE - Center  - 50 GP | 3 G | 0 A | 3 P| -14 | 87 HIT

Slap McShotty has done a great job of upping his game, sticking to his place in the standings and is for sure looking like the kind of player who will flesh out into a solid all-around centerman. He is in contention for the high point in the draft class in terms of TPE earning, so don't sleep on this one for sure.

Round 2:

17. Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks (via New England Wolfpack) - Aaron Wilson - 614 TPE - Center - 0 SHL Games Played

Into the second round and we already have a player who is looking like the major steal of the draft. Wilson is among the higher TPE earners in this draft class so far and has been performing even better lately. No SHL games, yet, but in time he could very well be a threat to lead this entire draft class in production. We will see.

18. Stampede Buffalo Stampede (via Winnipeg Jets) - Lallo Selman - 607 TPE - Left Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

The steals keep on coming, it seems. Lallo Selman is also doing his part to show these other players how it is done in TPE earning, as he has jumped up considerably compared to those drafted ahead of him. Could Buffalo have their secret weapon to maintain dominance in the league? Time shall certainly tell.

19. syndicate Chicago Syndicate - Martin Westbroek - 644 TPE - Center - 50 GP | 6 G | 10 A | 16 P| -6 | 27 HIT

Talk about a player who is just killing it right now. Martin Westbroek has consistently been a dominant earner in this league, but for some reason the rest of the league was sleeping on this one. Leading the pack in TPE (tied, but who is counting) he is proving to be a major steal for a Syndicate team that loves its prospects. He even had 16 points on the season in his rookie year, so he is starting to show his colors already.

20. pride San Francisco Pride - Jaguar Johnson - 309 TPE - Left Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

Now we get back to the players who certainly aren't producing. Jaguar Johnson, picked 20th overall ahead of quite a few decent players, hasn't even reached the 350 TPE cap, and we are going into the second season past his draft year. That is just unacceptable and this guy was a major whiff on behalf of the Pride.

21. Stars New England Wolfpack (via Texas Renegades) - Joseph Laraque - 510 TPE - Left Wing - 50 GP | 4 G | 4 A | 8 P| -11 | 29 HIT

Joseph Laraque is seeming to do somewhat okay, even if he isn't a steal like some of the other players who were picked ahead of him (or directly behind him). Started off his SHL career, and is seeming to be simply okay at this point in time.

22. Stampede Buffalo Stampede (via West Kendall Platoon) - Nicolaj Muller - 586 TPE - Left Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

Nicolaj Muller, for his part, is definitely looking like another major steal for the Buffalo Stampede. I wonder how the team does it, honestly. Muller isn't a HUGE steal at this point, but right now he is outpacing his draft position, and I think that is all Buffalo was asking for.

23. Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard - Marc Hagan - 597 TPE - Center - 50 GP | 7 G | 11 A | 18 P| -1 | 62 HIT

Marc Hagan is another player who has done incredibly well relative to his draft position. With 597 TPE and even 18 points in his rookie season, Hagan is really shaping up for the Blizzard as a sleeper pick. Nobody is sleeping on this guy anymore.

24. Barracuda Tampa Bay Barracuda - Miika Salo - 369 TPE - Defense - 0 SHL Games Played

Tampa Bay looks like their picks have been very hit or miss in this draft. Miika Salo is way below what was expected of him at this stage in the draft, and with the way he seems to be trending even further downward makes this prospect a huge concern that he will not live up to expectations, whatever those may be.

25. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (via Calgary Dragons) - Przemysław Brzeszczyczkiewicz - 443 TPE - Left Wing - 100 GP | 9 G | 11 A | 20 P| -32 | 168 HIT

This is another player who hasn't really hit right where he should be expected to be in TPE numbers, though he has already played 100 SHL games. I am not even going to try to spell his name correctly, but he probably would have been safe being taken outside the first two rounds and definitely wouldn't have as many expectations.

