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Preseason Presser
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2023, 05:45 PM by spidey. Edited 1 time in total.)

Welcome to season preview and predictions on the Season 70 SMJHL hockey season. The Draft is over, preseason will be starting soon. Let’s take a look at how we expect each team’s roster/depth chart will look like and their expected season stats based on their current rosters.

Armada Anchorage Armada: Projected Season Stats: 35 - 23 - 8
Oskar Scholz - Sebastien Regazzoni - Ignacio Garza
Georg N'Zola - Tony Soprano (S) – Finn Weiß ®
Daniel Grumathan (S) - Xavier Ali ®- Barg Hazbite ®

Davos Otasrob - Lazos Otasrob
Jayden Martens - Gnabe Dabson (S)
Little Monky (S) - Theodore Lauzon ®

George Walsh
Peter Lasma ®

- Good Mix of youth and veterans that are active
- Strong overall Defense
- Lots of talent on the top 2 forward lines.
- Goaltending not as strong as some of the top teams
- Lacking forward depth could wear down top forwards later in games

Overall they are a solid team top to bottom that will likely push for a playoff spot. There are few weak spots on this lineup. If the rookies can grow quickly and they sign a few free agents during the season they could be pushing to make a run at the 4 Star Cup.
Kraken Carolina Kraken: Projected Season Stats: 28 – 32 – 6
Liam Logger - Timo Lambert (S) - Rush Justice
Derek Martin - Curious Betsy (S) - Johnny Wagner-Svenson

Grayson Yates - Andy Ceylon
Kelly O'Neil - Edmund Rothaus (S)

Otter Von Bismarck
Elias Adelberg

- The wings are full of talent
- Top 2 defenders are elite
- Centers are not as talented as the wingers
- Goalies are both average for starters
- Beyond top 2 defenders, the rest is suspect.

The Kraken will go as far as their high-profile wingers will take them. They cannot rely on goaltending or defense to win them games. Expect a lot of high scoring games from the Kraken this year as they challenge for a playoff spot.
Raptors Colorado Raptors: Projected Season Stats: 33 – 18 – 15
Edward Flinders - Adrian O'Rugg - Erik Bergmark
Vesuviuo Fischoeder (S) - Patricija Ozerova - Walt "Clyde" Frazier
James Ward-Prowse (S) - Shorsey Wobet (S) Grisha Uskjal (S)
Oliver Castillon ® -

Hugh Manius - Alphonso Davies
Robin Nyckel (S) - Foggy Nelson ®
Drew Sureshot ®

Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
Scary Jerry ®

- Good Starting goalie
- Top 9 forwards are talented
- Good Mix of Veterans and Youth through out the lineup
- Defense is weak after top 2
- Depth issues on forward and defense.

Similar to the Kraken, they are a forward heavy team and will rely on their offensive strength to win most games. They are blessed with a great starting goalie that should steal a game or two for them, and they might need that as their defense is lacking at this moment after the top 2.
Falcons Detroit Falcons:
Forwards: Projected Season Stats: 20 – 38 - 8
Bastien Primeau - Tobias Wrexks - Billy Herrington
Drew Meyer ® - Deemed Inappropriate - 4 Chainz
Swig McJigger - Martin Csiszar ® - Aurora Azjha
Theodore Svatos ® - Khris Ray-Thiago ® - Ryan DeSharkie ®

Nathan Meagher - Nash Topalo

Jeff Newman
Swiss Cheese

- World class starting goalie
- Defenders are fantastic
- Veteran forwards are good to great
- Very rookie heavy team
- Where’s the defensive depth?

