[2x Draft Media] Overview of the first few players in the S70 SJHML draft
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Welcome to the quick player overview of the current prospects in the SJHML (prospects up to 14/03/2023 (Bryson Basham) has been taken into account).
So let’s start with the goalies of this draft. Like seen in the previous article about the positions per team in S70 there are 27 active goalies divided over 14 teams. With 2 goalies per team to be expected, there are 28 goalie slots. A small addition to this is that there are 2 teams with 3 goalies, which does mean there are 3 teams with a goalie slot (The Armada, The Krakens, and the Scarecrows). Incidentally there are also 3 goalies in the SJHML prospect pool so far. 1: Ally Mathieson (DGarrett32). Ally Mathieson is a new player who is from the nation of Norway. Mathieson is the most specialized goalie of the three showing a 14 in positioning, 13 in recovery, and 14 in reflexes as most impressive goalie stats, and being the highest of all the goalies in these specific stats. . The fact Mathieson is specialized does mean the stats overall is lower than the other goalies, but these can be taken up for a lower TPE cost. 2: Scary Jerry (Durden): Scary Jerry is a recreate who is from the nation of the USA. Jerry is the most non-specialized goalie of the three boasting the highest total stats, while still showing highpoints like a 12 in positioning and recovery, and having the highest Blocker (11) Glove (9), Passing (10), and Skating (10) stats it does show that Jerry’s stats are more equally divided over all aspects of the game. 3: Net Man (Hordle): Net man is a recreate who is from the nation of the USA. Man is more of a non-specialized goalie, who shows the highest mental stats of all goalies with the highest stats of all in Mental Toughness (10), and still a shared-highest 8 in Goalie Stamina. For the rest Man has the highest Poke Check (10), and Rebound (12). Other impressive stats are a 12 in Positioning, Recovery, and Reflexes Let’s go on with the right defenders. During the last article we found out that there are currently 32 right defenders in the SHJML for S70. If we assume every team wants 3 right defenders, it means that there are a total of 42 spots for right defenders. Which means there are 10 open spots, with so far 5 right defenders to be taken in the draft. 1: Jay Bryzi (JayTheGreat): Jay Bryzi is a recreate who doesn’t have an IIHF nation as of yet. In terms of being a specialized player Bryzi is currently in the middle of the pack for the right defenders. Bryzi does show great offensive stats being the player with the highest offensive stats of all the right defenders. This also shows in the fact that Bryzi’s Passing (13), Offensive Read (13), and Shooting Range (10, shared) are the highest stats amongst all right defenders. Bryzi for the rest also shows a shared highest stat in both Acceleration (12), and Agility (12) showing that Bryzi can be a explosive player on the ice, even when Bryzi is not necessarily the fastest. 2: Adelbert Steiner (ElMerchanto): Adelbert Steiner is a new player who is from the nation of Great Britain. Steiner is definitely more of an all-round player, having the 2nd highest stats of all the right defenders. Despite this Steiner still shows some impressive stats being the highest RD in Getting Open (11), Shooting Range (10, shared), and Positioning (12, shared). Showing that Steiner will be useful no matter what. 3: Mick Mayhem (Matty86): Mick Mayhem is a recreate from the nation of the USA, and currently playing in the WJC for the North American team. Definitely being the most specialized right defender of the current SJHML talent pool. With the RD really focussed on the defense. But despite this Mayhem still shows the highest Screening stat of all RD’s (10). Mayhem also shows the highest overall defensive stats of all RD, and within these defensive stats shows the highest stat in Checking (13), Hitting (13), and Stickchecking (13, shared). Looking further into the physicals Mayhem has the best Balance (13), and Strength (13) of all RD’s. On top of this Mayhem is also the best mental RD of the current talent pool boasting highest stats in both Aggression (13), and Bravery (10, shared). 