26. Wolfpack Los Angeles Panthers - Thomas Bathory - 578 TPE - Defense - 50 GP | 0 G | 3 A | 3 P| -10 | 42 HIT

Thomas Bathory was one of the highest-earning players to fall this draft. Very surprising to see considering what he was earning before the draft even started, though his earnings aren't what they were a few weeks ago. This could be an interesting pick to look on a few seasons down the line, because right now he could be the highest earner or drop down to just a middling guy.

27. Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks - Dale Miller - 481 TPE - Left Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

We are starting to get to the point where there are fewer high TPE players to be expected, but Dale Miller is about right where he was expected to be in terms of production in TPE. No SHL games played yet, but he is at least earning enough to where Hamilton should be happy with who they selected at this point.

28. Stars Toronto North Stars - Harry Carpet - 590 TPE - Goalie - 50 GP | 4 W | 1 L | 0 OTL| .893% | 0 SO

Harry Carpet as a goalie shouldn't be surprised to see him picked later in the draft, as goaltenders are an interesting breed and not all teams need or want a new high-tier goaltender. Right now, though, Carpet is looking like he could for sure be the real deal and a major stud for the North Stars. But he has to keep plugging away.

29. Jets Winnipeg Jets (via Minnesota Chiefs) - Juulius Smonk - 246 TPE - Left Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

At this point the 29th pick is looking like a bust. Smonk isn't anywhere close to the 350 TPE cap, and considering he is further from that milestone than he is from the 155 TPE he started at, it is a wonder why he was picked up at this point.

30. Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard (via Manhattan Rage) - Borůvka Banananák - 547 TPE - Defense - 0 SHL Games Played

Borůvka Banananák is looking like a pretty solid steal at this point, falling almost out of the second round entirely (keep in mind his first two players were in the top-10 of the draft). Some wonder why he was allowed to drop this far, but it does seem like he has things going. Definitely not the highest tier player, but can definitely make a name for himself in this league.

31. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers (via New Orleans Specters) - Seemu Telanne - 239 TPE - Right Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

Another player who is looking like they won't be much of anything, it is Seemu Telanne. Has barely done a thing since being drafted, not even close to the SMJHL cap and is looking like a major bust.

32. Stampede Buffalo Stampede - Josh Driver - 443 TPE - Center - 0 SHL Games Played

Buffalo seems to have a good eye for prospects in this draft, as they were able to grab Josh Driver at 32nd overall, and while his TPE numbers wouldn't put him that much farther ahead in a redraft, he is at least able to do what was expected of him up to this point.

Round 3:

33. Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard (via New England Wolfpack) - Savoli Tankovic - 494 - Right Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

Even better is Savoli Tankovic for the Edmonton Blizzard. They are another team that has really connected on their late-round gems. Savoli Tankovic has kept his game up to the point where he is almost at the 500 TPE threshold. He may not turn into a superstar (at least if this pace holds up) but he can definitely become a solid player and a major steal.

34. syndicate Chicago Syndicate (via Winnipeg Jets) - Gunnar Petrov - 305 - Left Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

Now we are starting to get to where the talent isn't really showing up for any of these prospects. Gunnar Petrov is another player below the SMJHL cap of 350, and at this rate it is unlikely to see him do much more else at this rate.

35. syndicate Chicago Syndicate - Joe Ackroyd - 268 - Defense - 0 SHL Games Played

Another player is Joe Ackroyd who will likely be a bust in his career. Below the 300 TPE threshold and doesn't look like he intends to improve.

36. pride San Francisco Pride - Vadim Malichov - 370 - Center - 0 SHL Games Played

Vadim Malichov is looking like an interesting case. He is above the 350 TPE benchmark, but should we expect him to improve that much when he is almost 300 TPE behind the leader in his draft class in TPE? Even if he earned the most TPE going forward he would still be way way down.