I feel in the next season or two the Falcons could be the team to beat. This season may be a bit of growing pains. They have 2 defenders on their current roster. Newman is an amazing talent but can only carry them so far. Top 2 lines should keep games competitive and fun.
Grizzlies Great Falls Grizzlies: Projected Season Stats: 21 – 27 – 18
Tiberius Kane - Loosh O'Sullivan – Marquise Hill
Andre Latreille ® - James Dion - Kyle Latreille (S)
Andre Latreille ® - Dave Richardson ® - Andren Akerson ®
Aron Mahon ® - Michael Doucet ® - Michael Cordero ®
Levin Schattenaxt ®
Pork Tenderloin - Joshua Weber
Chris Valentine - Matt Ox
Bryson Basham ® -
Bandit Heeler
C.J. Sparks (S)

- Reliable Starting Goalie
- Top pairing defense looks good.
- Top forward line as good as any other in the league
- Defense is suspect after top 2.
- Lots of rookies

It is important to fill that pipeline with talented young players, unfortunately the Grizzlies seem to be doing this all at once. It could make for a hard start to the season, if the rookies keep active the Grizzlies could reap their rewards in the back half of the season turning their fortunes around.
Knights Kelowna Knights: Projected Season Stats: 35 – 18 - 17
Ekaterina Valieva - Wilhelm von Hindenburg II - James Lutz
Wonada Jagrs - Mu Wisconsin - Petr Vrána
Logan Webb ® - Morgan Delfield ® - Crystal McLeod ®

Cal Kono - Pete Aleman
Cole Dasice - Rikaad Metzller
Dusty Wilson - Isak Sogard (S)

Sea Jebus
Tibuk Soonika

- Great Defense
- Great Goaltending Tandem
- Great top 6
- Not a lot of youth
- Forward depth could tire out stars

This roster (minus the lack of forward depth) is solid. Defense is talented, goaltending is great, and they have one of the best top 6 forward groups in the league. They will be in a playoff spot, and expect them to go all in on making a run for the 4 Star Cup.

Timber Maine Timbers: Projected Season Stats – 34 – 22 – 10
Barefoot Sugars - Mushu The Dragon - Iliket Urtles (S)
Damien Hirano - Peter Tingle - William Tree (S)
Edžus Ozolins - Patrice Bergeron - Shootin Blanks ®

J- Roc - Trevor Warner
Lucas Manning (S) - Darnell Mohamed Johnson II (S)
Merle Van Nistelrooy ® - Mick Mayhem ®

Brent Turnerson
Jaxon Markstrom (S)
Chad Chadwick ®

- Talented Left Wingers and Centers for days
- Turnerson is a top goalie in the league
- Decent mix of youth and veterans
- Defense is lacking overall
- Forward depth may be an issue.

The Timber will score, and score a lot. They have an incredibly talented group of forwards, they might have the best top 9 in the league. While there defense isn’t as strong as the best ones in the league the combination of forwards and talented starting goalie will put them in a playoff spot.
Battleborn Nevada Battleborn: Projected Season Stats: 21 – 34 – 11
Kyle Johnson - Thomas Sawschuk ® - Mr. Gray T White
Bender Junior -Max Carnage ® - Alekss Ivanova (S)
Skoomina Hulk a Votto III (S) - Alex Crosswell ® - Joebammmm Farf ®
Derek Fitz (S) -Seth Fischer - Darius Garland (S)
Andrew Willis

John Brown - Chamai Malachi
Jølñgüštrâädæviñçh DuBølk - Ace Lightning (S)
Kai Scott (S) - shnopple lopple ®
Johnny Chase

Luka Nogoalov (S)
Dr. Hugh Orson

- Luka is a star Goalie
- Top 3 defenders are great
- Center Depth is an issue
- Heavy Youth Movement
- A number of inactive Veterans

This is another case of a team that could be amazing in a season or two. Right now there is a heavy youth movement passing through Nevada. If they can weather the storm early in the season they could be a dark horse for the playoffs if their rookie roster stays active.
Berserkers Newfoundland Berserkers: Projected Season Stats: 46 – 16 - 4
Guinness O'Bigbers - John Hopoate -Matiss Ozolinsh
Jacob Fournier - Ryan McKennedy - Hingle McCringleberry
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez - Luca Pane - Antoine Beauregard
Erik Erikson ®- Paul Matz ®- Luke Labrie ®

Lester Oiduser - Philip Fry
Mit Wobet (S) - Adelbert Steiner ®

Tummy Hurts
Rhett Carpet (S)

- The roster is filled with Talent top to bottom
- Goalies are world class
- Defensive depth will be an issue later in games
- Lack of youth will hurt them in the near future.