4: Merle van Nistelrooy (CaesiumXenon): Merle van Nistelrooy is a new player from the nation of the USA, and is currently playing in the WJC for the Swedish team. For the rest Nistelrooy shows to be a bit of a specialized player, having the highest Puckhandling (13), Shooting Accuracy (13), Positioning (12, shared), Stickchecking (13, shared), Acceleration (12, shared), Agility (12, shared), and Speed (11). This does show that despite being more specialized than most RD’s Nistelrooy is still a versatile player in the Defensive, Offensive, and Physical game of hockey. 5: Bryson Basham (H0PPY75): Bryson Brasham is a recreate from the nation of the USA, and currently playing in the WJC for the ICE team. Brasham is the most all-round player of this RD talent pool boasting the highest overall stats. Because of this all-roundedness the player’s first best stat is Brasham’s Shot Blocking (12). This does get quickly followed up by Fighting (12), and Bravery (10), showing that Brasham doesn’t fear a lot and won’t be too out of element when the fighting starts. Onto the Left Defenders now. As shown in the previous article there are currently 28 left defenders in the SJHML for S70. If we assume each team wants 3 left defenders this means there are a total of 42 spots, this means that there are 14 open spots for S70 at this moment. Currently the SJHML talent pool contains. 5 left defenders available for the draft. 1: Furious Chicken (FuriousChicken): Furious Chicken is a new player who currently doesn’t have an IIHF nation. Currently playing for team ICE in the WJC, and having been a DFA for the Colorado Raptors. Chicken is definitely the most specialized Left Defender of this talent pool, showing the lowest amount of total stats, and the lowest amount of offensive stats. To compensate for this Chicken does have the best Defensive, and Mental stats. Having the highest stat in Checking (13), Hitting (13), Stickchecking (11), Defensive Read (13, shared), Acceleration (13), Strength (13), Aggression (9, shared), and Bravery (11). Which shows that Chicken is a nice defensive player, who you wouldn’t want to attack. 2: Bob Wehadababyitsaboy (Inf1d3l): Bob Wehadababyitsaboy is a recreate from the nation of Czechia. Being one of the more all-round LD in this talent pool. Having the highest Shot Blocking (11, shared), and Aggression (9, shared). But Wehadababyitsaboy does show to be able to play for longer in a single match than most, with having the highest stamina of all RD’s in this talent pool with 15. 3: Foggy Nelson (dac): Foggy Nelson is a new player who doesn’t have an IIHF nation as of yet. Nelson is the most all-round LD of this talent pool. Showing great promise in all different aspects of the game, with Nelson having the highest stats in Passing (13, shared), Shooting Accuracy (13, shared), Positioning (11), Shot Blocking (11, shared), Defensive Read (13, shared), Balance (13), Fighting (9), and Aggression (9, shared). Despite this all-roundedness Nelson still has the best Physical stats of all left defenders, also being the only left defender to actually be able to participate usefully in a nice fight. 4: Shnopple Lopple (Moe7171): Shnopple Lopple is a new player from the USA. Lopple is a specialized LD, but shows this specialization in the offensive stats, being the LD with the highest offensive stats and the highest stats in Screening (9), Puckhandling (13, shared), Shooting Accuracy (13, shared), Shooting Range (12), Offensive Read (14), and Speed (12, shared). This does show that Lopple can prove to be a great surprise to the opponents defensive if underestimated, despite being a defender.. 5: Bellamy Blake (RainDelay) Bellamy Blake is a recreate who currently doesn’t have an IIHF nation. Blake is pretty in-the-middle for the specialized vs all-round split (at least for the Left Defenders). Because of this being in the middle Blake is decent in every aspect in the game, and even proves to be the best Left Defender of this talent pool in Getting Open (11), Passing (13, shared), Puckhandling (13, shared), Agility (12), and Speed (12, shared). Blake is for sure useful in most squads, especially in ones looking for more offensive defenders. A small side note before going onto the offensive positions. Because of the high amount of players compared to defense it means