37. Shl Los Angeles Panthers (via New Orleans Specters) - Jay Boom'Boom - RETIRED
38. Shl Texas Renegades (via West Kendall Platoon)- Alexander Andersson-Grande - RETIRED

Unfortunately for the Los Angeles Panthers and Texas Renegades Jay Boom'Boom and Andersson-Grande are already out of the picture and have moved on to greener pastures.

39. Shl San Francisco Pride (via Edmonton Blizzard) - Spencer MacLean - 358 - Center - 0 SHL Games Played

As with Vadim Malichov, the Pride have selected another interesting case who could amount to some kind of depth player but is unlikely to make a big splash in the SHL at any point.

40. Stampede Buffalo Stampede (via Tampa Bay Barracuda) - Wibbly McButternutz - 233 - Defense - 0 SHL Games Played

Buffalo's luck has seemed to run out in this draft, as their pick at #40 is a 233 TPE guy who is basically inactive.

41. Dragons Calgary Dragons - Esa Parmborg - 644 - Center - 0 SHL Games Played

An interesting turn of events is the Dragons selecting Esa Parmborg at #41. Tied with the leader in TPE, Parmborg is really showing these prospects what it means to earn. Can he keep it up? Will Calgary have the steal of this draft?

42. syndicate Chicago Syndicate (via Buffalo Stampede, Los Angeles Panthers) - Jules L'Eclair - 308 - Right Wing - 0 SHL Games Played

Another player unlikely to amount to anything in the SHL.

43. Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks - Jake Peralta - 259 - Center - 0 SHL Games Played

Another player unlikely to amount to anything in the SHL.

44. Stars Toronto North Stars - Mattie Brunton - 214 - Defense - 0 SHL Games Played

Another player unlikely to amount to anything in the SHL.

45. Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs - Igor Volkov - 370 - Defense - 0 SHL Games Played

Another interesting case. Above the 350+ mark but unlikely to become a major contributor. If he is active will he be willing to keep this up when he is so far behind?

Round 4:

49. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack - Boris Poroshenko - 418 - Center - 50 GP | 1 G | 1 A | 2 P| -6 | 23 HIT

Boris Poroshenk is one of the very few players picked in this draft, but looking like he could actually be decent. In the low 400s, which isn't good, but if New England is patient he may become a solid contributor for the team.

50. syndicate Chicago Syndicate (via Winnipeg Jets) - Khan Smeb - 404 TPE - 100 GP | 1 G | 1 A | 2 P| +1 | 37 HIT

As with Boris, Khan Smeb is a low 400s guy who looks to be earning still and could make a splash at some point.

51. Shl Chicago Syndicate - Ender Zavala - Defense - 202 TPE - 0 SHL Games Played

Another player unlikely to amount to anything in the SHL.

53. Renegades Texas Renegades - Josef Kubinec - Left Wing - 438 - 0 SHL Games Played

As with some other prospects mentioned, this is a player who appears to be earning well, but with him being so far below the 500 mark it is unknown at this point how much he will be able to improve compared to the rest of his class.

60. Stars Toronto North Stars - Ja'Aj Coitus-Wagg - Center - 397 - 0 SHL Games Played

Another interesting case. Above the 350+ mark but unlikely to become a major contributor. If he is active will he be willing to keep this up when he is so far behind?

Round 5:

67. Shl Chicago Syndicate - Isaac Yamada - Defense - 239 TPE - 0 SHL Games Played

Another player unlikely to amount to anything in the SHL.