You are looking at the potential 4 Star Cup Champions this season. Arguably the best roster top to bottom in the league with few weak points. Their defensive depth would be the one weak point to this team. If they can find a few fillers to finish this roster they will be a complete team.
Citadelles Quebec City Citadel: Projected Season Stats: 37 – 22 – 7
Jiggle E. Puff (S) - Jarrod Lakemore - Tam Kove
Kieran Kovalev (S) - Viktor Hargreeves - Lance Googoo (S)
Nathan Cormier (S) - Connor Bedard - Smurfunkel Dothe (S)
Steve Fudge (S) - Lionel Messi ®

Alexander Minaj – Redd Savage
Edouard Tremblay-Lafleur - Elena Maximova (S)
Stumptavian Roboclick (S) - Lea Cranberry (S)

Walter Sobchak
William Boucher
Net Man ®

- Sobchak is a top goalie in the league
- Top defenders are world class, decent support group behind them
- Two of the best centers in the game
- Wingers are average to good for top line
- Centers after top 2 lack star power

Overall they are a very good team. They have Star power through out the roster, they have a great mix of youth on the roster. This is has no real weakness, but it lacks a real big pop that some roster have. There is no doubt they are a favourite for the 4 star cup again.
Elk Regina Elks: Projected Season Stats: 18 – 35 – 13
Olivers Ozols (S) - Toxic Neutrality - Gritty McGritterson
Erick Vasiljevs - Jae Hyuk Choi (S) - e e
Taco Salad - Toshiro Kojima - Peter Mollinek

Rod Cocker – Jack McCarthy
Willow Söderberg-Snooks (S) - Fox Peur du Feu (S)
Don Juanary (S) - Jon Bell
Jake Jackal

André Santiago

- Solid top 4 defense
- Good top 6 forwards
- Looks to be a good mix of youth and veteran players

- Lacking number 1 goalie

I feel really bad giving them a losing record, they are a very talented group outside of goaltending as they lack a true number one goalie. If they can fix this area, they will be a playoff team. If they cannot fix this, they will be competing for the number one draft selection.
Scarecrows St.Louis Scarecrows: Projected Seasonal Stats 17 – 41 – 8
Lasse Zeigler (S) - Dominik Winters ® - Timothy Jimothy
Marc Gorman - Dean Ventresca ® - Marshall Madden ®
owen johnson - Will Nason ® - Peter Sandstrom
Durk Warrant -Todd Bowers ® -François Bersier ®
Trippy Volta- Charles Hamund (S)

Heath Nicol - David Doug
Trevor Cox - Antoine Gauthier (S)
Jay Bryzi ® - Jason JR

Kay Lee (S)
Kyle Baretto ®

- The future is very bright
- Lack of star power among veterans
- Defense is suspect
- Goaltending lacks true number 1 right now.

I am sorry all you Scarecrow fans, this has the makings of a long season. There is a glimmer of hope. If the rookies turn out to be super rookies this team could make a push in the later half of the season and make a run for the playoffs. Unfortunately as it stands expect a great draft pick.
Whalers Vancouver Whalers: Projected Season Stats: 28 – 25 - 13
Nate Gray ® - Klaes Ashford - Anthony Simmons II (S)
Marko Zajc ® - Wednesday Addams (S) - Jeff Lewis (S)
LeBron James (S) - Sergey Bombay (S) - Johnny FourStar ®
Thomas Liebold ® - Larry Johnson The 3rd ® - Larry Johnson The 3rd ®

Sam Squanch - Bellamy Blake ®
Bob Wehadababyitsaboy ® -
Noah Charlevoix
Sam Conroy

- Centers and Right Wings on top 2 lines
- Noah Charlevoix true number 1 goalie
- Phenomenal group of returning sophomores
- Lack of veteran players
- Lack of defense