not every player got a lot of highest stats. I tried to keep these overviews on the same level but unfortunately enough some of these are pretty small and “basic” compared to the rest. Now onto the right winger position. Currently there are 37 right wingers for S70 of the SHJML. If every team wants the expected 3 right wingers there are a total of 42 spots for right wingers. There are 5 more spots free because of teams having more than 3 right wingers (and there will for sure be more possible spots for IA’s). With the 42+5 spots free it would mean that there are 10 spots for right wingers with 12 right wingers currently in the talent pool. 1: Levin Schattenaxt (KlusteR): Levin Schattenaxt is a recreate from the nation of Switzerland. Currently Schattenaxt is playing for team ICE in the WJC, and played as a DFA for the Quebec City Citadelles winning the SJHML last season. Schattenaxt is currently the most all-round right winger of the S71 talent pool. Having the highest stats in Puckhandling (13), Positioning (13), Defensive Read (12, shared), Aggression (9, shared), and Bravery (9, shared). These last 2 also make Schattenaxt also be the shared best Mental player. 2: Thomas Liebold (Hungry Fella): Thomas Liebold is a new player from the USA. Also known as an all-round right winger, being the best defensive player of all right wingers in this talent pool. Boasting the highest stats in Checking (12, shared), Hitting (12), Shot Blocking (10), and Defensive Read (12, shared). Showing that Liebold can contribute defensively as well as offensively. 3: Just-to-Buy-My-Love (JURT): Just-to-Buy-My-Love is a recreate from Finland. Also being an all-round right winger (I promise there are specialized right wingers coming up). Having the highest Checking (12, shared), Strength (12, shared), and Bravery (9, shared). Because of these stats Love also has the shared highest physicals of all right wingers in this SJHML draft. 4: Barg Hazbite (MMFLEX): Barg Hazbite is a new player from Great Britain. Hazbite is pretty in the middle of the Specialized vs all-round playertype. Despite this Hazbite still got the best Stickchecking (13), and Agility (13). With no ability of Hazbite really being bad Hazbite is a reliably offensive right winger. 5: Theodore Svatos (HabsFanFromOntaria): Theodore Svatos is a recreate from the USA. Svatos is more on the specialized side of the specialized vs all-round competition. Svatos has the best balance of all right wingers (12), and shows great strengths in most aspects of Svatos’ physical (mainly agile) game. 6: Marko Zajc (lebrirb42): Marko Zajc is a new player who currently doesn’t belong to any IIHF nation. Zajc is a more specialized player who shows to be a great player in shooting. Having the highest shooting accuracy (13), and offensive read (15) of all right wingers Zajc shows great knowledge of where to be at the right location to use the accuracy and get the puck into the net. 7: Michael Cordero (GodJohnson): Michael Cordero is a new player from the nation of Great Britain. With Cordero being a great all-round player with one of the best braveries (9. shared) in the league. Cordero does show to be able to do every aspect of ice hockey to a decent-good level for a rookie in the SJHML, with great opportunity to get better, and be able to fit into every team’s right wing. 8: Inactive Forever (kit): Inactive Forever is a recruit from Japan. Forever is one of the bigger specialized players in this pool of Right Wingers. Having the best Acceleration (14), Balance (12, shared), and Speed (14, shared) of the league. Showing Forever to be a really explosive winger who can quickly get up to speed. 9: Erik Erikson (Beta): Erik Erikson is a new player from Norway. Erik Erikson is more of an all-round type of right winger compared to the rest of this draft pool. Despite this Erikson has the highest offensive stat, and shared highest physical stats among the right wingers. Filling this up with having the highest shooting range (12), and balance (12, shared) as his greatest assets compared to the rest of the right wing pool. 10: Matt Stro (Mattstro): Matt Stro is a new player from Great Britain. Once again a great all-round winger in this right wing pool. Stro is a real team player coming in with the best Passing (!4) attribute among right wingers. Next to passing Stro also has the best Faceoffs (11), fighting (9), Aggression and Bravery (both 9), and thus the highest mental (shared) of all right wingers. 