Players by TPE:
1. Martin Westbroek - 644
2. Esa Parmborg - 644
3. Corey Kennedy - 634
4. Eko van Otter - 628
5. Filip Zadina - 626
6. Tony Ford - 625
7. Julio Tokolosh - 621
8. Aaron Wilson - 614
9. Gunnar Söderberg - 607
10. Lallo Selman - 607
11. Austin Roenick - 602
12. Marc Hagan - 597
13. Akashi SixNiine - 596
14. Noah Gallagher - 593
15. Slap McShotty - 593
16. Harry Carpet - 590
17. Nicolaj Muller - 586
18.Thomas Bathory - 578
19. Charlie Serpe - 562
20. Theo Morgan - 560
21. Borůvka Banananák - 547
22. Jax Duggan - 543
23. Joseph Laraque - 510
24. Savoli Tankovic - 494
25. Dale Miller - 481
26. Boris Poroshenko - 481
27. Cullen Gray - 471
28. Sami Rieder (Raanta) - 444
29. Przemysław Brzeszczyczkiewicz - 443
30. Josh Driver - 443
31. Josef Kubinec - 438
32. Espen Knutsen Jr. - 430
33. Khan Smeb - 404
34. Ja'Aj Coitus-Wagg - 397
35. Vadim Malichov - 370
36. Igor Volkov - 370
37. Miika Salo - 369
38. Spencer MacLean - 358
39. Jaguar Johnson - 309
40. Jules L'Eclair - 308
41. Gunnar Petrov - 305
42. Joe Ackroyd - 268
43. Jake Peralta - 259
44. Juulius Smonk - 246
45. Seemu Telanne - 239
46. Wibbly McButternutz - 233
47. Mattie Brunton - 214
48. Jay Boom'Boom - RETIRED
49. Alexander Andersson-Grande - RETIRED

Players by TPE Rank Minus Draft Selection:
1. Esa Parmborg - 39
2. Ja'Aj Coitus-Wagg - 26
3. Boris Poroshenko - 23
4. Josef Kubinec - 22
5. Martin Westbroek - 18
6. Khan Smeb - 17
7. Harry Carpet - 12
8. Marc Hagan - 11
9. Aaron Wilson - 9
10. Borůvka Banananák - 9
11. Savoli Tankovic - 9
12. Igor Volkov - 9
13. Lallo Selman - 8
14. Thomas Bathory - 8
15. Eko van Otter - 5
16. Nicolaj Muller - 5
17. Austin Roenick - 2
18. Dale Miller - 2
19. Josh Driver - 2
20. Jules L'Eclair - 2
21. Isaac Yamada - 2
22. Akashi SixNiine - 1
23.Slap McShotty - 1
24. Vadim Malichov - 1
25. Spencer MacLean - 1
26. Corey Kennedy - 0
27. Tony Ford - 0
28. Julio Tokolosh - 0
29. Jake Peralta - 0
30. Ender Zavala - 0
31. Filip Zadina - -1
32. Noah Gallagher - -2
33. Joseph Laraque - -2
34. Mattie Brunton - -3
35. Przemysław Brzeszczyczkiewicz - -4
36. Theo Morgan - -5
37. Wibbly McButternutz - -6
38. Gunnar Söderberg - -7
39. Gunnar Petrov - -7
40. Joe Ackroyd - -7
41. Charlie Serpe - -9
42. Miika Salo - -13
43. Seemu Telanne - -14
44. Juulius Smonk - -15
45. Sami Rieder (Raanta) - -17
46. Cullen Gray - -19
47. Jaguar Johnson - -19
48. Jax Duggan -  -21
49. Espen Knutsen Jr. - -27
50. Jay Boom'Boom - RETIRED
51. Alexander Andersson-Grande - RETIRED

Players by Points:
1. Akashi SixNine - 30
2. Przemysław Brzeszczyczkiewicz - 20
3. Marc Hagan - 18
4. Martin Westbroek - 16
5. Noah Gallagher - 14
6. Filip Zadina - 13
7. Eko van Otter - 9
8. Joseph Laraque - 8
9. Charlie Serpe - 6
10. Slap McShotty - 3
10. Thomas Bathory - 3

Players by Goals:
1. Przemysław Brzeszczyczkiewicz - 9
2. Filip Zadina - 7
2. Marc Hagan - 7
4. Martin Westbroek - 6
5. Akashi SixNine - 5
6. Joseph Laraque - 4
7. Eko van Otter - 3
7. Slap McShotty - 3
9. Noah Gallagher - 2
10. Charlie Serpe - 0
10. Thomas Bathory - 0