This team will compete for a playoff spot all season. They will need to rely on their centers and right wings to get the job done as defense is lacking, and Noah while good is not quite a top star. If they do not go far this year, they are well setup to be a powerhouse roster over the next few seasons.
Malamutes Yukon Malamutes: Projected Seasonal Stats: 21 – 36 – 9
Ray Alexander - Josh Latreille (S) - Austin Doumakis (S)
Andrei Nikitin - Alvin Wong (S) - Donny Dangle ®
Royal Pizza ® - Don Aven (S) - Jordan Tanner ®
Happy Gilmore - Matthias Reis ®

Edvin Kalberg – Clint Clampton
Dan Geer - Sydney Shaw (S)
Sven Petterson (S) - Furious Chicken ®
Asher Gibbons (S)
Ryan Burton (S)

- Great defense
- Good Center Depth
- Lack of Veterans
- Missing star Forwards
- Neither goalie is a true starter.

This could be a rough year for the Malamutes, they have a good defense that should keep them competitive in tight games, but they are lacking star power in net and on the forward lines. That being said, if their Sophomores continue to grow (as they have a lot) they could turn their fortunes around quickly.

Based on the current rosters, I think this season should end in a championship battle between Newfoundland Berserkers and the Kelowna Knights. It will go to game 5 (as much as I hate to say it) the Berserkers Berserkers should win the 4 Star Cup. Berserkers

Uugh I need a cold shower now, I feel dirty for saying that.

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

im benched Crybaby

[Image: 34964_s.gif]
[Image: thd650h.png]
Affiliate of:
syndicate Steelhawks Whalers

I love your articles, Spidey. I just hope you're wrong about the Cup predictions...

Ekaterina Valieva - Baltimore Platoon
Co-GM - Maine Timber

[Image: ekaterina-valieva-spotlight.png]
Thanks @xjoverax for the sig!

@spidey who is your shl goat

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]

(This post was last modified: 03-21-2023, 11:29 PM by spidey. Edited 1 time in total.)

03-21-2023, 11:20 PMluke Wrote: @spidey who is your shl goat

Ryan Jesster, the very first, first overall pick. Corner stone of the Calgary Dragons early years. Creator of the Buffalo Stampede. The guy was amazing and a good friend during his time here.

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

03-21-2023, 11:29 PMspidey Wrote: Ryan Jesster, the very first, first overall pick.  Corner stone of the Calgary Dragons early years.    Creator of the Buffalo Stampede.  The guy was amazing and a good friend during his time here.

Do you mean NEW? Created the Thunder -> stepped down as gm and returned to CGY immediately. Fernando moved it to Tampa -> then moved to New England

But Jesster is a solidish choice

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


03-21-2023, 11:31 PMluke Wrote: Do you mean NEW? Created the Thunder -> stepped down as gm and returned to CGY immediately. Fernando moved it to Tampa -> then moved to New England

But Jesster is a solidish choice

Yep, that's the one. Lol

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2023, 04:06 AM by kit. Edited 1 time in total.)

03-21-2023, 11:31 PMluke Wrote: Do you mean NEW? Created the Thunder -> stepped down as gm and returned to CGY immediately. Fernando moved it to Tampa -> then moved to New England

But Jesster is a solidish choice
Yeh brandon created the stampede who is also an SHL OG

think he also made the platoon but that im not 100% on

[Image: 34964_s.gif]
[Image: thd650h.png]
Affiliate of:
syndicate Steelhawks Whalers

03-21-2023, 11:20 PMluke Wrote: @spidey who is your shl goat

[Image: izzy.PNG]

Berserkers zerk moment

[Image: rFu52UT.jpeg]
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2023, 10:10 AM by spidey. Edited 1 time in total.)

03-22-2023, 09:36 AMaleks Wrote: Me
Sorry who are you....oh someone who made a mistake and didn't draft me. Laughing

Definitely not the goat.

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

Hi @spidey who is your shl WOAT
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2023, 05:08 PM by spidey. Edited 1 time in total.)

03-22-2023, 03:52 PMWhikadoodle Wrote: Hi @spidey who is your shl WOAT

Probably Bill, banned a few times and kept coming back as new accounts.

[Image: Ak8rQKy.png?width=675&height=375]
Sig by Lazyeye
[Image: image.png?width=600&height=300]
Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

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