11: Finn Weiß (TnlAstatine): Finn Weiß is a recreate from Germany. Currently Weiß is playing in the WJC for team ICE. Weiß has an Eszett in the name. What more is there to like? more seriously Weiß is a all-round winger who excels in Balance (12, shared), strength (12, shared), and Bravery (9, shared) compared to the rest of the right winger pool. 12: Nate Esjaykay (Natehh): Nate Esjaykay is a new player from Canada. Esjaykay is the most specialized player of this talent pool’s right wingers. Which also shows in Esjaykay having the highest Screening (14), Getting Open (14), Acceleration (14, shared), and Speed (14, shared) among the right wingers. Now let’s once again move over to the other side with the left wingers. With the teams seeming to have 36 left wingers for S70, and the total once again being 42 (assuming every team takes 3 left wingers) it would mean there are 6 spots left. 6 more spots open up bringing this number to 12 because of some teams having more than 3 left wingers, and ofcourse teams can still decide to drop IA’s for an active rookie. We currently have 10 left wingers in the rookie pool. 1: Andre Latreille (XxCL16xX): Andre Latreille is a new player from Canada. Being pretty in the middle of the all-round vs specialized scale for Left Wingers. Latreille is able to boast the highest Shooting Range (12, shared) stat of all the left wingers. Latreille also is pretty unique in that Latreille got the highest physical stats among all left wingers, despite not being the best in any specific physical stat. 2: Marshall Madden (Gumbaman): Marshall Madden is a recreate who currently doesn’t have an IIHF nation. Madden is more of an all-round left winger. Being able to both be offensive and defensive as a left winger, which is to be seen in Madden having the highest Defensive stats. With individually Madden also having the highest Checking (11), Hitting (11), Positioning (11, shared), and Shot Blocking (8) stats. 3: Logan Webb (spidey): Logan Webb is a recreate from Canada. Webb is a pretty specialized left winger, being specialized in shooting which is to be shown in Webb’s Getting Open (13, shared), and Shooting Accuracy (15, shared) stats being the highest in the left wing talent pool. Outside of these offensive stats Webb also has the highest Speed (15) in the left winger talent pool. 4: Filip Svatos (JustAnotherHockeyFan): Filip Svatos is a recreate who doesn’t have an IIHF nation. Svatos is once again a player who is more in the middle of the all-round vs specialized mindset. But Svatos does show to be a bit more specialized compared to many in the left wing talentpool. Svatos can boast the highest Offensive Read (14), Agility (13, shared), and Balance (13) of the left wingers. 5: Bryce Mitchell (PrinceRules): Bryce Mitchell is a new player from the USA. Mitchell is just like Svatos a player who is a bit more on the specialized side of the all-round vs specialized scale. Mitchell is a real team player with the highest Passing (13), Faceoffs (13), and Agility (13, shared) in the left winger talent pool. 6: James Supercard (Eyezer): James Supercard is a new player from Canada. Supercard is a bit more of a all-round player compared to the other left wingers in this talent pool. Having the highest Positioning (11, shared) and Fighting (7) of all left wingers, this means Supercard most likely won’t be scared to get into a little scuffle with the other left wingers in this draft. 7: Mercedes Baylé (Bayley): Mercedes Baylé is a recreate from the USA. Baylé is a bit more of a specialized player, especially showing in Baylé having the highest offensive stat, while containing the highest screening (13), Getting Open (13, shared), and Shooting Range (12, shared) of the left winger talent pool. 8: Drew Meyer (dsmeyer555): Drew Meyer is a new player from the USA. Meyer is the most all-round player among the left wingers in this talent pool. Having no big weaknesses Meyer does show to have the greatest skill among the left wingers in Stickchecking (12), Defensive Read (11), and Aggression (8). Making Meyer the best Mental player in the LW pool. 