Players by Hits:
1. Akashi SixNing - 169
2. Przemysław Brzeszczyczkiewicz - 168
3. Noah Gallagher - 100
4. Slap McShotty - 87
5. Marc Hagan - 62
6. Charlie Serpe - 44
7. Thomas Bathory - 42
8. Joseph Laraque - 29
9. Martin Westbroek - 27
10. Eko van Otter - 16
11. Filip Zadina - 5

Really happy with the Stars picked in this draft! @Carpy48 and @Jaemistightdabs are steals to be sure

[Image: ml002.gif]
Credit to Copenhagen, Wasty, FlappyGiraffe, InciteHysteria, and caltroit_red_flames
 [Image: MM4nqx6.png] [Image: Niz2wua.png][Image: egAspOO.png] Knights
[Image: GZ9XvkA.png]


Good read! Really happy with what the Blizzard were able to get in this draft. Keep up the good work @PeanutButter

[Image: TommySalami.gif]

Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard

EDM All-Time Leader in Goals, Assists and Points

When you draft 2 busts in the first round FeelsBadMan

[Image: Kalakar1.gif]


07-27-2019, 01:58 PMKalakar Wrote: When you draft 2 busts in the first round FeelsBadMan

i cri

[Image: 3.png]


I think I could've been first round material, but I don't mind now, because Toronto was the perfect match.

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: AfpXX8l.png]

07-27-2019, 02:18 PMCarpy48 Wrote: I think I could've been first round material, but I don't mind now, because Toronto was the perfect match.

Honestly bro it's only cause you're a goalie.

[Image: LB6bY06.gif] [Image: tanner.png]

Look at those 2 Chicago guys in the top 3.

[Image: sdcore.gif]

Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

[Image: sgu3vVP.png]
[Image: 9vq7IEu.png]

So you’re telling me Lallo Selman was 1st round level talent


[Image: selm.gif]
[Image: sig.gif]


07-27-2019, 02:38 PMBDonini Wrote: So you’re telling me Lallo Selman was 1st round level talent



[Image: sdcore.gif]

Player Page [Image: berserkers.png] [Image: syndicate2.png]Update Page

[Image: sgu3vVP.png]
[Image: 9vq7IEu.png]

07-27-2019, 02:46 PMSDCore Wrote:
07-27-2019, 02:38 PMBDonini Wrote: So you’re telling me Lallo Selman was 1st round level talent




[Image: selm.gif]
[Image: sig.gif]


Nice. I can really put my lower than expected TPE to not really knowing what I was doing when I first joined the site. If I was taught better, then I might have a higher TPE now, but oh well. Guess I will have to suffer.

[Image: x9gTXZa.gif]

S48 Four Star Cup Champion (Vancouver Whalers)


[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)
(This post was last modified: 07-27-2019, 05:52 PM by Fordyford.)

Scuse me I have 2 SHL games. 12 MP, 1 shot, 1 hit. Also, Westbroek did that thing where you dont apply your TPE and you tell all the other teams not to pick you so Chicago didnt have to spend 3OA on him which seems super scummy to me but apparently its completely fine...

[Image: 58170_v.gif]
[Image: 58170_s.gif]
Thanks to @Carpy48 , @sköldpaddor, @Weretarantula, @Bruins10  and @Wasty  for sigs
Extra special thanks to @Julio Tokolosh for the sick gif one

I've been upgraded from bust to unknown. I'll take it.

Clearly I'll never catch up to the top but it's not unrealistic to say I'll hover around the middle and have something approximating a career. Not likely but if I can break top 20 I'll consider it a success considering I missed so much time and was a FA signing in S46.

[Image: v1uynGf.png]


Renegades  raiders  Finland
[Image: WuTGq5J.png]

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