We are 15 games into S50 and looking at the SHL standings there are a few surprises. The New England Wolfpack were in many discussions before the season as a potential Champions Cup contender, seeing as they made it the finals last season, but as of right now the Wolfpack find themselves at the bottom of the Eastern Conference while the Tampa Bay Barracuda’s and the Toronto North Stars are battling with the Buffalo Stampede for the top spot in the conference.
On the other side, the western conference has last seasons top point getters in the entire SHL, the Calgary Dragons, holding the 5th spot in the conference and the team that finished behind them in S49, the New Orleans Specters, trailing behind them by one point.
So, if the playoffs were to start today, New England Wolfpack and the New Orleans Specters would be on the outside looking in. There is still a whole lot of hockey to be played, with 35 (36 for the Specters) games to be played, things can change really quickly. We had the chance to sit down with a player from one of these two teams to discuss the season so far, rookie defender Lyle Odelein III joined us for a chat, and here that is:
Q: Hi Lyle, we’re happy you were able to sit down with us, thanks for making some time.
A: No problem at all, this is technically my first interview since I’ve been playing in the SHL, I’m pretty pumped!
Q: Glad to hear that. Let’s get right into it, how has it been so far for you in the SHL as a New Orleans Specter?
A: It’s been amazing. I knew that we had a great team and a great bunch of people before I made the move up but know playing and practicing with these guys has been unreal. It’s such a great group, @JKortesi81 and @thedangazone run a great franchise, I couldn’t be happier! Well, I guess I could be a bit happier if we were at the top of the standings…
Q: Makes sense, right now you guys are sitting one point out of a playoff spot and 10 points behind the western conference leaders, the Edmonton Blizzard. What are your thoughts one that?
A: Well, I think we are just off to a slow start. There are still a lot of games left to be played and I have no doubt that we will be in a much better position in no time. I mean, we have the best goalie in the league with Aleister Cain @SlashACM , this guy is amazing. He’s always putting in extra work to try and make himself a better player and he challenges us to try and get better as well. I know it’s cliché, but I really think we just haven’t been getting the ‘puck luck’ that some teams have been. We are outshooting most of our opponents, they just seem to be getting those lucky bounces.
Q: I totally understand that frustration, there definitely have been a few games this season that I felt you guys should have won. You guys seem to have no problem scoring goals, with DeMaricus Smith @Blastmeaway and Piotr Czerkawski @majesiu both in the top ten in scoring.
A: Big time, we have such a solid group in NOLA, I really can’t say that enough. Smith and Czerkawski are leading the charge but guys like Fox @FuzzSHL , Williams @Nictox , Slothface@slothfacekilla , Augustus @thedangazone and Manius @Bonk are killing it as well. And who can forget Joe Kurczewski @JKortesi81 , he’s such a legend and still putting up solid numbers.
Q: You are right, your forward core is pretty rock solid. Your defensive group changed a little bit this season as well, with Osin Flecther @Evok changing positions and you making the move up from the SMJHL.
A: For sure, Osin playing defense in the last season in the SHL is pretty awesome. What a great career, it’s sweet that I get to skate with Osin for one season. And same goes with Physt @CptSquall , I watched Physt physically dominant players before I joined the team, and I can tell you, he hasn’t slowed down at all. We’re going to miss those two next season, we all want to have a good showing for their last run. I’ve learned a whole lot from these two and I’ve learned so much from Bergen @Nobody and Stevenson Jr @Obsidian311 as well they are both such solid defenders, it’s made it a lot easier for me to make the transition to the SHL with these guys. And my partner and Crow teammate, Charlie Serpe @Serpe x 13. I remember watching him skate my first season with the Crows, his last with the team, and thinking to myself if I could do half as much as he could do I’ll be in good shape. Serpe is top notch, I said earlier I was lucky to be here in New Orleans but I really am crazy lucky to get paired up with Serpe, he is the future leader of our defensive core and I for one can’t wait to see him start dominating the league, happy I’ll have front row seats for that!
Q: That’s a pretty good run down of the Specters players, you sure sound like you landed in the right place.
A: I have no doubt that I did. And I have no doubt that this team has what it takes to win it all this season. They have been one game away from winning it all before, so everyone here knows what it takes to get it done. We are hungry. We want to send Fletcher and Physt into retirement the proper way, with a Champions Cup. Don’t count us out just yet, there is still a shit load of hockey to play and we are going to keep pushing ourselves to play the game we want, the game we know will win us games.
Well folks, there you have it. I want to thank Lyle again for taking the time to talk with us and thanks to everyone one for reading!