9: Royal Pizza (Tuastan6504): Royal Pizza is a new player from Canada. Being pretty in the middle of the specialized vs all-round scale, Pizza is shown to be the best among peers in Getting Open (13, shared), Stamina (16), Strength (11), and Bravery (11). Showing that Pizza is a strong person? Who isn’t afraid of getting into position where Pizza might get a knock or two. 10: Nate Gray (nategray9): Nate Gray is a new player from Canada. Gray is the most specialized player in the left wing talent pool, having the highest stat in Puckhandling (15), Shooting Accuracy (15, shared), Shooting Range (12, shared), and Acceleration (15). Meaning Gray has 3 stats on 15 while most players at this level can be happy to have 1 stat at 15. Onto the last but certainly not least role, the center. Like the other field roles there are 42 spots for centers (assuming each team takes 3). Currently there are 38 active centers for S71 which means there are 4 open spots. But there are 9 centers taken by teams that are over the 3 center expectation, meaning there are 13 spots open (with more possibly opening up with IA’s). The current draft pool had 7 centers at this point in time. 1: Oliver Castillon (_Blitz): Oliver Castillon is a recreate from France, who is currently playing in the WJC for team ICE, and has played at the end of S69 as a DFA for the Nevada Battleborn. Castillon is more of a all-round player showing great ability compared to Castillon’s peers in Getting Open (12, shared), Puckhandling (12, shared), Checking (12), Hitting (11, shared), Positioning (11), Defensive Read (12, shared), Acceleration (12), Balance (13), and Strength (12, shared). With these stats Castillon is shown to be a great all-round player, but still be the best of the best in many aspects of the game. 2: Shootin Blanks (LordBallGag): Shootin Blanks is a new player whitout a IIHF nation. Blanks is a great all-round player who is the best defensive and mental player amongst this forward class. Having the best Hitting (11, shared), Stickchecking (13), and Faceoffs (15) in this Center class. 3: Joebammmm Farf (Jayzart): Joebammmm Farf is a new player from Canada. Farf is the most all-round center player in this class so far. Also boasting the best offensive stats in this center player pool. Farf has the best Passing (13, shared), and Stamina (15, shared) stats of all centers in this player pool. 4: Dean Ventresca (deanv3040): Dean Ventresca is a new player from Canada. Ventresca is the most specialized player amongst these centers, and shows that the centers of this draft class so far aren’t that specialized. Ventresca boasts the highest screening (13), getting open (12, shared), puckhandling (12, shared), Shooting Accuracy (13), Agility (13), Speed (12, shared), and Stamina (15, shared) in the center player pool. Showing to also be the best physical player amongst the centers. 5: Thomas Sawschuk (Nokazoa): Thomas Sawschuk is a recreate from Canada. Sawschuk is a great all-round player. Having stand-out stats in Passing (13, shared), and Puckhandling (12, shared). Sawschuk with these stats can be a real asset on the ice in keeping the puckl in the team. 6: Larry Johnson The 3rd (Larry Johnson The 3rd): Larry Johnson The 3rd is a new player from Canada. Johnson is a for center specialized player. Boasting a high offensive stat with the biggest asset of Johnson being the ability to Get open (12, shared), Defensive Read (12, shared), Speed (12), Strength (12, shared), Fighting (12), Aggression (11), and Bravery (12). These stats make Johnson the best fighter among centers, and the best Mental player amongst centers. 7: Dominik Winters (39alaska39): Dominik Winters is a recreate from Czechia. Winters is for centers pretty in the middle of the specialized vs all-round scale. Showing great ability in Shooting Range (10), Offensive Read (15), Shot Blocking (10), and Strength (12, shared). Once again sorry for all created players after these first few. It would honestly be too much for me to create a full overview on every single draft player for the upcoming draft even with these small pieces of text. (3623 Words) ![]() Registered S8, S9 Challenge Cup Champion ![]() SHL GM Professor of Baldeconomics
Fantastic write up my man
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